The 1★ Dude

Well-Known Member
Jun 26, 2018
To be perfectly honest I do not know yet whether I will ever finish this game since there are options that I cannot do justice since they are out of my personal preferences.
Then dont create a game you cannot finish -.- One more abandoned game. Pass.
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The Dark Side loves Da Booty + Naughty OoOooo
Game Developer
Sep 20, 2017
Then dont create a game you cannot finish -.- One more abandoned game. Pass.
why you post this like im the one who said it lol, look blauz just posted this game and i can't mark it as abandon not until 3 months is up.
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New Member
Dec 1, 2017
My main gripe with all of Blauz his games isnt the fact they are always unfinished. It's the engrish, incomprehensible plot lines and archaic notions like the whole "your a slut if you have sex before marriage" and "Man wont marry a non-virgin, so she becomes a whore"

In all honesty it seems the writer is either a rather strictly religous person (no offense meant to anny religion or religous person, i promise) or is a admirer of almost medieval values. Either way it seems to hinder and impact the writing so it looks like something written in the 50s.
This is such a massive problem in the TF games community that it's kinda why I occasionally keep coming back to them despite it not being my kink.

They just make me so very angry I can't still still and start yelling at my computer screen. I mean I never post anything about this to them so I don't pollute with my rage. It's just nice to feel something strongly sometimes.
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Dec 10, 2017
He also seems to think or have a fetish for any woman who has sex ever gets knocked up and has to deal with it.


Jun 7, 2019
Hi folks! This was fun to read.
I think certain posts really need no comment.
I do not mind what two consenting adults do in private (unless I am one of them). The current world population seems to hint at the procreative aspect of sex, but contraceptions offer protection in 90 - 99,9% of uses, varying by method of contrapection.
That nonewithstanding getting knocked up is something that can be kinky, whether the mom to be wanted to get preggers or not.
One of my many complete games has absolutelty no sex, pregnancy or nudity, btw.
That said: those who write that I never finish a game, that I do not know English and cannot write obvioulsy feel the need to do so.
Much negative feedback is perfectly true, especially regarding typos. Other details are plain wrong. Obviously wrong.
If it helps you to write such posts, pleasse do so. Sometimes a little help is better than nothing.
Have fun!
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Well-Known Member
Jun 24, 2017
And another thing is, over in TFgames, most of the times anyone dares to offer criticism the reaction is childlike to the extreme, kinda akin to "nyuck nyuck, I covered my ears, can't hear you". I mean, fair enough, you wanna write in one specific way, good for you, but not everyone that has offered the dev such a criticism was being malicious or something.
Yeah Blauz routinely takes even the most mild criticism as some sort of grievous personal attack
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New Member
Apr 21, 2017
To be fair, the whole corner of porn games is similar to this.
Most often it's "It's free and someone put work in, so how dare you?"
Very much agreed, but from the moment you choose to go public with anything, a thought, a belief or (in this case) a game, you automatically open yourself up to criticism. It's up to you to ignore the non-constructive comments and take the constructive ones and run with them, maybe becoming better in the process.

Now if someone wants to ignore constructive criticism as well, then again cool, but labeling ALL criticism as non-constructive and malicious and some sort of personal attack is imho wrong and at the very least childish. I've seen that happen on several posts where criticism was offered in a civilized manner (long time lurker here), and even if the dev doesn't want to heed these comments, I'm sure they can at least ignore them instead of going all drama queen.

Or, in the case of the post in this thread, passive aggressive af.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2019
This IS a game . . . Right ?:unsure:

I mean, a game usually has choices, that YOU make !

This plays more like a VN, where you get very few choices, if any, and the "author" directs it where they want it to go.

This has the "look" of a game, where you have a "result-panel" on the right side, showing how, YOUR choices, affect your character's personality/gender, towards the outcome.

Unfortunately, many of the "changes" ,(shown as "results", on right-side-panel) are happening, without you, making a choice !

It started off good, giving you some choices, and then, things happen, and you get no choices to pick from, but the numbers on the "result-panel" change !o_O

Now, I'm not sure if I even want to continue. Starts as a game, now slowly becoming a VN.

Calling it a game , when it "plays" like a VN (very little/if any, choices) is wrong tagging, and misleading ! (n)


Jun 7, 2019
I personally think that the choices whether you want to be male or female, homo- or heterosexual, as a woman have a child or not; to choose whom to have a child with and in one case to play out the pregnancy or not are making a difference.
The game is in an early stage of development; and one story line is the first I am working on: but anyone who suggests that there are no choices in the game ... Well, facts are not your friends, are they?


New Member
Jul 17, 2018
I personally think that the choices whether you want to be male or female, homo- or heterosexual, as a woman have a child or not; to choose whom to have a child with and in one case to play out the pregnancy or not are making a difference.
The game is in an early stage of development; and one story line is the first I am working on: but anyone who suggests that there are no choices in the game ... Well, facts are not your friends, are they?
I just wanted to reach out and say, that if at some point you wanted someone to proof/copy-edit your writing in this work, I would gladly offer my help. Your writing is actually really detailed, but my guess would be that your primary language is once of the Romance languages, judging by your love of complex clause structures and subordinate clauses. I used to study Latin back in college, so I'm very familiar with how complex sentence structures can get in other languages. Again, just an offer, no commitment; you could send stuff when you want it done, and I'll review and copy-edit when I have free time to do it.


Jun 7, 2019
I am happy for all proof reading: and Latin is my first foreign language; English is my second one. Since you have played Summer Ressort: why don't you send me an example from this game? Please note that I am building games as a hobby and can not spend money on that hobby.


Jun 7, 2019
I have no Mega account; try this: .
If there are problems, please PM me over the tftg site.


Jun 7, 2019
But I still do not have a mega account: I never set up a mega link. I have set up another link on the site where I have posted the game. If you want to play the game, please go to the tftg site and download it there.


Respected User
Former Staff
Nov 11, 2017
Game hasn't been updated since 11/2019 and Dev hasn't communicated about this game since 03/2020. Added "Abandoned" prefix.


Active Member
Aug 6, 2019
Just saw an update to this . Can anyone download and verify please?
Can't use mega in my country and its unbelievably slow for me w/o the subs.