- Apr 1, 2019
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- 995
Just so as not to die stupid: what is the meaning of the smiley "facepalm" ???
back to full strength i see good goodherm i always wondered why other dudes in these games are jerks and then i remembered ... they are not its just the players and the MC projecting themselves onto to those men! since they can only judge others in accordance with their own values of taking as much tail as they can they can not even fanthom what in their minds are idiots like Vidal the king of Pervert who would stay loyal to one girl because they would no do it!
do not get me wrong i am an asshole but it does not mean i am unable to walk in others shoes and understand that for some the important thing is not to conquer a different girl everynight but to conquer the same woman everyday! i would not do it its not in my nature but i can understand how some would!
i consider myself a well rounded person so i will try to conquer the same girl everyday and a diferent girl everynight!
as for the bella simps i think that a relationship with Bella is like conquering a different woman everyday... i mean she is pretty unstable so a split multiple personality is not ruled out just yet!
whatever the answer might be i do not wish to know it! it will be tragedy for sure!
to quote one of my favorite bands "counting all the assholes in the room i am definitely not alone, you´re a liar you´re a cheater you´re a fool, you are just like me! and i would do it all again"
it happened to me in real life! some of my friends really took advantage of it and i was called the warm up engine ... it never ends well for either the girl or the dude so i do get your point of writing her off! i never did but then again i always had the excuse to date her afterwards and break up with her whenever i wanted to, i mean she fucked one of my friends... i was so incensed... its like the dudes who are insecure and cheat on their girlfriends just in case they ever break up they can have something to throw back at them... that`s some of my friends so... it happens!
furthermore i can be exasperating to girls! all of my ex-girlfriends who lasted for more then 3 months married after breaking up with me cause they could not handle another tempestuous relationship! do notice i do not start the drama but fuck if i ain´t pushing it to eleven, you start shit you better be ready to take it to the finish line!
the thing is that if a girl is talking to a dude to make you jealous and you do not give a shit about it she might take it to the next level not realizing she is dooming the relationship with it! like total make out sessions in the hallway´s with total dirtbags just to get at you and for them it means nothing its just a tactic to try and force you to notice them if they are really into you!
but ofc the best payback is to ignore it and have a good life! if a woman as nothing more to give you she will spread her legs was something my father taught me and i took to heart so if a girl is worth it i will build up the relationship but sleeping with me on the 1st 2-4 dates just means she folded her hand and showed what she is worth!
if you can read them they will tell you everything you ever need to know about them with just 1 look!
and that is your mistake!
if no girl wants you why would she want you? in her mind "are you even worth it?"
if you think assholes like me are competitive you have never seen womanly competition!
as Casanova once stated "its easy to fuck sisters, just make them compete with each other for your attention!"
i think you have miss red (i know its miss read but somehow red applied to you, red is natures way of warning you of danger and yet...) the situation you psycho! but then again from those that enjoy the devils spawn what can one expect? the only reason to enjoy the devil spawn is because they have no souls and therefore you can anally probe them have homosexual sex and degrade them without any concerns since its not a sin... it can only be a sin against those with a soul!
well Nami will behave as girls always do when spurned and go on a passive aggressive way towards the MC and Bella and make the MC miss the friendship and trust that he had on her before!
when that fails because it always fails... she will consider what Bella did to get the MC and she will reach the conclusion that Bella got the MC because she hurt the person the MC cares for most in this world... so she will do the same... and Nami will hurt Nami probably starting off with injuring herself in an "accidental" way to get the MC to worry and pay more attention to her if that does not work she will start cutting herself to numb the pain in her heart and finally probably a failed suicide attempt...
ffs i need to go watch videos of puppies playing with each other this shit turned dark too fast even for me! or even yet play SG again and try to see Sasha as much as possible, that always mends my heart!
but see the story again its makes sense Bella got on the MC radar by being mean to Nami so Nami will be mean to Nami in the hopes of getting the MC to pay attention to her... she tryed to sexually attract him in the bathroom and by inviting him to sleep with her!
so if you asked jeff to keep an eye on Nami you might have just saved her... and she might just be happy, i mean Jeff seems like an amazing dude!
just turn her into an Anal sub and her haughty attitude will no longer be a problem! absolute master boss!
if anything in public she will be a bitch and when the night comes she will pay for all the shit she did to humiliate you during the day! some couples do have that dynamic... the middle ground!
or just roll over and be that family sex toy so you will be strapped to a bed and be sexually used and abused by Bella Amber and the crazy Aunt nurse! the pussy femdom path!
depends on how you tabulate inflation into the mix really! if you count inflation for a 500k lifestyle you will still need around 20-25 millions since being aggressive with your investments not always work and sometimes you must write off a few millions! but if you invest conservatively those write off´s are tax exemptions!
(great personal rant but useless to the debate) i count Amber´s wealth at 100 millions with an average 4.5% annual return!
with that stated then you know that after a few steps money is just money and women will look for capable good looking man! wealth is only an issue for women who do not have enough money, which in bella´s case money is a non issue! status however would be and the MC would have to become a renown lawyer or something... his income could be negligible his status could not!
how many rich girls marry the school team captain because they have the status? its a trope for a reason!
many a politician male have far smaller incomes than his wife´s family but as long as he wins elections and as the overall respect of society aka as status his personal wealth is irrelevant his wife and father in law already have more then enough!
do not confuse financial situation with status, many a wealthy family have gotten his wealth by ill means and will marry off a daughter to the preachers son so they might be less hated!
i come from old money when land still meant wealth my family is high pedigree but with so many women being born and my uncles being idiots the wealth is long gone and yet in our land we are still highly regarded (my family not me specifically)! but from my great grandfather stock we had plenty of national assembly deputies, military officers and church higher ranks and if the family was to stand united we could easily sway most elections in our region but most of my dear cousins prefer to join different parties and fight each other!
so when i was younger i had plenty of new money heiresses and my mother and their mothers tried to set me up plenty of times but i just grabbed my share of the spoils and traveled and lived as much as i could! do not get me wrong i still fucked those bitches to my mother chagrin and my father and grandfather pride! money is not respect, respect is how you treat others and are perceived by the majority, yes money can help but it can more easily be a block into others views of you!
as an example the most respected man in the new city where i live is a journalist that always spoke the truth no matter what! his brother is the wealthiest but when the time comes to talk to people you can clearly see who is the one that is loved and who is the one that is despised! the journalist went bankrupt 3 times in his lifetime already but fucking hell if he ever backed down from what he believed! i work for the rich brother!
i would have bitten off her tiny finger... whats that for footfetish bitch?
back from the weekend bitches!
it just means that people can not believe how stupid you are! i do not share that opinion but thats the meaning of the facepalm its like someone is too stupid that its not worth debating with that person!
you could do a quick search on google or the urban dicionary and avoid such issues!
You must be registered to see the linkshere let me help you by providing you your 1st step in this steep evolutionary hamster wheel you are getting yourself into!
It's to essentially convey that the person giving it considers that post to be not very wise. <rated G version>Just so as not to die stupid: what is the meaning of the smiley "facepalm" ???
Ya, think of it as a "starting point" for the MC based on emotional damage from past events as you're absolutely right - he is a fuckin' dick during the initial chapter and that's by design. Thankfully it would seem that via in-game choices / decisions we, as the player, are given the opportunity to shape the character a bit. He may never become a "straight-laced" dude, but I can already see by the end of Chapter 3.5 the differences in the way he behaves and speaks to people just based on my decisions with him and I've got a tendency to be kind of a jerk to some of the characters when I feel it's warranted, but at the end of the day, the player essentially can guide him in a better, less assholic direction if you want. We may not 'always' get that choice, but I do hope we get plenty of opportunities. The more control and decisions we get to make on how to handle situations, the better, IMO.I hate MC behavior at the beginning of the game. He's a total asshole..
But I understand that it has its reasons, but it still bothers me. It's good that he changes a bit when the game goes on.
While kindly stated, the facepalmers also don't quote the comment and explain WHY they think it's 'unwise". In other words they can't be bothered to state their opposing opinion. So why shouldn't their response be ignored? Lots of good debate in these threads. Many commenters expressing opposing opinions.It's to essentially convey that the person giving it considers that post to be not very wise. <rated G version>![]()
Does this happen to you a lot? I guess I don't really notice it all that often.While kindly stated, the facepalmers also don't quote the comment and explain WHY they think it's 'unwise". In other words they can't be bothered to state their opposing opinion. So why shouldn't their response be ignored? Lots of good debate in these threads. Many commenters expressing opposing opinions.
A facepalm is lazy on two fronts. First they don't express an opinion they might be called upon to defend. Second they attempt to attract other lemmings to dog pile so that they feel they don't have to defend themselves.
Usually not to me. Although, if you were to look at the reactions to my comments, you'd see I've attracted the behavior a few times. I was making an observation about the behavior of those who indulge in that type of response in general to those whose comments with which they disagree. Just observing the herds as it were. Lemmings, one and all...Does this happen to you a lot? I guess I don't really notice it all that often.
so you agree with me that the MC status could easily become an issue if Amber tries to prep him up and he fails!Hi warscared! I'll be honest, you're right about status. You're also definitely right about women who come from money not caring much about money(but that goes for both men and women so I don't get why you're singling us out). So I can't really argue against those lol. But what I can argue against, is you saying that Bella doesn't have status. I'll get to the point and say that family name is important for the upper class. The entire reason her family name got mentioned was because of the status behind it. This was proven when Stefan Holgerson went on about the MC's family name. The whole "I don't know any Cyrus" is because MC has no status amongst the wealthy. He is a nobody. Bella would not have gotten invited to the gala had she not possessed some level of status. Bella has the MC beat in both wealth and status. I don't think she'd need him for either...
Well that's about all I can argue with lol. Despite your colorful way of saying it, you're right about a lot of that(at least the part of your post that I am replying to). Although I will say that a person's status can be taken away at any time beyond the control of the person who wields it. Titles and positions do not last forever. There's also much more that you can do with wealth as opposed to status. Status can only take you so far. Oh and by the way, I've yet to meet a wealthy man or woman without some level of status to go along with that. My grandfather is on Forbes list, and trust me when I say that he is of very high status.
Honestly it depends on how people interpret the word "asshole". Cause to me the MC's not an asshole, He's just someone who gone through some deep emotional shit that he manages to develop a defense mechanism/facade on trying not to give a damn/care about anyone. You also play BaDIK right? I think the MC in BaDIK is much more of an asshole in nature against SG's MC, but that's just my opinion. I love both games and both of them are in my AVN's top 3 of all time.I hate MC behavior at the beginning of the game. He's a total asshole..
But I understand that it has its reasons, but it still bothers me. It's good that he changes a bit when the game goes on.
It's easy Nami is best and always will be. No chance for anyone else.Damn. In this game, it's really hard to choose which woman I want to be in a relationship with...
There are so many awesome women and I like practically all of them (of the main ones)
I love Nami, Mila and Vic the most. And I'm starting to like Bella too.![]()
Just wait for Summer to come back, I can feel it coming. It would be an emotional trainwreck, and would really cap this one as one of the best AVNs in history, if the dev pulls it off right.Damn. In this game, it's really hard to choose which woman I want to be in a relationship with...
There are so many awesome women and I like practically all of them (of the main ones)
I love Nami, Mila and Vic the most. And I'm starting to like Bella too.![]()
am i the only one who hopes Summer doesn't come backJust wait for Summer to come back, I can feel it coming. It would be an emotional trainwreck, and would really cap this one as one of the best AVNs in history, if the dev pulls it off right.
it could but there's a chance it'll be a cop out and would undo all our boi's character development.Just wait for Summer to come back, I can feel it coming. It would be an emotional trainwreck, and would really cap this one as one of the best AVNs in history, if the dev pulls it off right.
you are not the only one.am i the only one who hopes Summer doesn't come back
think about it. it Would be really really bad
Yeah I agree, ocean could squeeze her back in again but it would undo all the character development our protagonist would or potentially have.if summer came back then left, it would completely undo all the time he took to mend and move on from that.