- Nov 20, 2016
- 222
- 232
I've been reading the thread and I would like to share a little of my opinion too. I will not tag people because there are already some people talking about.
So, yes, even with all the hype I know that this is not their original business and this for sure means something. They are adventure themselves into a new niche and with this several could happen. But, we don't know what is happening in the backstage. They can, or cannot, have a huge planning, with all the details, chances to fail, chances to win, difficult and so on and so for. So we need to have a little faith. All this is not uncommon. This is actually what happen with all sorts of startups in real life. They have their huge planning and they go after some support, some investor, a bank for a loan. They analyze the risk and back up the project. What I'm trying to say is that risks can be taken anywhere. Their project on Kickstarter is a way for them to reach their goal as much as a Ice-cream shop when they go to a bank for a loan.
It is not their original business, but they seems to have commitment. They are doing their movies for quite a while now and they decided to move forward, because they sure now that by only staying on the movie business they probably wouldn't go so far as they can go with a video game. They are exploring new things? Yes. It is difficult? Fuck , a lot. But this is something is need to be done to grow. You see, I read once that Nintendo started producing cards. I know that it was a long long time ago, and a hole other thing, but the point is that you can change. The problem, and is what people are concerned, is that if this flop, if the game don't reach the expectations, they will say that was a lot of money wasted. What I really try not to think about because there are developer on Patreon that are reaching, Idk, 30 to 50k monthly, or each update, and in the long term it would be more expensive than this Kickstarter campaign. But you now what? People are happy, enjoying their games, they want to help the developers, they don't want to know how much the developers are being paid. And I think one way or another this game will be launched, it will make people happy, other not so much, and I really think they will put a strong effort to make the game be good.
Another topic is about their skills to do a good game. They really need to pay attention on this. Even this being a "porn game", they still need to grab people's attention to be able to make the difference, to have people buy the game not only to watch, but for enjoy playing. Otherwise, they will have a bad time fighting against piracy, both from the game and from the full movies that will be released on Pornhub. So, if they do a good game, people will buy it either for play for real, even if they had watch the videos, or to support the developers hoping they continue in their business, that they will do more. But for all this to happen they need to work on those skills. The new developers mus be worth the money invested. They even have a build of the game already, so I think they have been planning this for a while.
About their skills with movie making. I really their movies are very well made. The VA, the composition, animations, even the story in some they had the time to work about, in others just don't have, but I'm not complaining at all (Bioshag Trinity is still one of my favorites). Sure, they have some pretty fuck up stuff, and you can see they are trying to work around this at least in the game, otherwise they couldn't lunch it. And after all this, they are sill trying to improve. They are changing their main engine. During the interview you can hear Mr. Kristoff talking how difficult have been work with the same engine for years, and even so they improved a lot since the first movie. Just take a moment to compare. All the movies were made with the same engine, but those last one are very over the top. Imagine now they moving for something better. They will have their difficult, but they are trying to change to improve. This is actually what all this is about, they are trying to change everything to improve, get better, survival on this business for a long time, and get more rich in the process =).
So, I think everything is about to have take risks and have faith. Really there is no other thing we can do other than this. And I don't think there is other thing they can do either. Think about. Is not that easy to them to bring all this money with their own income. And find a publisher, a company, that wants to back their project? With all this taboo about porn games? No way this is a easy achievement. The only option left is to seek help on the community. And think about it. If everything goes well, perhaps in the future this taboo can be surpass.
I don't know if I talked about everything I wanted. It took a while to finish this and I probably forget the rest. XD
So, yes, even with all the hype I know that this is not their original business and this for sure means something. They are adventure themselves into a new niche and with this several could happen. But, we don't know what is happening in the backstage. They can, or cannot, have a huge planning, with all the details, chances to fail, chances to win, difficult and so on and so for. So we need to have a little faith. All this is not uncommon. This is actually what happen with all sorts of startups in real life. They have their huge planning and they go after some support, some investor, a bank for a loan. They analyze the risk and back up the project. What I'm trying to say is that risks can be taken anywhere. Their project on Kickstarter is a way for them to reach their goal as much as a Ice-cream shop when they go to a bank for a loan.
It is not their original business, but they seems to have commitment. They are doing their movies for quite a while now and they decided to move forward, because they sure now that by only staying on the movie business they probably wouldn't go so far as they can go with a video game. They are exploring new things? Yes. It is difficult? Fuck , a lot. But this is something is need to be done to grow. You see, I read once that Nintendo started producing cards. I know that it was a long long time ago, and a hole other thing, but the point is that you can change. The problem, and is what people are concerned, is that if this flop, if the game don't reach the expectations, they will say that was a lot of money wasted. What I really try not to think about because there are developer on Patreon that are reaching, Idk, 30 to 50k monthly, or each update, and in the long term it would be more expensive than this Kickstarter campaign. But you now what? People are happy, enjoying their games, they want to help the developers, they don't want to know how much the developers are being paid. And I think one way or another this game will be launched, it will make people happy, other not so much, and I really think they will put a strong effort to make the game be good.
Another topic is about their skills to do a good game. They really need to pay attention on this. Even this being a "porn game", they still need to grab people's attention to be able to make the difference, to have people buy the game not only to watch, but for enjoy playing. Otherwise, they will have a bad time fighting against piracy, both from the game and from the full movies that will be released on Pornhub. So, if they do a good game, people will buy it either for play for real, even if they had watch the videos, or to support the developers hoping they continue in their business, that they will do more. But for all this to happen they need to work on those skills. The new developers mus be worth the money invested. They even have a build of the game already, so I think they have been planning this for a while.
About their skills with movie making. I really their movies are very well made. The VA, the composition, animations, even the story in some they had the time to work about, in others just don't have, but I'm not complaining at all (Bioshag Trinity is still one of my favorites). Sure, they have some pretty fuck up stuff, and you can see they are trying to work around this at least in the game, otherwise they couldn't lunch it. And after all this, they are sill trying to improve. They are changing their main engine. During the interview you can hear Mr. Kristoff talking how difficult have been work with the same engine for years, and even so they improved a lot since the first movie. Just take a moment to compare. All the movies were made with the same engine, but those last one are very over the top. Imagine now they moving for something better. They will have their difficult, but they are trying to change to improve. This is actually what all this is about, they are trying to change everything to improve, get better, survival on this business for a long time, and get more rich in the process =).
So, I think everything is about to have take risks and have faith. Really there is no other thing we can do other than this. And I don't think there is other thing they can do either. Think about. Is not that easy to them to bring all this money with their own income. And find a publisher, a company, that wants to back their project? With all this taboo about porn games? No way this is a easy achievement. The only option left is to seek help on the community. And think about it. If everything goes well, perhaps in the future this taboo can be surpass.
I don't know if I talked about everything I wanted. It took a while to finish this and I probably forget the rest. XD