Sep 3, 2020
I really like MC is this novel and I do get what you mean.

DISCLAIMER: the comment that follows is partial, as I am unable to do any route but Bella's, as every time I tried and end up going for her. I am the King of Bella's simps after all...

First, I totally love he is not just another horny teenager too. I also love he is neither a perfect/boring guy every girl falls in love without even trying. Some novels do fail to see how important is not to make perfect characters, specially MCs. Take

I must, however, give a WARNING. Remains to see how much MC is really this way we are describing and how much is his current state of mind responsible for it. MC is in some kind of depression. His ability to feel seems numb. Therefore, it is hard for him to react to many things in his surround, for example, girls. Or a too close for Patreon comfort rules sister love, like Nami, if you know what I mean*. And he tends to go for things that gives him some adrenaline rush, for example, fighting in high school street as Nami mentioned.
It is also probably the reason why Bella is so important in general for the beginning of the story. And the reason why you cannot ditch her even if you are not in her route. Bella being Bella cannot be ignored. She is a storm. She forces MC to react, for better of worse.

It remains to see how MC will evolve as he starts to feels things again... We'll see.

*seriously, totally awesome babe that loves you so much is in bed with you naked, she gives you a full of emotion kiss and you don't react. The guy is not numb, he is clinically dead.
we see that before summer disappeared he was pretty much a normal guy
when summer disappeared

what if his mine actually broke

what if he saw summer die
and mc did not want to accept it

so he took his memories and along with his emotions

and built a mental dam around it

and that's why mc can't get it up
because being intimate with another girl is accepting that Summer is gone

but he feels something for Bella what if his feelings for Bella is causing the dam to break

and more time mc spend with Bella is more the dam will break and brake


Chocolate Vampire
May 9, 2019
we see that before summer disappeared he was pretty much a normal guy
when summer disappeared

what if his mine actually broke

what if he saw summer die
and mc did not want to accept it

so he took his memories and along with his emotions

and built a mental dam around it

and that's why mc can't get it up
because being intimate with another girl is accepting that Summer is gone

but he feels something for Bella what if his feelings for Bella is causing the dam to break

and more time mc spend with Bella is more the dam will break and brake
I think there is absolutely no doubt his mind is broken. The way his mind shattered remains to see, though.

But I say the way you are depicting it sounds very plausible. We can only wait to see what is going on.


Active Member
Apr 5, 2020
I just really hope in the next few updates we get some kinda clue as to what happened to summer that has traumatized this MC to the point of being such a reclusive moody emo limp dick crybaby. But whatever his deal is hopefully bella makes his ass man up and get over it.
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Well-Known Member
Jun 28, 2020
I don't remember them torturing the spiders, they were playing with it and asking how it ended up there if my memory serves me right.
I just rewatched it, and yeah, I misremembered it. It wasn't torturing. It was pitting spiders against each other. They find na albino spider, come up with the idea to find it an opponent, which for some reason gets them all kissy kissy. Then get an opponent spider, and pit them agaist each other.

Which I still think is messed up, but not as messed up as pulling legs off or anything. They still come off as creepy to me.
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May 4, 2020
I just rewatched it, and yeah, I misremembered it. It wasn't torturing. It was pitting spiders against each other. They find na albino spider, come up with the idea to find it an opponent, which for some reason gets them all kissy kissy. Then get an opponent spider, and pit them agaist each other.

Which I still think is messed up, but not as messed up as pulling legs off or anything. They still come off as creepy to me.
From where I'm from, spider fights are actually pretty fun and has almost beetle fight gambling notoriety, I don't think that behaviour is akin to psychopathy.


Well-Known Member
Jan 26, 2021
See, I don't know about that. I dunno if torturing insects and then getting horny torturing insects is... normal.

I think MC and Summer were both kind of future nutjobs to begin with.
its possible! but more likely they attached they pubescent appearance of sexual drives to those child plays and reinforced each others on a self feeding loop!

so not really nut jobs (at least at the start) and more like innocence and wanting to be liked drove each other to more extreme behaviors! some couplings are just toxic to both people!

So summer wanting to be liked by the MC does not say no to their "animal" torture and the MC believing that its that behavior and not himself being worthy of summer attention kept on pushing things further which in turn reinforces summer behavior into those kind of actions!

at the same time the constant positive reinforcements are being gratified by serotonin on the brain by the growing of lust and the initial sexual desires where their more sadistic leanings get attached to their sexual identity!

basically their parents fucked up and innocent child play turned into sadism that became attached to their sexuality! when in reality sadism had nothing to do with it! it was their growing feelings for each other and inability to direct those feelings into an healthier path that lead to you calling them nutjobs!

hope this makes sense i just woke up and got an head ache... gotta cut down on the gin!
Sep 3, 2020
I just rewatched it, and yeah, I misremembered it. It wasn't torturing. It was pitting spiders against each other. They find na albino spider, come up with the idea to find it an opponent, which for some reason gets them all kissy kissy. Then get an opponent spider, and pit them agaist each other.

Which I still think is messed up, but not as messed up as pulling legs off or anything. They still come off as creepy to me.
you're absolutely right making those spiders fight each other is wrong but

I think they were kids doing stupid kids stuff

I don't think they meant any harm.
I mean look at them making kissy faces with there erasers

kissy faces bro goddamn kissy faces

they're not exactly America's Most Wanted
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