The Naughty Captain
First, I enjoyed the update very much. Yes, it's "criminally" short, but if the alternative is several more months without a Cassie/Eve/Kelly fix at all, I'll take the short update every time.
I really, really liked how you handled
Jack's conversation with Cassie when he resists her domination. Very nicely written scene imo. Also,
"I think I like cuddling. Yeah... I like it too." is now one of my all time favorite lines in a VN.

Just add some headpats and handholding in there to up the lewdness level a bit.
I think I may have found a logic error in scene 2.
Line 1515 has this:
elif sf_love_path == True and ep5sflovecomplete == True and sis_sub_love_path == True:
However, this block will never execute because the line at 1185:
if ( sis_love_path == True or sis_sub_love_path == True ) and dual_love_path == False:
will execute first and skip over it. It seems like both blocks are relevant, non-contradictory and develop the story line so it's probably worth figuring out how to execute both in the appropriate circumstances. My first hunch is that sis_sub_love_path == True and dual_love_path == False is redundant so that may be an avenue to threading the needle although I haven't tried to tease it out at all.
Looking forward to Day 6 pt. 2. May it come speedily in our days, amen.