
Engaged Member
Dec 24, 2018


The log after this one will be on Wednesday the 12th. I want to return to the Wednesday Dev logs.
I took the liberty of postponing this log until I had some numbers from the new Workstation... And boy do I have them now.

With the arrival of the new Workstation, my old 2021 Workstation will become a slave PC.
The entire process of moving the library and everything else over took around 60 hours.

Workstation comparisons and data.
I did the following tests:
  • Load & render a scene with 2 people in it.
  • Load & render a scene with 20 people in it. (Book club from Chapter 5)
  • Render a test animation.
  • Load a character into the scene.
  • Scene saving
2 People scene. (Opening and rendering)
Old: 13:20min
New: 8:25
Improvement: ~5min
20 People scene. (Opening and rendering)
Old: 46:08min
New: 29:20min
Improvement: ~17min
Test animation - 70 Iterations - 120 frames
Old: 1:45h
New: 1:13h
Improvement: ~32min
A final animation would run at 1500 iterations and there it would save even more time because of the additional A6000. (I would assume it would run 2-3h faster. I'll test it overnight.)
Okay, okay... You save 5min here and 17min there... Let me put this into perspective.
If I have an update that is ~7000 renders big, and I save an average of 11min per render, we're looking at 53+ days saved.
That's almost 2 months saved of just Daz opening and rendering scenes.
The bigger the scene, the more time I save... In the grand scheme of an entire update, we're talking about months.
After Chapter 1, I'll return to my normal update size of ~3000-3500 renders. With an average of 11 minutes saved, we save almost an entire month.
This is without adding the 2nd Workstation to it, which currently runs on a 4090. It will render animations until there are none left to render, at which point it moves over to the stills.
I haven't had the chance to test the new PC in the queue yet, but if it can render more than 55-70 renders a night, it will constantly outperform me.
Other improvements that will add up:
  • Scenes like the book club save 5-10x as fast. It sometimes takes almost a minute to save a scene, which disrupts the flow. Now, it saves giant scenes in less than 10 seconds.
  • Loading characters into the scene. On the old Workstation, it took 2:30 minutes to load Bellchen into a scene, whereas it took 1:01 minutes on the new workstation. This is a big one, as I often have to load assets and characters into the scene. I can only assume that poses will also load faster.
  • And my favorite: the viewport performance. On the old Workstation, it feels like you have 3 fps in the book club scene. It feels like going through mud up to your thighs with a screen freeze every 10-15 seconds.
    On the new PC, it feels like there are maybe four people in the scene. Scenes with just two characters feel empty.
    This is so important because it directly impacts your mental. If a scene lags and the screen freezes every X seconds it will annoy the shit out of you.
  • The airflow of the case is amazing. It keeps the 3x A6000 ADAs at ~60-65°C without me removing the side panel. (Which I had to do for all other PCs.)
  • Photoshop feels much smoother. A big hassle during postwork is that after a while the performance drops hard.

On paper this Workstation is worth every penny, however, let's see how it will perform over a long period of time.
From now on, I will count every render I make and give you the number in every dev log. So in 11 days, you'll hear about what I rendered, not just setup, but actually rendered out.
We're starting at 0.

If we ignore the past 3 days in which I spent setting everything up, work has been continued as usual.
I do my scenes, the queue does queue-things and that's all there is.
Actually, the phone chat is done and I'm preparing SFX files for the update.

I just picked two random renders for previews today, as I just wanted to test if my Adobe workflow works on the new PC.
You don't have permission to view the spoiler content. Log in or register now.
You don't have permission to view the spoiler content. Log in or register now.
The Mila render looks like a wallpaper but is actually an ingame render on a specific route with a slightly different art style.
With the next Dev Log I'll make true of what I said a few dev logs ago, there will only be one preview from now on.
Apparently, I'm one of the only devs who shows multiple previews every single Dev Log and while I like doing it, it shows too much.
I want to keep more scenes a secret and sometimes, I'll add a nude preview for the Summer tier and above.

I'll end this Dev log here because I'm so excited to work. I want to see and feel what it's like to work with this beast.
I mentioned the Specs of the workstation in the last Log I think... I added my previously acquired two A6000 ADAs to the one that came with the workstation.
I also got enterprise SSDs with 7.68TB and one of them is in RAID 1 to minimize the risk of data loss.

I'll see you in 11 days with some numbers.
  • Ocean
Thank you for sharing the devlog - it's vastly appreciated. :coffee: :cool:

I'll like the shit out of your post once I get my reactions back.


Justice for Finnabair!
Jun 14, 2020
I don't think it's "over the top" really. It's just all the little things that annoy me. To be clear, none of it matters to the actual content. I'm just being irrational.
I studied only one semester in the US as part of an international program and can confirm the things you mentioned. But there's one point why I give Ocean some slack. His story don't take place in the USA. It's a fictional country with fictional education system. Even the society doesn't fit. Wollust isn't a place in USA.


Engaged Member
Dec 24, 2018
What's a workstation? Hardware. Leasing is almost NEVER cost effective. This is the first time I've even seen it mentioned, or paid it attention at least, but that's a problem unto itself. Things like workstations and pc components hold their value really well, especially these days. My modded hardware sells well above MSRP. You can pretty easily recover 70-80% of MSRP when reselling things like this. Some times you can recover the full value, if properly cared for. Where as with a lease, you tend to pay well over the actual products value with no way to recover any of that expense. Yes, we're talking thousands of dollars, but this is his business. And that's a MASSIVE, unrecoverable expense placed against a massive, yet mostly recoverable expense.

He's not the USFS, the rail road, a farmer, etc who knows that when they're leasing a vehicle, it will be utterly destroyed by the time the lease expires. This is a workstation operating under standard operations.

You can't say you're not a part of the group that receives the excuses while citing them, bud. Just bc you vehemently believe them and see no flaws in his actions, doesn't doesn't mean there aren't issues. There are plenty of people quite literally calling bullshit, when I completely believe him. These are just stupid mistakes that anyone who runs a business should immediately set out to remedy. What we're discussing are things he should actively be researching himself, as I write this, if he hasn't finished doing so already. It's not something he should need me or anyone else to tell him. Yet part of the process is addressing it with his consumers when he resolves it.

I do "this" professionally, as in improve production processes. I've said that before. This is not a hobby for Ocean, he needs to learn and grow, and me having to point out such major fucking issues in the process after so many years... He makes enough that this shouldn't be a problem. Worst case, he gets a small business loan while easily being able to prove that he has a profitable business. His personal credit might be shit, and that would bypass that problem, too. The interest rate on a loan would still be significantly cheaper than a leased workstation.

And if you don't want to discuss these things, just don't. Stop giving your input. You weren't asked for it, but I respect the effort. You have just as much of a right to offer your feedback as I do, but give up the pretense that you hold some secret knowledge about how all of this is necessary. It's not and is easily proven. In my job, if I negatively impact the quality of our product, I'm fired. I'm not suggesting he reinvent the wheel. What I'm suggesting would directly correlate to reduced overheard and reduced dev cycles while having zero impact on the quality of his work.

You don't have to respond to me, you're choosing to. You just can't justify any of the positions you've taken. If you don't want to read the posts, don't. I will provide my feedback where I choose to, not where you want me to. If any of these devs wanted to sit down and have a real conversation about refining their production process, I would oblige. Until then, I will choose where I decide to yell into the clouds. Not you.
Without knowing the terms of the lease, you're talking about secret knowledge. As you said yourself:

Leasing is almost NEVER cost effective
So what kind of lease is it? A lease to purchase? A lease with flexible upgrades, replacement in case of failure? There is a reason leases exist for businesses beyond merely the cost, otherwise people would just get the loan and buy outright. There is a service component, and businesses chose what service suits their cashflow.

I do get your point, I buy my business assets outright myself, but there are reasons why the lease model works beyond physical depreciation/wear and tear. Not the least of these is tax offsets depending on the taxation rules where Ocean lives, and how he can claw some of that back.

But unless you have the contract, and Ocean's full financial status in your hand to analyse, your post is hot air.


Aug 20, 2020
8) Lol, colleges do not have bars that are actually part of the college. They're typically surrounded by bars, but the idea of a college or university (that is primarily made up of students too young to legally drink) having an official bar is silly.
Shame, we do have bars inside the college in Spain, several actually and you can drink whatever you want, u missing out there guys.


Sep 2, 2023
It seems my estimate of the new work station being able shave off 6-8 weeks of development time was pretty spot on based on what Ocean said. Hopefully dev times decreases and updates come out more frequently after this upgrade.


Nov 24, 2019


The log after this one will be on Wednesday the 12th. I want to return to the Wednesday Dev logs.
I took the liberty of postponing this log until I had some numbers from the new Workstation... And boy do I have them now.

With the arrival of the new Workstation, my old 2021 Workstation will become a slave PC.
The entire process of moving the library and everything else over took around 60 hours.

Workstation comparisons and data.
I did the following tests:
  • Load & render a scene with 2 people in it.
  • Load & render a scene with 20 people in it. (Book club from Chapter 5)
  • Render a test animation.
  • Load a character into the scene.
  • Scene saving
2 People scene. (Opening and rendering)
Old: 13:20min
New: 8:25
Improvement: ~5min
20 People scene. (Opening and rendering)
Old: 46:08min
New: 29:20min
Improvement: ~17min
Test animation - 70 Iterations - 120 frames
Old: 1:45h
New: 1:13h
Improvement: ~32min
A final animation would run at 1500 iterations and there it would save even more time because of the additional A6000. (I would assume it would run 2-3h faster. I'll test it overnight.)
Okay, okay... You save 5min here and 17min there... Let me put this into perspective.
If I have an update that is ~7000 renders big, and I save an average of 11min per render, we're looking at 53+ days saved.
That's almost 2 months saved of just Daz opening and rendering scenes.
The bigger the scene, the more time I save... In the grand scheme of an entire update, we're talking about months.
After Chapter 1, I'll return to my normal update size of ~3000-3500 renders. With an average of 11 minutes saved, we save almost an entire month.
This is without adding the 2nd Workstation to it, which currently runs on a 4090. It will render animations until there are none left to render, at which point it moves over to the stills.
I haven't had the chance to test the new PC in the queue yet, but if it can render more than 55-70 renders a night, it will constantly outperform me.
Other improvements that will add up:
  • Scenes like the book club save 5-10x as fast. It sometimes takes almost a minute to save a scene, which disrupts the flow. Now, it saves giant scenes in less than 10 seconds.
  • Loading characters into the scene. On the old Workstation, it took 2:30 minutes to load Bellchen into a scene, whereas it took 1:01 minutes on the new workstation. This is a big one, as I often have to load assets and characters into the scene. I can only assume that poses will also load faster.
  • And my favorite: the viewport performance. On the old Workstation, it feels like you have 3 fps in the book club scene. It feels like going through mud up to your thighs with a screen freeze every 10-15 seconds.
    On the new PC, it feels like there are maybe four people in the scene. Scenes with just two characters feel empty.
    This is so important because it directly impacts your mental. If a scene lags and the screen freezes every X seconds it will annoy the shit out of you.
  • The airflow of the case is amazing. It keeps the 3x A6000 ADAs at ~60-65°C without me removing the side panel. (Which I had to do for all other PCs.)
  • Photoshop feels much smoother. A big hassle during postwork is that after a while the performance drops hard.

On paper this Workstation is worth every penny, however, let's see how it will perform over a long period of time.
From now on, I will count every render I make and give you the number in every dev log. So in 11 days, you'll hear about what I rendered, not just setup, but actually rendered out.
We're starting at 0.

If we ignore the past 3 days in which I spent setting everything up, work has been continued as usual.
I do my scenes, the queue does queue-things and that's all there is.
Actually, the phone chat is done and I'm preparing SFX files for the update.

I just picked two random renders for previews today, as I just wanted to test if my Adobe workflow works on the new PC.
You don't have permission to view the spoiler content. Log in or register now.
You don't have permission to view the spoiler content. Log in or register now.
The Mila render looks like a wallpaper but is actually an ingame render on a specific route with a slightly different art style.
With the next Dev Log I'll make true of what I said a few dev logs ago, there will only be one preview from now on.
Apparently, I'm one of the only devs who shows multiple previews every single Dev Log and while I like doing it, it shows too much.
I want to keep more scenes a secret and sometimes, I'll add a nude preview for the Summer tier and above.

I'll end this Dev log here because I'm so excited to work. I want to see and feel what it's like to work with this beast.
I mentioned the Specs of the workstation in the last Log I think... I added my previously acquired two A6000 ADAs to the one that came with the workstation.
I also got enterprise SSDs with 7.68TB and one of them is in RAID 1 to minimize the risk of data loss.

I'll see you in 11 days with some numbers.
  • Ocean
Thank you for sharing devlog. it's greatly appreciated


Sep 24, 2023
2 People scene. (Opening and rendering)
Old: 13:20min
New: 8:25
Improvement: ~5min
I see a small scandal has started among the Patreons, everyone is again scolding Ocean and calling him a milker, now I understand why. It is better for Ocean not to write logs, he constantly forgets what he wrote earlier and catches himself in a lie.

He previously wrote that his rendering time was 4.5 minutes (which is too much for such a powerful system), now he wrote that the time was 13.20 including loading. This simply does not make sense. It turns out that loading a scene takes about 8 minutes? This is complete nonsense, in this time even an HDD can load a scene larger than 70 GB, and an average speed SSD m.2 can load about 1 TB in this time.
I understand that it is profitable for Ocean to delay the development of the game, but it is stupid of him to expect that all his Patreons are very stupid and do not understand anything about PCs and rendering.


Oct 3, 2018


The log after this one will be on Wednesday the 12th. I want to return to the Wednesday Dev logs.
I took the liberty of postponing this log until I had some numbers from the new Workstation... And boy do I have them now.

With the arrival of the new Workstation, my old 2021 Workstation will become a slave PC.
The entire process of moving the library and everything else over took around 60 hours.

Workstation comparisons and data.
I did the following tests:
  • Load & render a scene with 2 people in it.
  • Load & render a scene with 20 people in it. (Book club from Chapter 5)
  • Render a test animation.
  • Load a character into the scene.
  • Scene saving
2 People scene. (Opening and rendering)
Old: 13:20min
New: 8:25
Improvement: ~5min
20 People scene. (Opening and rendering)
Old: 46:08min
New: 29:20min
Improvement: ~17min
Test animation - 70 Iterations - 120 frames
Old: 1:45h
New: 1:13h
Improvement: ~32min
A final animation would run at 1500 iterations and there it would save even more time because of the additional A6000. (I would assume it would run 2-3h faster. I'll test it overnight.)
Okay, okay... You save 5min here and 17min there... Let me put this into perspective.
If I have an update that is ~7000 renders big, and I save an average of 11min per render, we're looking at 53+ days saved.
That's almost 2 months saved of just Daz opening and rendering scenes.
The bigger the scene, the more time I save... In the grand scheme of an entire update, we're talking about months.
After Chapter 1, I'll return to my normal update size of ~3000-3500 renders. With an average of 11 minutes saved, we save almost an entire month.
This is without adding the 2nd Workstation to it, which currently runs on a 4090. It will render animations until there are none left to render, at which point it moves over to the stills.
I haven't had the chance to test the new PC in the queue yet, but if it can render more than 55-70 renders a night, it will constantly outperform me.
Other improvements that will add up:
  • Scenes like the book club save 5-10x as fast. It sometimes takes almost a minute to save a scene, which disrupts the flow. Now, it saves giant scenes in less than 10 seconds.
  • Loading characters into the scene. On the old Workstation, it took 2:30 minutes to load Bellchen into a scene, whereas it took 1:01 minutes on the new workstation. This is a big one, as I often have to load assets and characters into the scene. I can only assume that poses will also load faster.
  • And my favorite: the viewport performance. On the old Workstation, it feels like you have 3 fps in the book club scene. It feels like going through mud up to your thighs with a screen freeze every 10-15 seconds.
    On the new PC, it feels like there are maybe four people in the scene. Scenes with just two characters feel empty.
    This is so important because it directly impacts your mental. If a scene lags and the screen freezes every X seconds it will annoy the shit out of you.
  • The airflow of the case is amazing. It keeps the 3x A6000 ADAs at ~60-65°C without me removing the side panel. (Which I had to do for all other PCs.)
  • Photoshop feels much smoother. A big hassle during postwork is that after a while the performance drops hard.

On paper this Workstation is worth every penny, however, let's see how it will perform over a long period of time.
From now on, I will count every render I make and give you the number in every dev log. So in 11 days, you'll hear about what I rendered, not just setup, but actually rendered out.
We're starting at 0.

If we ignore the past 3 days in which I spent setting everything up, work has been continued as usual.
I do my scenes, the queue does queue-things and that's all there is.
Actually, the phone chat is done and I'm preparing SFX files for the update.

I just picked two random renders for previews today, as I just wanted to test if my Adobe workflow works on the new PC.
You don't have permission to view the spoiler content. Log in or register now.
You don't have permission to view the spoiler content. Log in or register now.
The Mila render looks like a wallpaper but is actually an ingame render on a specific route with a slightly different art style.
With the next Dev Log I'll make true of what I said a few dev logs ago, there will only be one preview from now on.
Apparently, I'm one of the only devs who shows multiple previews every single Dev Log and while I like doing it, it shows too much.
I want to keep more scenes a secret and sometimes, I'll add a nude preview for the Summer tier and above.

I'll end this Dev log here because I'm so excited to work. I want to see and feel what it's like to work with this beast.
I mentioned the Specs of the workstation in the last Log I think... I added my previously acquired two A6000 ADAs to the one that came with the workstation.
I also got enterprise SSDs with 7.68TB and one of them is in RAID 1 to minimize the risk of data loss.

I'll see you in 11 days with some numbers.
  • Ocean
Could some of you tech-savvy folks enlighten this rookie on why Daz demands such heavy-duty hardware just to get anything done? Are the textures and physics really so next-level that they gobble up every scrap of computing power the second you fire it up, or is the whole thing just limping along on poor optimization?

ps. thanks for the repost :coffee:


Active Member
Mar 1, 2023
I don't think it's "over the top" really. It's just all the little things that annoy me. To be clear, none of it matters to the actual content. I'm just being irrational. Some examples that I see in many AVNs:

1) Colleges do not have a "front desk" or "reception" such as the now iconic "college reception" that's in like 500 AVNs. The closest you're going to find is some sort of main administration office, but that's going to be some boring place you might *never* physically go to in your 4 years attending the school. I went to a tiny private college (1200ish students) for 2 years. I was in the deans office once for...something? I never saw the main admin offices. I then went to a state school (10s of thousands of students). I saw the main admin offices there, but only because I was a transfer and had extra paperwork.

2) Colleges do not have hallways lined with lockers. That's high school.

2.5) You schedule in college is different pretty much every day, and unless you're really cramming in the credits trying to graduate in less than 4 years, or you're doing a double major, you're probably looking at 3 to 4 hours of class *at most* some days. Other days you have have 0 or 1 hour.

3) Dorm rooms are not in the same buildings as offices or classrooms. I suppose this is possible, but between the two schools I attended, and a few others I visited, I've never seen this.

4) You don't need an ID to be on campus. Even that tiny secluded private school I went to was still just...a place you could drive in to and then you're just around. The bigger schools are litteral cities. They have dozens, or hundreds of buildings and 10s of thousands of students. They're often intermixed with the cities there in to the point that you have no idea when you're "on campus" or not.

4) When talking about the day to day of attending lectures/lessons/class you "go to class." You don't "go to school," or "go to college." You would never say something like "why weren't you in college today?" You'd ask "why weren't you in class today?"

5) College professors are not high school teachers. They do not deal with fuckery, shenanigans, or discipline. For example, the scene with getting into fight with Bella an drawing all over each other. Then the professor escorts you to the bathroom to clean up, and she lectures you and all that. Absolutely not. You'd just be kicked out of the class, probably permanently, and that would be it. High School teachers have to deal with that shit and try to get you in line. You're required to be there. You don't have to be in college. You're paying to go. If you act like a dumb ass and get kicked out, that's just on you.

6) *Everything* about college sports in every AVN I've seen is wrong, with the exception of Move the Chains. All the terms people use, the systems that seem to be in place, the teams, the type of people on the teams. Literally everything is so very very wrong. Summer's Gone is *very* bad in this regard. Even if we ingore the insane outfits the girls wore in that first basketball scene. Also, Trey an Jeffery are *not* basketball players. I laugh out loud every time they talk about playing basketball. In fact, almost none of the men in the game are basketball players. They're all built like Linebackers.

6.5) I'm just now getting to more sports stuff in SG. happening? The only thing accurate here is that the sport of basketball exists. First team? Second team? Coed teams? Coaches somehow in competition with each other? The idea that everybody is involved in sports at all? The *vast* majority of college students will never do anything related to official sports. This is a fever dream.

7) Specific to Summer's Gone there has been mention a couple times so far of a "rival college." This can be a thing, but this goes back to sports. No college that is as tiny as the one in the game, is going to have a "rival college" because you'd need actual sports programs that are relevant for this to be a thing. You can't exactly work up the Red River Rivalry or the Iron Bowl with an enrollment under 1000.

8) Lol, colleges do not have bars that are actually part of the college. They're typically surrounded by bars, but the idea of a college or university (that is primarily made up of students too young to legally drink) having an official bar is silly.
Ocean is just not very good at writing. A decent writer would research his topic before making a fool of himself and putting it on a page for everyone to see. You also forgot the "18 YO dudes and gals gets served alcohol in a bar". Would never happen in America.

Besides all the bullshit college stuff(I am not an American and I can tell it's all bullshit) the guy cant write a decent, consistent character.
Nika keeps talking about how his mom(Nojiko was it?) works so hard to provide him and his sis with everything, yet he refuses to get a job. He got plenty of time to have stupid nipple pumping sleepovers and spy games for idiots with Bella but a job??? No way! Screw mom.
Also, does Nika really thinks he is some kind of Mossad agent? Playing this stupid spy games with Bella. It's such nonsense.
How can anyone with a half working brain think its good writing? God.

Anyway, I think Ocean gets away with being a below average writer with his great renders and art.


Engaged Member
May 14, 2023


The log after this one will be on Wednesday the 12th. I want to return to the Wednesday Dev logs.
I took the liberty of postponing this log until I had some numbers from the new Workstation... And boy do I have them now.

With the arrival of the new Workstation, my old 2021 Workstation will become a slave PC.
The entire process of moving the library and everything else over took around 60 hours.

Workstation comparisons and data.
I did the following tests:
  • Load & render a scene with 2 people in it.
  • Load & render a scene with 20 people in it. (Book club from Chapter 5)
  • Render a test animation.
  • Load a character into the scene.
  • Scene saving
2 People scene. (Opening and rendering)
Old: 13:20min
New: 8:25
Improvement: ~5min
20 People scene. (Opening and rendering)
Old: 46:08min
New: 29:20min
Improvement: ~17min
Test animation - 70 Iterations - 120 frames
Old: 1:45h
New: 1:13h
Improvement: ~32min
A final animation would run at 1500 iterations and there it would save even more time because of the additional A6000. (I would assume it would run 2-3h faster. I'll test it overnight.)
Okay, okay... You save 5min here and 17min there... Let me put this into perspective.
If I have an update that is ~7000 renders big, and I save an average of 11min per render, we're looking at 53+ days saved.
That's almost 2 months saved of just Daz opening and rendering scenes.
The bigger the scene, the more time I save... In the grand scheme of an entire update, we're talking about months.
After Chapter 1, I'll return to my normal update size of ~3000-3500 renders. With an average of 11 minutes saved, we save almost an entire month.
This is without adding the 2nd Workstation to it, which currently runs on a 4090. It will render animations until there are none left to render, at which point it moves over to the stills.
I haven't had the chance to test the new PC in the queue yet, but if it can render more than 55-70 renders a night, it will constantly outperform me.
Other improvements that will add up:
  • Scenes like the book club save 5-10x as fast. It sometimes takes almost a minute to save a scene, which disrupts the flow. Now, it saves giant scenes in less than 10 seconds.
  • Loading characters into the scene. On the old Workstation, it took 2:30 minutes to load Bellchen into a scene, whereas it took 1:01 minutes on the new workstation. This is a big one, as I often have to load assets and characters into the scene. I can only assume that poses will also load faster.
  • And my favorite: the viewport performance. On the old Workstation, it feels like you have 3 fps in the book club scene. It feels like going through mud up to your thighs with a screen freeze every 10-15 seconds.
    On the new PC, it feels like there are maybe four people in the scene. Scenes with just two characters feel empty.
    This is so important because it directly impacts your mental. If a scene lags and the screen freezes every X seconds it will annoy the shit out of you.
  • The airflow of the case is amazing. It keeps the 3x A6000 ADAs at ~60-65°C without me removing the side panel. (Which I had to do for all other PCs.)
  • Photoshop feels much smoother. A big hassle during postwork is that after a while the performance drops hard.

On paper this Workstation is worth every penny, however, let's see how it will perform over a long period of time.
From now on, I will count every render I make and give you the number in every dev log. So in 11 days, you'll hear about what I rendered, not just setup, but actually rendered out.
We're starting at 0.

If we ignore the past 3 days in which I spent setting everything up, work has been continued as usual.
I do my scenes, the queue does queue-things and that's all there is.
Actually, the phone chat is done and I'm preparing SFX files for the update.

I just picked two random renders for previews today, as I just wanted to test if my Adobe workflow works on the new PC.
You don't have permission to view the spoiler content. Log in or register now.
You don't have permission to view the spoiler content. Log in or register now.
The Mila render looks like a wallpaper but is actually an ingame render on a specific route with a slightly different art style.
With the next Dev Log I'll make true of what I said a few dev logs ago, there will only be one preview from now on.
Apparently, I'm one of the only devs who shows multiple previews every single Dev Log and while I like doing it, it shows too much.
I want to keep more scenes a secret and sometimes, I'll add a nude preview for the Summer tier and above.

I'll end this Dev log here because I'm so excited to work. I want to see and feel what it's like to work with this beast.
I mentioned the Specs of the workstation in the last Log I think... I added my previously acquired two A6000 ADAs to the one that came with the workstation.
I also got enterprise SSDs with 7.68TB and one of them is in RAID 1 to minimize the risk of data loss.

I'll see you in 11 days with some numbers.
  • Ocean
Rework of rework again?


Well-Known Member
Aug 16, 2022
Man I should not have clicked on that second spoiler tag... I should really NOT have clicked that second spoiler tag...fuck me.

My body's violent reaction to that render now has me concerned about playing the game moving forward. Jesus Christ in heaven. It's like going from cute kitten videos to watching someone get decapitated and disemboweled at the same time.

Gonna work on purging this devlog from my brain... Math and unclothed Mila - 2/10:sick:

Penfold Mole

Engaged Member
Respected User
May 22, 2017
Could some of you tech-savvy folks enlighten this rookie on why Daz demands such heavy-duty hardware just to get anything done? Are the textures and physics really so next-level that they gobble up every scrap of computing power the second you fire it up, or is the whole thing just limping along on poor optimization?

ps. thanks for the repost :coffee:
It's not really that difficult to imagine it even to someone who never used DAZ 3D specifically himself. It's more of a matter of what you know about the basics of 3D modeling and CAD design in any other field - mechanical, architectural, medical, whatever.

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To make sure you understand - you don't need such expensive hardware if you limit yourself with less complex scenes. Ocean is really pushing the limits of what is possible. Some people are actually using laptops to make DAZ 3D fan art. The quality nor complexity and especially the speed are not comparable, but it's possible.
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