Compared to a lot of other games on this site, especially RPGs, this is one of the better ones, mostly by virtue of being 'complete'. It's also done by someone who at least understands English. There's some broken idioms here and there, plus the occasional weird sentence structure and odd use of grammar, that make me think the author is an ESL but the English is still better than what you'll read in 99% of the games on F95.
Ignoring other games and just judging Succulence by itself, however, I find it to be mediocre / middling. The leading problem for me is that a lot of the content just goes nowhere. For example, take the priest you meet in the Ahn. His content begins with him hiring you to investigate the cellar of the church; it's pitch black down there so there's a lot of 'accidental' groping. After that there's a few groping events you do with him. Then the grand finale is... him masturbating. That's it. No real sexual content.
For another example, look at Bruce. He's one of the earliest named male NPCs to be introduced. He's a co-worker with an obvious crush on our heroine, Serena. You can go out drinking with him after work, which even has its own mini game. His content eventually culminates with... a handjob. A lot of content is like this, unfortunately. Many of the event chains in the game feel unfinished or otherwise disappointing.
Don't get me wrong, there is sex in the game. You'll have to hunt for it and unless you take a gander at the recollection room you'll never have any idea if the content for a NPC you've taken an interest in or an event chain actually goes anywhere interesting. When the game does have actual sex in it... it's kinda disappointing. It's the bog standard few lines of dialogue: "Ah, your dick is so big!" "Your pussy is so tight!" "I'm cumming!" "I'm cumming too!" and that's pretty much it for the scene.
Another problem is the pacing. The prologue alone is around 90ish minutes, depending on how thorough you are and how much you explore. Then imagine spending another hour going through the video game club's content only to find... yep, it goes nowhere. Even the content that does, at the very last second, have a sex scene in it (like the art club) leaves you with a feeling of having wasted your time.
Lastly for the writing there's the main protagonist herself, Serena. She's not some naive girl who gets tricked into sex easily, which is a plus, but on the downside her level of intelligence, backbone, and how much of a prude she is fluctuates with whatever a scene needs. There's no real gradient of corruption with Serena. A lot of it is ability based, which you unlock as you level up. Which means she goes from not wanting to have sex with people to dragging random strangers into alleys to fuck them because you unlocked the 'Lust Frenzy' ability that allows her to do so. Overall I was mostly ambivalent towards Serena: she's not a very interesting character but she also isn't the typical "what iz a penis???" female character you find in porn games.
As for the graphics, they're dated but fine. The developer made a great model for Serena: she's curvy but well proportioned, her waist isn't an inch wide and while she has big boobs they aren't cartoonish looking balloons. There's some animations but they're primitive, though I don't really care much about animations, so they didn't really bother me any. The images are all pretty well made, attractive, and generally give you a clear shot of the action.
Finally, there's the gameplay. Eventually in the prologue you'll gain the ability to travel to a fantasy world. It's there that the main plot plays out and it does so by you exploring ruins, which means fighting a lot of enemies. It has one somewhat unique system wherein if you stay in the shadows you can one-shot enemies... but you won't gain any experience that way. Once you do get into combat it's your usual RPG Maker stuff, though for me it felt extra slow because enemies seemed to evade a lot.
Outside of combat there's not much to talk about in terms of gameplay. The only noteworthy feature is that Serena has a lot of different clothes to wear and most scenes will actually respect what she's wearing and they'll show up on the images. On the other hand, though, you'll find scenes that require a certain costume and instead of just automatically changing in to it for the scene you will instead have to backtrack and find a closet to change her outfit if you don't have the correct one on, which gets very tedious. I will say that I find the maps to be well made -- they're all just big enough so that they feel like 'real' places within the game, are well structured, and have a nice amount of clutter.
To wrap up this rambling mess, overall I was disappointed with Succulence. The graphics are nice and the gameplay is your typical hentai RPG Maker fare, which is good enough for me. What lets the game down for me, however, is the writing. If you're someone who likes costume play, teasing, and voyeurism you'll probably really enjoy this game. I am not one of those people. If I'm going to be spending hours reading through text as I go through event chains and talk with NPCs I want it to actually lead somewhere... unfortunately in Succulence a lot of the content just sorta stops.