Okay, guys, this may be my final review of this game. After the chaotic beta release, which resulted in Ocean's leaving, I decided to stick around for one more release before leaving this website altogether. Even before Ocean left, many of my friends were leaving, so it was really only a matter of time. While I won't delete my account, it will remain completely inactive after this review. Thanks to everyone who made my experience here a lovely one. Now, for the review. Some of you definitely won't like it because it's brutal. It's also super long, so I'll put each main point behind a spoiler.
And that's where my expertise ends, lol. If you're still interested in reading this, you can skip to the bottom unless you really want to see my thoughts on the art this season.
loved reading that as someone that only understands English but fails to tell the difference between good and bad writing I enjoyed this review. The only thing I personally disagree with but this is more personal preference. I always loved the usage of words like wormy and bibi even if it might be overused. As to me it makes them feel more like siblings that has certain words only they would understand. But im no writer so probably a bad thing using it to much and liek I said just personal preference that I like it even if it's over used. Again thanks for the review I did enjoy the read.
sorry Fortuna, but even I as a non-English speaker know that this sentence is nonsense.
Please define from your perspective, who in this world speaks ENGLISH without slang? Rethink your answer because you will get 1000 conflicting answers. Because you're overlooking one thing: like in ALL LANGUAGES, there are regional differences!!!
za "What happened to yours?"
scene ad961 with dssa
d "They died in a car accident."
scene ad960 with dssa
za "And Nami's?"
scene ad961 with dssa
d "Believe it or not... The same."
I have to agree with you in 100, 200, 500 or whatever %, Fortuna ღ's review is a constructive criticism, and a good one. In contrast to those who whine endlessly, and can only sweat out everything is wrong, everything is rubbish, everything is shit.
Like me, there are many people in this thread, who like/love Summer's Gone for what it is, but at the same time they also see its flaws.
Use proper English in school; the language used in games should fit the character's personality.
Wormy and Bibi are fun words for silly characters like Nami or Summer.
The leader of the Western world speaks no English... is fine.
loved reading that as someone that only understands English but fails to tell the difference between good and bad writing I enjoyed this review. The only thing I personally disagree with but this is more personal preference. I always loved the usage of words like wormy and bibi even if it might be overused. As to me it makes them feel more like siblings that has certain words only they would understand. But im no writer so probably a bad thing using it to much and liek I said just personal preference that I like it even if it's over used. Again thanks for the review I did enjoy the read.
I agree about the bibi and wormy - Nami is continually reminding/reinforcing Nika of their childhood to provide a safe space for him, the phoenix and raven etc. Also, given that in WiaB no one had used bibi, except young Zanes - until Leia decided that her employees were going to use it. So bibi shows a connection to Leia or Leia's employees - this is potentially a plot point rather than a language point. Did Summer use the term bibi because she's a Zane, or did she take it from Nika? Or was it because Nika's mom worked as one of Leia's prostitutes, and that's why Summer's family considered Nika trash? As a side note, what if we discover Mila's mum knew Nika's if Nika's mum was one of Leia's girls, rather than a Zane disguised as a Cyrus?
Similarly, I think of wormy as Miru's word. So just by these two words, there's a strong case for Nika and Nami having grown up with some Zane influence - but a three year old doesn't know wormy yet, so the Zane influence has to have come later which implies Summer is the Zane influence, which could explain why Sasha and Ayua know about Nika. I'm not going with Sasha = Summer btw.
Of course But there's plenty of room for complexity there. Origin stories are known for complexity, and WiaB is one hell of an origin story for SG. THere are so many ways it could have played out, and I suspect we'll find out in drip feed.
As for Ayua, there are some obvious hints, such as she is an Asian girl with the last name Zane, she runs a martial arts studio like Miru, the girlfriend of the WiAB MC, she can't hold her liquor just like Miru and according to her words she got this from her mom.
But like many other hints from Ocean, such as winged earrings or snake bracelets, all this can be interpreted in different ways, and he has long warned that he is a pervert and tries to confuse players. And that many scenes from early chapters may take on unexpected or even opposite meanings as more information is revealed in later chapters.
So I've done one, but, I had to do the quadrant differently - evil is always the left hand path in literature/esoterics after all (sinister), good is the right hand path, and lawful is always taking the high ground, while chaos is base level entropy. So my apologies that it's not the same co-ordinates, but it's an important distinction to me.
za "What happened to yours?"
scene ad961 with dssa
d "They died in a car accident."
scene ad960 with dssa
za "And Nami's?"
scene ad961 with dssa
d "Believe it or not... The same."
Interesting. But it’s not entirely clear, some preferences. For example, why is red-haired Jenna chaotic good? She’s more of a pronounced chaotic neutral character. A thief, antisocial, dirty girl. I still don’t quite understand why Victoria is clearly chaotic?
Of course But there's plenty of room for complexity there. Origin stories are known for complexity, and WiaB is one hell of an origin story for SG. THere are so many ways it could have played out, and I suspect we'll find out in drip feed.
It seems like the coach in the latest update refers to Aya as daughter Miru.
Interesting. But it’s not entirely clear, some preferences. For example, why is red-haired Jenna chaotic good? She’s more of a pronounced chaotic neutral character. A thief, antisocial, dirty girl. I still don’t quite understand why Victoria is clearly chaotic?
I'll start with Vic, I consider her chaotic more than lawful because she decides spontaneously to kiss Mila, purely because she thought Mila wanted to be kissed, and didn't think it through. Also, the way she thinks people shouldn't be stigmatised for their sex work when Mila discusses Nia - there it's clear that both have moral, but Vic is more chaotic than Mila in her thoughts there. Also, Vic is good because she doesn't want to tread on Bella's toes, but if you haven't agreed to the date, she doesn't mind treading on Mila's toes and asking for a date - which seems like a selfish act, except she really just wants to be close to Nika without doing evil to others - which isn't logical, so far more chaotic. She's the feely flower child.
Jenna approves of Noji, but talks about stealing a dress, she loves that Nika is a trouble maker, but she disapproves of Anna. So her moral compass is a bit everywhere. She seems opportunistic, which aligns with chaotic/impulsive, the theft implies chaotic and evil, but the way she doesn't want to upset Noji, and her approval of what Noji has done being the 'right thing after all' suggests good motives Sho maybe more chaotic neutral? But it was getting hard to apply the same scale after 5 or so characters, because there are certain complexities breaking from those descriptions. All of them at some point cover every quadrant, paladins can fall etc.
The game was made from renderings made by various reworks. The result was Frankenstein. Before the changes, SG was interesting from the beginning until chapter 3.5, then the game died and stopped developing. After the last rework, not only the erotic scenes were cut out, but the whole point of the game was lost. It turned out to be a pathetic parody of the original SG, it seems that the developer is milking his fans.