Good evening. I thought I'd drop a quick post regarding the port to the latest SanchoMod core v6 now that I've ported 10 other titles in my public catalog.
Porting this title is going to be many hours of work but that's ok, let's discuss some changes. Most changes in the v6 may seem minor but there's so many that they add up to a more polished product that allows even more flexibility for both me as a coder and us as consumer of the media (the player). I'll cover the cheats section later, let's talk some settings tweaks in this post.
To allow the user a more "unmodded" experience if they wish I've changed the dialogue box code and the menu choice code to allow 100% default, full-bore SanchoMode, and everything in between I can think of.
Dialogue box (in this case meaning the location, length, and graphic containing the dialogue text) is now more flexible. Here's example of OEM default and my current personal settings while testing (my settings don't matter, this is for demonstration):
Default setting:
Custom dia box:
Next is a change in the menu choice opacity setting. Previously I was rushing to finish the product and while the choice opacity could be changed it was sharing the setting with the MiniStat/MenuMenu opacity which is not always preferred. Now it's a separate setting found as expected in SanchoOptions as can be seen below:
This post is getting rather long and I don't wish to bore you but wanted to keep you posted on some things behind the scenes of the current porting process. If these and other changes are
JenMistress approved then we have a winner. Regards.