On my current replay through I've tried to pay more attention to some chats, unsaid things, background characters, even clothing and accessories. One of the things I've noticed and wondered about are why Miru / Ayua use a shoelace tied like this as a necklace.
I've always assumed that Ayua was related to Miru and possibly even Miru's daughter. I've always thought Miru was either her mother or her aunt, but I guess I'll just have to wait for full confirmation someday

She has a low alcohol tolerance like her as well, which she herself says:
Forgive me if I'm remembering wrong but I think she or someone mentioned she was of the Maeda household at some point, but I can't remember where I thought that was said in SG... Either way, I wonder if this is some kind of family tradition, a shoelace for a necklace definitely feels pretty unique!
Edit: I wonder if they have some kind of family tradition where they pass it down once their children beat them in combat or make a new one for them to wear? That would be interesting, a trophy of sorts within the family/clan.
Edit: I guess instead of making another post I'll add to this, also Magrid uses the same earrings as Nia. Not sure how much to read into this one though. She did mention how her family only tried to contact her again when they found she was making a lot of money from her cam shows. Magrid seemed to be either working at or owned a small store and she didn't particularly seem affluent at all. Very likely related or even her mother, at least at this point, that's my best guess.
And while I'm at it, I might as well through out the obvious Daphne/Kelly though crosses seem like they might be common so I might be reading too much into that, too (or just simply given to all members of the church). I suppose at one point Katie also had similar cross earrings too, exact same length, just a different color than Daphne/Kelly. Probably reading into some of these too much...