Devoted Member
Jun 11, 2020
Sasha loves me and irk´s at the horrible things i do to other women, hardly a mistress!

who do you think is wearing the mask of civilization? her or... me?she became the godess of war because that is who i am if i was a painter she would be a muse if i was a musician she would be cocaine, she becomes what she believes will serve me better! that is how much she loves me! well... love ... lust after me perhaps!

Vidal the king of Pervert have you considered that perhaps that will disgust her? i mean she is totally into being humiliated!

i can already see it!
MC: yo bitch come and pick me up at my girl Sasha house!
Bella: stop it asshole i am not your waitress or driver!
MC: No you´re right, you´re my slave so shut up woman and get moving!
Bella: o..ok, sorry master! i am all tingly already!
MC: why would i care? move it bitch!

10 minutes later!

Bella: sorry i´m so sorry for being l8!
MC: shut up cunt you already made me loose 10 minutes!
Bella: how was i supose to know
MC: SHUT It! ffs i swear the best moments i have with you is when you have a full mouth!
Bella: i know i am that good at giving head!
MC: its not the head, its the fucking silence!
Bella: but.. ok.. sorry *crying eyes*!
MC: you know what i am sick of you apologizing, use your mouth!
Bella: but thats what i am doing i am asking your forgiveness!
MC: *unzips his pants* i said mouth not words, get to work!
Bella: humpp ith´s sheems yhou´rhe takhing fhorevher
MC: yeah i busted a nut in Sasha pretty hard
Bella: grumphhh
MC: yeap thats her you´re tasting on my dick right now!
MC: did you just bite it a little bit?
Bella: *crying* i am not your cock´s maid!
MC: but are you not?
Bella: shit... what have i became?
Bella: you know what? go fuck yourself, i am sick of this shit i love you and all you do to me is use me like a whore!
MC: the only reason why i use you like that its because that is what you are, and you love it!
Bella: can we at least go on a date? i´ll pay for everything!
MC: i am not for sale, bitch! i know what i am worth and you can not afford it!
Bella: but i am rich!
MC: fuck you´re dumb, not all coin is money!
Bella: yeahh most of it is plastic anyway!
MC: *grabs Bella´s by the back of her neck* back to sucking you´re stupidity is start to rub off on me!
Bella: iths jhusth the ihnshide of my chheekc
Bella: fuck this, i out of here and maybe i will suck off Kai just to get back at you!
MC: you better not!
Bella: fuck you, fuck you, fuck you, fuck you, fuck you, fuck you and ... oh right before i forget, fuck you!
MC: *jumps at Bella and grabs her by the neck*
MC. are you done?
Bella: no i think i forgot to tell you... fuck you!
MC: *slaps Bella* get naked!
Bella: you´re a abuser, i should report you!
MC: then why are you still undressing?
Bella: the pussy wants what the pussy wants and when i get excited my mind shuts off?
Bella: or perhaps i love the way you look at me when i am undressing, the desire in your eyes shows me that i still got a chance at you!
MC: i am all Sasha, we already debated this and you agreed!
Bella: i might yet change the deal! i want more of you and not just the scraps from Sasha´s table!
Bella: you do not need to say it! i can see it in your eyes... and in your trousers, nobody excites you as me!
MC: love is more then just sex! Sasha fulfills me you just leave me empty!
Bella: i got pretty good at emptying your balls!
MC: patience and good sense that is what you dry me off!
Bella: then why do you keep calling me and coming to me?
MC: i do not come to you i come in you, learn to read the situation! and you better keep using the pill Amber bought you!
Bella: ofc why would i want a child with a dumbass like you? i love my children i want them beautiful and smart!
MC: that`s me!
Bella: no... i mean! you´re not pretty enough or smart enough and if i had them with you i could not love them!
MC: men are not supposed to be pretty!
Bella: guess you lucked in then!
MC: get on all 4´s!
Bella: fuck i hate you so much "and yet i love this too much to let it go"!
MC: *grabs bella hair gives it a twirl to lock it properly and starts pumping the slut*
MC: *using his other hand grabs her shoulder for a better grip and push it in more*
Bella: fuck fuck fuck its too big go easy or you´ll break it!
MC: yeah bitch i will break you in!
MC: *slaps Bella´s ass hard*
Bella: *twinges* oh god why do i do this to myself! its hurting!
MC: thats how you know the medicin is working!
Bella: so you´re dick is my butt´s medicin now?
MC: not for your butt but for your lousy shitty personality that makes everyone hate you!
Bella: gawsh yes yes its finally starting to feel a little bit good although it still hurts like hell, go for the pussy!
MC: YOU DO NOT TELL ME WHAT TO DO BITCH! *grabs Bella´s neck and pushes her head down against the pillow*!
Bella: *crying* the things i do for love!
MC: yes your love for being a bratty cunt, and this is your reward!
Bella: love hurts but they never told me it would be ass cracking butthurting this much!
MC: here it comes bitch!
Bella: come inside!
MC: *turns bella around and shoves it down her throat*
Bella: *gulp*! asshole, thats disgusting!
MC: thats all you deserve!
Bella: i deserve far more but you´re not man enough or rich enough to give me what i deserve!
MC: FFS even during sex you never shut the fuck up!
Bella: thats because my voice matters, unlike some of my charity work, namely you!
MC: says the slag with a butthole the size of a dolar coin and dripping sperm with streaks of brown from the corners of her mouth!
MC: bitch, for me you´re just a gash to do the things that my evil nature demands of me but my conscience prevents me from enacting upon Sasha!
Bella: one day, we will marry and the years of suffering you make me go through will be repaied in decades!
MC: i will shot my head before that ever happens!
Bella: a few months ago you said the same about shooting your load on me! and now look at us!
MC: yeah yeah yeah you´re kind of psychotic!
Bella: Says the dude that just raped my innocent ass!
MC: you love it!
Bella: do not confuse the power thrill i get from making you go crazy with lust with the sexual pleasure!
Bella: i do not like it i can not sit for 2 days afterwards but
MC: butt
Bella: oh gawd, you´re such a child!
MC: does that make you a pedophile?
Bella: i mean i would prefer if you would break my pussy but the knowledge i get from being able to control you through sex is a cerebral orgasm onto itself!
MC: i heard women could have multiple orgasm but orgasm from different organs? you´re just weird!
Bella: stop it, you love my weirdness, you poor poor thing!
MC: you´re lucky i am poor! or else i would be using Nia or Mila they kind of like me and do not charge too much for all the kinky shit!
Bella: yes thats why i call you a charity case, you can not even afford a cheap slag like Mila!
MC: you love it when i squeeze your neck!
Bella: i love the evidence of your abuse if i ever decide to have you arrested! then maybe your ass will feel like mine!
MC: nahh prisoners are only into pretty boys!
Bella: yeap!
MC: lol just 5 minutes ago you told me i licked in at not being pretty!
Bella: god i can not handle you more then 1 hour a day! have a good day! you´re too childish!
MC: HEY BITCH, you did not ask your master for permission!
Bella: but.. but you already came.... when that happens we end the roleplay!
MC:*slaps Bella* its not a roleplay! you´re my Butt Sub Slut, a slave to my wims!
Bella: yes master! may i remove myself from your ever loving presence?
MC: piss off slut and keep your phone close to you i might need to come all over your face!
Bella: yes master! everything for you!

5 minutes later

MC: one of these days this bitch will fuck me over!
MC: *looking at the mirror* what are you doing idiot?
MC: you got Sasha thats all you´ll ever need!

*meanwhile at Bella car*

Bella: *looking at the mirror at her car*
Bella: fuck good thing i bought this donut, my ass hurts too much!
Bella: one day at a time Bella! you´re slowly but surely going to conquer him!
Bella: although i am developing some crazy kinks as of l8!
Bella: to think i could come from him spiting on me! stupid bitch not a dick spit!
Bella: even the humiliation turns me on! i guess i am really broken and fucked up!
Bella: but so is he! so we will just ruin one family!
Bella: and that shit ... Sasha sure does taste nice! maybe i can improve it by offering her a pineapple?
Bella: yeah that`s it! a pineapple filled with cyanet! that bitch will learn not to fuck with my man!
Bella: the gawl of that girl just because he is her boyfriend she things can have fuck my man!
Bella: Summer broke him! must be careful i want to break him without breaking is sexuality!
Bella: so 1st i need him to get addicted to me! i just wished it was my pussy and not my ass
Bella: oh well, we play with the cards where given! and after Sasha next one to go must be Nami!
Bella: hope Mama got her the scholarship to another country! killing people can be tiresome!
Great story man, someone should do a fan art of those scenes, only thing I would add to it is, he ties Bella up to the bed while he’s using all her holes but can’t bust another nut until her mom Amber comes in & sees what’s going on & gets turned on & wants to be dominated too


Devoted Member
Jun 11, 2020
Not trying to be rude... but Miss Marla... literally got out of the car a few renders later lol
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Also, Bella is not a "bitchy blonde," she's just really misunderstood(like several characters in this story). She has deep-seated issues that cause her to act out as she does. We see in this latest update that she's not a bad person. A bad person wouldn't feel guilt or remorse for what she and MC did to that lady(forgot her name). A bad person also wouldn't have rushed to MC and felt concerned for his injuries. Hopefully, you and everyone else with that opinion will come to realize this further in the future ♡

But of course, we're all entitled to our own opinions lol.
God I just want to hate fuck Ms Marlas ass raw


Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2020
can you blame us especially since the other teams have been popping off lately and it's not even the waifu wars yet :oops:

I mean look at Razrback16 he used to be a part of Team Bella and now he's rolling with Team Amber :cry:
Hah I'm on both my dude. I have two playthroughs presently - in my first & primary playthrough I went full Bella route, BUT we haven't seen anything with Amber yet, really in terms of relationship development, so I could absolutely flip 100% to Amber depending on what happens. Amber is by far the most physically attractive woman in the game to me (so far, at least).

So I ended up creating a 2nd playthrough where I mostly reject Bella romantically, but try to be friendly enough with her to not be enemies, and expressed some interest in Mila (to hopefully drive a dating route with her to explore as she has a killer body as well) but primarily I wanted to keep Bella at a distance in order to go balls to the wall with Amber when that route opens up.

I am open to having my mind changed, though - the fact right now is that outside of Bella and a tiny bit of Nami & Mila, we have minimal relationship development with other girls in the game so a lot of things are going to remain fluid for a bit in the story. We're only through chapter 3.5 of a ~30 chapter story, so many things can and will change. If things develop in such a way with Amber or another character that I develop more interest in for whatever reason, I may end up scrapping things with Bella or someone else. Just like IRL, when things happen or people do certain things, it can change your perception of them along with relationships, so I try to remain open minded this early in a story or any 'relationship' with someone since there's so much we don't know about these characters to this point.


Devoted Member
Jun 11, 2020
Hah I'm on both my dude. I have two playthroughs presently - in my first & primary playthrough I went full Bella route, BUT we haven't seen anything with Amber yet, really in terms of relationship development, so I could absolutely flip 100% to Amber depending on what happens. Amber is by far the most physically attractive woman in the game to me (so far, at least).

So I ended up creating a 2nd playthrough where I mostly reject Bella romantically, but try to be friendly enough with her to not be enemies, and expressed some interest in Mila (to hopefully drive a dating route with her to explore as she has a killer body as well) but primarily I wanted to keep Bella at a distance in order to go balls to the wall with Amber when that route opens up.

I am open to having my mind changed, though - the fact right now is that outside of Bella and a tiny bit of Nami & Mila, we have minimal relationship development with other girls in the game so a lot of things are going to remain fluid for a bit in the story. We're only through chapter 3.5 of a ~30 chapter story, so many things can and will change. If things develop in such a way with Amber or another character that I develop more interest in for whatever reason, I may end up scrapping things with Bella or someone else. Just like IRL, when things happen or people do certain things, it can change your perception of them along with relationships, so I try to remain open minded this early in a story or any 'relationship' with someone since there's so much we don't know about these characters to this point.
Really looking forward to what happens when you go to the cabin in the woods with Amber


Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2020
Really looking forward to what happens when you go to the cabin in the woods with Amber
Absolutely. I've wondered what's going to happen, too - assuming Amber & MC are driving there together and not flying, that's 6 hours each way plus the therapy session. So you've got 12+ hours in the car together which is a long time. That's a lot of time to chat where MC could inquire about her husband, personal life, etc. and basically try to get to know her more. There will also be stops along the way for food, etc. and possibly even an overnight stay in a hotel depending on time of day, how things go, etc. Not to mention the possibility of a vehicle breakdown - so many possibilities of what could happen to be that ignition spark where things switch from being strictly a business relationship to the possibility of something more. Of course Ocean may not have any plans of making things happen on this trip, it may be solely to tell the player what happened to Summer, but I am definitely hopeful he finds a way to deliver a great story and situation between MC & Amber if the player opts for it.

I don't know about the rest of you, but I find that trigger point to be fascinating and enjoyable - that first time a man and a woman lock eyes and see the other person a little bit differently than they did before once they realize they've got a little more affection for them than they thought was there...and then things change in the relationship, usually getting awkward initially while both people try to figure out how to process it and how to handle the other person moving forward. With MC & Amber I think my anticipation for that spark with them is higher than usual due to the circumstances - age difference, how absolutely fucking gorgeous she is, mother of one of his schoolwork partners, appears to have at least on a surface level befriended his mom a little bit (talk about doing the Tennis thing, discounts for the therapy, etc.). Looking forward to what I hope will be an enjoyable story between those two.


Active Member
Jul 15, 2017
Team this, team that. Are you guys all swingers or just into gangbang?
You don't deserve any of your waifus.
Meanwhile i stand by myself. And own all of them.
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(Well to be honest, just Bella, Nami, Mila, Vic, Sasha, Robin, Amber and Ayua will be enough. You can take rest of them for your teams activities.)


Engaged Member
Jun 8, 2020
I see you don't want sasha,I feel sorry for you God please bless him.
You know, I keep trying to like her, but she just kind of keeps creepily staring at people and shit. Kind of too weird a vibe for me. She's pretty enough, but kind of a "crazy axe murderer" vibe coming off her to me. I had one crazy, violent, girlfriend; it kind of made me gun shy. Maybe my play-through has missed some things, but hey - I figure 8-9 are enough for now :ROFLMAO:


Active Member
Jul 9, 2021
Just look at both of them, they are so unique.
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There is no comparison.
Both of them wants MC's attention. :love:
That we all agree....i'd like to see Bella and Sasha having an idle chat though....
It's like two godesses ignoring each other so that there won't be any crack wide open in the middle of the universe.


Mar 20, 2021
That we all agree....i'd like to see Bella and Sasha having an idle chat though....
It's like two godesses ignoring each other so that there won't be any crack wide open in the middle of the universe.
That will definitely happen, it's matter of time.
Since MC is transforming Bella, or that jealously will bring two to them on the table.
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Active Member
Jun 23, 2018
Are there any sex scenes already for the main girls? Want to get into this game but not if there isn't enough progression. Also there is an option to skip the futa/trans stuff right?


Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2020
Are there any sex scenes already for the main girls? Want to get into this game but not if there isn't enough progression. Also there is an option to skip the futa/trans stuff right?
No sex scenes yet. Some romance progression for sure, but no sex yet. Dev says this game will be around 30 chapters long and it'll be a slow burn, so it may be a while yet for actual sex content.

On Futa/Trans we haven't actually run into anything yet. Allegedly there is a character we met around Chapter 3 who is trans but it's not disclosed who it is.
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