Nah, about a month or more ago. Before there was a history down to the time when Regium was there.
Well, it seems that selective purging is going on continuously then, other than messages that go against the rules that no one reads but agree to

I guess this means the only certain news is what we can download when its available. I can understand right now Ocean's probably feeling like Nika at the end of the bookclub scene, and hopefully steam comes along like Sasha with something good for us all soon
If that was the case, then it would be blatant misdirection by Ocean. He choose to highlight the awkward look between the two of them immediately after they overheard Jenna's quip about William's manwhoring. There can be, of course, any number of reasons for the awkward look, but I expect it will be revealed sometime down the track. I would be very surprised if the look was merely random or trivial.
Ye Gads! The one character in the game that doesn't conform to Ocean's handful of prevalent female body types... so, I seriously hope not! I'd rather Sai be trans (e.g. the daughter of a former Bulgarian female shot-put champion, who embarks on a romantic relationship with Nika) than Eva.
Your suggestion has now put the thought in my head that Eva is hung like a baboon and Nika knows, hence why her calls her "Beanpole."
PS - I agree with those critiquing Vics appearance. In some renders she has what clearly looks like unnatural, gravity-defying plastic tits. SG/WIAB, sadly, have a remarkable lack of variety when it comes to breast shapes and sizes.
Regards the bookclub scene, some of it is breaking the fourth wall, poking fun at people like me who look for meanings far deeper than Ocean put in place. The whole debate of the sexualisation of the butterfly's relationship is a metaphor for these threads in a way

If you think of the scenes as a cartoon storybook, you'd notice the shared look, and it would simply emphasise how ridiculous Jenna's being as a sore loser. For what it's worth, her argument makes no sense, it actually makes her losing even more loser like. For Sasha and Adrianna to share a look is as easily misdirection as it is the potential for laying groundwork.
I think the fan service can go either way. I'm not certain if Ocean said the trans wasn't in the game before Eva appeared in the rework or not. But yeah, it's be a pity if he takes away body diversity to emphasise gender diversity. And, if he puts away the scuplting tools for a bit, we would have far more body diversity anyway
If it's Eva, they won't be hung like a babboon, too many tight hotpants in the renders, and her pants keep sliding down. The thing that makes me suspicious is:
- Nika's jokes about Eva no having reached puberty
- and these:
d "I actually meant that question. Do you struggle finding clothes in your size?"
scene sb331 with dssr
"She ignores you and gets into her car."
d "(Looking at her tall, skinny frame... I can imagine that shopping must suck.)"
b "Something else... Stop making fun of Eva's body."
b "She already has to fight with it."
Regards the boob situation, we can only pray that Ocean downsizes things accidentally the other way once he starts using blender in production. All the camera angles, lighting and great textures are pretty meaningless if the characters aren't believable except on low gravity planets.