If you're wondering why this game won't let you save, so was I. Here's the fix:
View attachment Map009.zip
To restore save functionality, put this replacement "Map009.json" file into:
Sugoroku NTR/www/data
If you're in the right place, you should see the other map files in that folder (hint: they all have "map" in their name),
and it should ask you if you're sure about replacing the existing file.
Note that the attached file is a zip! Remember to unzip the file, since I can't post .json map files directly on F95.
Literally all I did was delete the "Change Save Access: Disable" line from an event at the start of the game.
I don't foresee this causing any catastrophic errors, but I haven't fully tested it yet.
If you're worried about it, then just make a copy of the existing "Map009.json" file elsewhere before replacing it.
EDIT: Alternatively, there is a book on the left at the start of the game where you can save between playthroughs ... which I only noticed
now, after going through the trouble of doing this.