I agree with you that trust comes first then love
however, I disagree with you on. She does not need love from the MC because she has love from her mother there are different types of love
there is Parental love
and then there is a special type of love that you only get from being in love with someone
and. Someone being in love with you
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Yeah, I agree with your disagreement

I wasn't clear, it's quite difficult for me in English, but I'll try

What I meant was... Yeah, she does need THAT type of love, I mean who doesn't. Only those with no heart, who Bella sure as hell isn't. The thing is, romantic love doesn't belong to her primary needs. It's not like she hasn't ever experienced what it's like to be loved for who she really is, with all her flaws, no matter what. This feeling, this parental love - this is what I meant that she gets from her mom. Also from Ayua and Nadia (friendly love, another type of love, definitely not as strong as parental one, but still special). Of course romantic love is different and I think she has never been even close to experiencing that. In fact, I'm of the opinion that she might belong to those kind of people who either disbelieve in romantic love itself (she trusts no one which supports my statement, also maybe her father had cheated on Amber which of course affected Bella as well, and moreover she might've fallen in love with somebody who then broke her heart... possibilities are limitless), or they think THEY don't deserve to be loved (people love the way she looks and she knows it, however they also hate her as a whole; in her childhood she used to be constantly reminded of what a weirdo she was etc., you know that - all of this altogether could have resulted in her getting that conviction), so if they don't deserve it they don't need it, thus act like it. And of course whatever terrible had happened to her sister has left Bella mentally scarred.
What I am trying to say, and I hope I'm not heavily failing in that, is that of course she needs love, she just isn't aware of it because she doesn't know what it is (my opinion). The reason she's falling for MC doesn't consist of only them being so similar (the most vital aspect obviously), him understanding where she comes from and her liking his looks after the haircut she arranged, but also of mutual trust (not full at all, but firm enough), because that's what her primary need is, to be trusted and not prejudiced. Something she can't even expect from her own mother, and that says a lot.
With MC she feels what she never did and when she realizes what it's shaping into, it scares her. She has no idea what to do.
I hope I'm not completely wrong

Which is always possible.
This post is most likely long as fuck ☹