Ren'Py - Succubus Advent: The Ethereal Collapse [v0.12d1] [AdrihelDev]

  1. 5.00 star(s)

    Macchie Solari

    Is the perfect succubus game . Succubus Advent is an unforgettable dark fantasy experience that perfectly blends action, horror, and seduction. You play as a warrior who finds himself trapped in a nightmarish world ruled by beautiful yet merciless succubi. These creatures don’t just want to kill you—they want to drain every ounce of your life force through deadly pleasure.
  2. 5.00 star(s)



    This VN RPG Adventure is a special gem.

    The buildup / story feels so whole, until the end of the prologue its just some nice life on a remote island with its inhabitants and your own little family until it all chances ( no really the setup of the story is really well made)

    The quality put into this game is really astounding.
    When you read the text that has couple of grammar mistakes, it shows you that this is the work of a guy like you and me and yet the whole experience is so breathtaking.

    Usually im not really a fan of VNs unless i really dig whatever is happening, but here it is one of the few where i can stand behind the story.
    Really. You have this beautiful sister who's all nice to you cooking you stuff and trying to applease you while you live on that lonely boring island.
    Then you learn about magic in this world and shortly after your world gets invaded.
    I know sounds kinda forced and fast paced, but in fact its quite the opposite, you play on that island the first lets say good 40-80min, its a really calm paced entry to the world with chat options that make you feel like you're playing a game and what you do matters to the story.

    Then there are RPG elements, limited hp, items, levels, a skilltree and useable items you gotta kill multiple enemys to progress your levels and get better weapons but it doesn't take too long and i really enjoy this element in games in general.
    The game doesn't throw tens of tens characters at you, instead it goes for quality in the characters and that makes a post apocalyptic scenario in which you feel just home (or at least not home enough so you wanna get back to the people you know)

    So far i've only seen one sex scene, and it ended with a gameover but damn.
    The Quality again, incredible, visually appealing, textually engaging.
    I really wanna recommend this game to anyone who has some time on their hands to explore this world.

    So here tldr points:
    + story
    + visuals
    + native english
    + gameplay
    + sexscenes and girls in general

    - some grammar mistakes, which add to the charm mostly

    verdict: go play it, don't skip thro the story, unless you just want the sex scenes, they're good enough i suppose

    hoping to play more of this as i have only played for maybe 4-5 hours but so far the experience is outstanding which is why i wrote this\

    thought i'd add the fact that you don't know weather you live or die during... i should say for the one scene i saw you didn't know weather you die or live throughout which made it more interesting to finish watching and try your options.
    normally its easy to just close game when you (the player) finished what he came for, here the game has some great potential to keep you around.

    if you remind me i'll update this after i have played it some more
  3. 1.00 star(s)


    Game's currently rated 4½ stars. That can't be right for something so undeveloped and grindy.

    You could spend many hours just reading the text and grinding the generic enemies. None of that is erotic or interesting. You're better off clicking skip and enabling the god mode, which is annoyingly hidden in the options menu (scroll down).
    No, there's no succubuses enemies who drain your mana/levels/health as part of gameplay, you just shoot your bow repeatedly. I managed to find 3 erotic events (theres maybe 1 more that I couldnt find) , all of them lead to my instant death... which I understand is some people's kink, but to me there's no part of getting killed thats tempting.
    Only really good thing I can say about the game is it looks very nice, and the few scenes that are in the game, while they're a self-destructive choices that are disjointed from the gamplay, they LOOK great.

    Can't recommend this is its current form. But I do hope the dev continues improving the game. With more erotic events and less tedious grind it could be something special.
  4. 3.00 star(s)

    Karl Speidel

    ATTENTION: This is only a provisional review destined for the alpha/EA version,will release a new one when the game is complete,the review takes into account that its barely started. Take it as such!

    Pleasantly decent for a game that uses AI graphics,gotta say that the story isnt exactly great nor bad but its not very developed ATM so we cant know for sure how its going to continue,feels grindy and empty but will take this for now as a consequence of it being alpha,story feels rushed and not too consolidated at many times,too many things are far fetched or out of nowhere,characters are so far very generic from the protag to the arrogant succubi who view humans as barbarians and food. Music is ok-ish.

    RECOMANDATIONS (for the dev):

    -I understand he just started and makes art with AI bc hes not very good,If he were to eliminate this sorry excuse then I guarantee the reception of his game will sky-rocket,AI art also doesnt portray things too accurate and feels out of place.

    I like how se scenes,succubi and energy drain are handled but cant help but wonder if its just copy and paste from Succubus covenant.

    -Makes characters unique,especially the protag,from so many games both p-games and non p,I cant say that the protag stands out at all,the generic protag with nothing to say he is his own person,replace him with any from any other game and you get the same. Also cliche "2 kids grow up,unrelated but still act like siblings)

    -Develop more the story and hit the brakes,things happen too quickly and not enough world-building.

    -combat right now is grindy and feels tedious like a wall to further content,not an part of the game,hopefully it will be fixed.

    -music is ok-ish but could use more varied and better tracks,important to make them fit the area or story segment they represent.

    -better item and skill managment system.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    First off i wanna say i know AI can be a tough subject and an impossible pill for someone to swallow as its often associated with people taking the lazy/easy way out by using it. Boy oh boy does this game prove the exact opposite of that....

    This review is gonna be based on me playing Chapter 1 of the game, to start off i wanna say I am a HUGE fan of succubi, femdom, energy drain kink. There are not that many games that fill these kinks, even less so ones i would consider good/great, this game is shaping up to be one of the best.

    Its very easy to see how much effort is actually going into the game so i am gonna list all the pros and cons i have personally found with the game so far. Needless to say this will include some spoilers, you are warned.

    • The game has great character design, the succubi all look very appealing visually as well as having distinct personalities and i hope this trend continues as more are introduced.
    • The animation is pretty good but is also very much emphasized with the cool glow effect with all the colors and sound.
    • The mannerisms are what particularly caught my attention, during many interactions and in particular during sex scenes the characters would move their eyes around, their tongues, their mouths would form smirks and grins, they would basically act and react in accordance with whats happening in the scene, which adds immersion.
    • The story so far is nothing super original but it still immediately hooks you in and a lot of the work is done by the interesting characters and the interactions the MC has with them. I look forward to exploring more of the background, especially on the succubi society, how they function, what does their society normally look like, all the rulers and subjects.
    • The exploration is nice the combat while not my thing can be basically rendered irrelevant by the dev being smart enough and knowing some people just wanna follow the story and get to the good part, so the game has a God mode you can turn on where basically you cant lose an encounter, seriously thank you for that.
    • The game gives you a useful tip at the start where you can pick what is basically a walk through on the scenes by choosing how the text appears which goes from it appearing no different than anything else to being a different color as well as how it could end, this is great for people that dont want to accidently avoid a scene and also great for those that dont want to get spoiled on a potential encounter.
    • The only negative thing i can say about the game and this is really a nitpick but it could turn out to be more of a problem in the future is the dev does a nice thing by giving different characters different color text which works for the most part but with some characters it makes it harder to read like the scene with Vilnera whose text appears to be dark purple and blends in a lot with the background so isnt as easy to read as Azielas scene whose text is bright blue.
    Thats pretty much it so far, this is honestly a 10/10 game for me, not a perfect game but as close to what I want a perfect game with succubi, femdom and energy drain to look like. Basically if you are like me this game was made for you. I wish the developer all the best and good luck on his project, looking forward to many more chapters and many more gorgous succubi that are gonna take my breathe away, literally.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    "This will make a fine addition to my collection" It looks very good so far my only gripe is the use of ai so i hope if they ever get enough money they will ditch using it otherwise i love it just like Succubus Prison Succubus Covenant Succubus Academia and Situation Succ: Inn Elysium but i especially love the way they do energy drain and hope to see more of it :3
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    Great scenes thus far on (written as of P.003), looking forward to more! The art may be AI but it's considerably better than I expected still.

    Combat is okay-ish, somewhat standard RPG but it's so far pretty easy to understand/grasp without a tutorial (I hope they keep it this way), and lets you animation skip which is nice.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    Excellent start to a femdom/energy drain, succubus themed game. Uses AICG, but they're well made and augmented with additional VFX so they look nice. Great SFX /ambience. Interesting lore/story hook with personal connections to the MC. Nice combat system, but remains to be seen how it develops. Energy drain scenes in the prologue are superbly done, making me very optimistic for future content. About an hour of content so far if you read and explore branches, give it a try!