Good evening Shaddy,
I tried to PM you but it's blocked.
I made an addon to the SWM2 multi-mod for personal use but don't mind sharing it with folks, but only if you approve. I can't provide it outside of the WT due to it modifying the same game script directly, making them incompatible if folks want both mods. To remedy this I made so it requires/mandates folks use your multi-mod (I called for your script's text color attributes so it will cause script error if your multi-mod is not installed). This forces proper credit goes to you as well. Saying all that It's also completely no worries if you'd rather I didn't share, I understand, no biggie.
Features: It removes the double dialogue text before each menu choice (super annoying) and also throws a colored hint in the text box whenever the bonus buttons appear. Looking up at top-right of each screen for the little red button reminded me of hunting for donuts in "that other game" except more annoying

. Here's a preview:
View attachment 1214997
Kindest regards and be well sensai.