VN - Unity - Completed - Sumata Café [v3.4 Public] [mosbles]

  1. 2.00 star(s)


    For a glorified scene viewer, it really doesn't want you to just sit back and enjoy. It constantly forces you to select entirely meaningless, and often obnoxiously juvenile, """"choices"""" for your own dialogue. Emphasis on that because it's a single box of you just moaning the character's name like a mindlessly shrieking gibbon. It serves literally no purpose other than to force another hand to touch your mouse or keyboard for zero reason at all. An astoundingly confounding design choice.

    The MCs facial expressions are also so comedic at times that it rips me straight out of the mood. The writing is, at large, rather lacking. I teeter between calling it 'quite bad' or simply 'average' for what is found on this site. It's incessantly juvenile, frequently non descript, and far too repetitive in its nature. If you're thrusting into some thighs, the game will say 'you thrust into the thighs' at least 10 times.

    Game fills a neat niche, but fumbles in the most basic of areas. An awful experience for something so simple and hard to mess up paired with writing that makes ChaptGPT look erotic by default culminates in a rather lackluster experience.
  2. 4.00 star(s)

    Noah Neim

    A multi fictional fan service game that many have tried before but utterly failed at making, but certaintly not this one

    It should definitely be taken into consideration by anyone who wants to make a game like this, though i'd advise against it because it can fail so miserably by the slightest mistake

    But what are the things that make this one work?
    First, i'd say it's that the characters are actually in character, altough the premise of the game is that they're supposed to be horny, they still stick to their character, and sometimes utilzie their unique quirks to make a unique experience (Like sakuya time stop milking you)
    Then, it's the art, it's very refined and appealing to the eyess, compared to other attempts at games like this, which end up with shit art or just koikatsu models.

    Now onto the negative
    Wish there was maledom content, though knowing mosbles, it's highly fucking unlikely
    Next is just the selection of girls, i'm not that big of a fan of any of the franchises so it doesnt hit me like it should
    And of course, like im sure anyone is thinking, no sex, absolutely the worst thing about this game, sumata content is good, but fuck, i have to FUCK. A porn game dev that edges an entire fucking community for seemingly no reason, and it just pisses me off

    Still not enough to call this a bad game, i guess it's a matter of preference.

    overall, recommended experience if you're a fan of any of the franchises the girls come from
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    I regret not trying this earlier, it's really really simple but effective. Others called it a scene viewer and that's basically true, so you may not consider this technically a "game". I'd still recommend it especially for the gentle femdom side in the royale mode but it's really a thing on it's own and others already spoiled the little "story" it has. I don't mind the static images, some more variety would have been great but the writing makes up for it since the different personalities do affect the text and the girls' manners of speech. I'm only giving it 5 stars because it delivers it's unique aspect, won't be my favorite game but it's really good to see something that lives up to what it's trying to do.
  4. 5.00 star(s)

    Obi Wanks Kenobi

    i love thighjobs and this game is all about THIGHJOBS.. it's amazing. Wish there was more games like this... fantastic dialogues, amazing attention to details, very arousing.. i could only wish there was more girls with THICK THIGHS.... and also more outfits - especially secretary outfits - like short skirts, high heels and PANTYHOSE!!! keep up the amazing work!!!
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    Loved this game, I got it for one or two characters I did know, stayed for a bunch I didn't. Seems to have a bit of everything (personality wise), so i was glad to get my fill of kind and teasing (rise being my personal favourite).

    There may only be still images, but a well drawn still image with the sound effects in this are a thousand times better then a poorly made animation, and because the sounds are good and give a changing ryhtym to 'follow along' to, I prefer it even over most good animation.

    The writing is good, and makes it actually feel like someone teasing you, pleasing you or whatever it is that they are supposedly doing.

    I'm also happy it wasn't restricted to *just* thigh jobs, even if they are a large majority, and if it gets updated more would not complain about seeing more of other types of outercourse.
  6. 5.00 star(s)

    Kaiser Crab

    Both the artwork and the writing are so good and faithful to the originals that it legit looks like canon stuff. That Junko story arc is a thing of beauty. It even features all of her personalities, executed flawlessly.

    Reception girl needs a story arc ASAP.
  7. 4.00 star(s)

    Young Shacho The GOAT

    Good for what it is. The art is all static images with slight variations beteen stages, but it's all very good and the characters look pretty source accurate, which is an impressive feat given the variety of characters portrayed here. I also found the writing to be pretty good. Characters seem portrayed accurately in their voices, and their dialogue can be pretty hot.

    I think there are two rather important things to note before diving into this game, however. As advertised and in case you missed it, the game only features outercourse (handjobs, thighjobs, boobjobs, etc.), so there's no penetration. Don't go whining at the dev for this; it's a deliberate decision. That'd be like whining at a puzzle game dev for making, well, a puzzle game. Plus, there's still plenty of sexiness to be found in these scenes (even if some stuff I'll mention in a bit was a major turn off for me personally). The stocking thighjob from Yoshizawa, in particular, was a favorite of mine. This game certainly focuses on an interesting niche, but it does it well.

    The second thing (and what I wish I had known beforehand) is that this game is definitely more for the masochists/subs. I haven't tried all the characters, but I did play with roughly half of them, and you are never really in a dominant (or even equal, I'd argue) position with them. Every girl seems to top you in some way, even the "gentler" ones. This is compounded upon by the fact that your avatar is essentially a drooling, hump-hungry monkey that will emasculate and make a fool out of himself at the drop of a hat if it means a girl will even look at his dick. For instance, the succubus girl refers to him as Mr. Cow and gets him to moo like an idiot like he's in an episode of Bible Black. Some people probably won't mind this type of treatment towards them/their character (again, probably masochists), but for people like me who enjoy being on top or at least on "equal footing", this game might not be for you.

    As for the extent of "gameplay" and "content", there's really not much to say. You basically pick a girl, watch a scene, and then return to the main menu to pick a new girl and watch her scene. There are sometimes two different costumes you can pick from when choosing a girl that may alter the scene you get with her (idk, I didn't try it), and there's also a "marathon mode" where you try to last as long as you can through a timed gauntlet of girls before hitting the nut button on whatever scene you splooged to.

    But that's about it. No real overarching story, no puzzles or fighting, etc. It's a sceneviewer, but it does it well. As long as you're fine with sex scenes featuring no penetration and with your brain dead, bafoonish avatar being stepped on and insulted by damn near every girl, give this one a go. While it's not exactly for me, I think it does what it sets out to do rather well and fills a peculiar, but still fairly sexy, niche.
  8. 3.00 star(s)


    Mostly just giving it 3 stars for the great art and being a thigh/buttjob enjoyer as I have several issues with this.

    There really isn't anything of substance here, you simply pick a character and go through some dialogue then see the scene. There's no story, there's no character development, there's no gameplay, it's basically just a gallery with extra steps.

    Many of the scenes take WAAAAAAY too long. I do not want to click through pointless sex dialogue for 10 minutes to finish a scene after my character cums 30 times. There is no option to skip through dialogue or quickly end a scene which is desperately needed.

    A lot of the scenes you are not able to see the full image and must scroll up and down. I would much rather just be able to see the whole thing by zooming out instead of being forced to be zoomed in on her face or her thighs.
  9. 1.00 star(s)



    Totally overated game, in which u choose a girl and show an image with a conversation for several minutes with minor variations of the image, ur only choices are select your name, the girl, and one of 3 clothes, but the scene its the same always for each girl.

    The Jerk Of Instructions part (royal mode) its just the same image but the dialogues change sligtly and u decide when the picture will have ur cum or move to another girl.

    i was thinking if its 1 or 2 stars, but after so long period of development this game its not poor its just terrible and doesnt have much content.
  10. 4.00 star(s)


    the only thing that could make this better is if it was voiced, other than that its the best thing I've ever seen. The variety in "personalities" of the girls is top tier and the sumata royale mode really brings this game to the next level.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    Really loved this game, it's the best I've played for a long time. Excelellent art and effects. Looking forward to more content soon. If I were to suggest anything I'd say it could really use some blowjobs to spice things up while keeping coherent with the theme. 5 stars.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    Sumata Café greatest strength is its straightforwardness. The best way to describe it would be an anthology of interactive doujinshi.

    Simply put you, the player, are visiting a brothel. Thus, every dialogue is aimed at building up anticipation before the act. No useless gameplay, no useless RPG element, no dating sim shenanigans, etc. It does not waste your time.

    The H-scenes are great. You get uncensored quality hentai that has nothing to be ashamed of when compared to Japanese art. Its focus on outercourse and rule 34 makes it fairly unique among other games.

    It does have its flaws. A major flow is unequal interactivity from waifu to waifu. Also, while each waifu can have a different costume that does have some impact during outercourse, it is regrettable that they do not have different positions. There are exceptions and here you have inequality again.
    This is a bit of a shame but what is already there is good. The fact that the game's flaws are ommissions rather than bad additions is rare enough that it needs to be clearly stated.

    Overall it is a good game. It is a short experience but one that you will end up coming back to.


    (also pls consider writing CAFÉ instead of CAFE. Or even better Café.)
  13. 4.00 star(s)


    A fantastic experience for all those leg lovers out there! A well scripted, full of eroticism and tension with nice and simple 2D art and some background sounds (sadly no voice over) erotic experience for every outercourse enthusiast. It's more of a scene unlocker than a game and therefore a rather one-time-experience but what an experience it is! It fills a massive niche of legjobs, thighjobs, intercrural sex, sumata and cumming all over womens legs in many different positions and i just looved it. A must have for all those thigh-lovers. All those frotteurs and clothed sex fetishist will also be satisfied (if you get off on rubbing your dick on girls - then this one's definitely for you.) You won't find another game here that's so unique and erotic at the same time.
    It's really fantastic piece of erotic art that makes your blood pumping, a true gem on this site, and i could only wish there were more adult-works like this. It's not perfect: there are 15 girls to chose from but almost all look the same. Since all girls are petite, lolita-type skinny, chubby and MILF lovers won't be as much satisfied as they should (thick thighs makes the dick rise.) There's also an amazing option of chosing an outfit (for some girls) - sadly most outfits are very similar (schoolgirl or Sailor Moon type which is just too fantasy to be true) and there's little variety (no sexy secretary in short skirt, high heels and pantyhose or teachers, maids.) I's also a pity that every girl has only one scene, consisting only of one position (1 girl = 1 scene = 1 static sex still, no animations and 2 or 3 girls share the same sex position, so in reality 15 girls but only 4 or 5 unique sex positions) giving you rather a repetitive experience or leaving to much to imagination. More variety in girls body types, uniforms and position selection would make a huge difference. Even though all girls look identically and are clothed similarly, all have distinguished and different personalities (nice, mean, dominating etc.) A very good adult game for anime enthusiasts that could and should be expanded. :p
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    Thighjobs are nice, the artstyles are also neat and charming, the dialogue between characters are good too. Character selection isn't ideal for me but they are still made-into-the-game greatly nonetheless.
  15. 4.00 star(s)


    Great art, excellent writing with a ton of character, fun premise. Outercourse only can be a little repetitive, but rather than telling the creator to change the premise I'd tell them to add some variety. Stuff like the Shadow Rise scene is a good start, but some maledom type stuff could really spice things up. Or perhaps some scenes where you more 'earn' the femdom, like trying to push for penetration and the girl turns the tables on you. That sort of thing.

    That and some minor art reuse are my only real concerns, though. Excellent stuff, and I'll look forward to more.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    Great game that gets right to the point. Fun premise with really well written dialogue that knows how to be funny and erotic as hell. The artstyle is the right kind of cute hot, and the poses, while limited, are still extremely good. Not only that, but that subtle use of SFX matched with the pacing of a given scene make it a great experience. Super excited to see more come out of this.

    Also, fantastic tastes in waifus. Hilda, Morrigan, Aqua, and Rise fuckin Kujikawa LET'S GO
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    I really can't help but appreciate the passion for a niche like this that the game shows. The art is pretty great; I think that up to now it's done a pretty good job with the characters being displayed. There's a certain level of detail being given towards the sound design of the game, especially the lewd parts of it. While the writing tends to need some work, it feels like it's improving as time goes on, currently feeling pretty satisfying based on the dev's intentions.
  18. 4.00 star(s)


    Outercourse only gets boring quickly, unless there are more than one scene per character, which I dunno if there'll be. Also I am indeed biased since I hate femdom, but at least the art is marvelous. I think there are many things that would make the game better, but this is the author's vision so nevermind that.