Yvier the Duck

Active Member
Dec 25, 2020
Looks like all this reworks been made to get Mila into Dolly Buster kinda measures. Seriously?
Oceans said that he doesn't make his tits bigger, only improved the model. I think is more that you see the differences that other thing, because I remember the picture with Victoria in Nami's phone and she has a really big pair of bazongadongas, but with the new clothes and being a little bit detailed they look enormous in comparation with the old model.
Also, it's supose than Mila has one of the most hot bodies in the game, other girls say that she has a topmodel body and even Bella is intimidated by Mila, that's why she makes so many cruel jokes every time the MC think or talk about her. Is not the case, but with that in mind, even if Oceans remake the model to make it more sexual in detriment of be less realistic, I can accept it. Not every girl need to have big tits and a big ass, but her? Yeah, why not.
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Aug 3, 2022
You might want to try two games by LeFrench, "The Path" and "Red Lucy". The first one is on hold for now because of technical difficulties, the second one is under development.
Thanks, brother. But through the preview, I feel that those two games have not reached its quality. I don't think I can play any other games until the fifth chapter is released.:cry:


Jan 22, 2020
I have to admit - the models in this VN are some of the hottest of any of the VN's on F95. I mean the renders of these girls asses are insane.
So the Dev is very very talented with creating kick ass renders and the animations are great as well.
However, the trade off is the story is progressing very very slooooooooooooooowly.
This VN is 3 years in and honestly the story feels like we are still pretty early on.
I don't recall when the last update was, but it feels like it was a long time ago - like early in 2022 or late in 2021 - and this update didn't progress the story, it was all retouching previous content. I think the retouched content looks awesome!
But the Dev needs to find a balance between blowing us away with awesome graphics and keeping the story progressing.

The main reason I enjoy VN's is the story. Sure great images are a huge plus. Personally I don't care as much about sound/music - I usually play the VN's with the volume muted anyway. But will admit well done sound certainly adds to the experience.
But for me - my interest or lack of interest is primarily influenced by the story.
And while this story is interesting to me - it's unlikely that I will have the patience to stick with this VN for another 3-4 years to see how everything unfolds.

Truthfully - there are probably only 20-25 really good VN's on this site (and this VN IMO is one of them). All the rest are mostly crap - with recycled images, a recycled story (MC was separated from his mom and sisters for X number of years. He returns home and finds out his mom and sisters all turned into smoking hot goddesses. Even though MC is a college aged virgin when he returns home his mom, his sisters, his aunts, his teachers, his neighbors, basically every female in the entire town wants to fuck his brains out and none of them care that the MC is fucking every other female in the town).
So we wait around for updates on the 20+ good VN's. Burn through the update in anywhere from a few minutes to a few hours. Then sit around and wait 4-6 months or longer for the next update to come out. Meanwhile, in between updates we burn through the hundreds of shitty VN's to pass the time while we are waiting for updates for the good VN's.

Don't get me wrong - no one is holding a gun to my head and telling me I have to read AVN's. I am just pointing out that - if reading AVN's is your hobby, then you have to accept A LOT of delayed gratification and I'm not referring to the physical (fapping) gratification. I am referring to the gratification of reading a VN from start to finish.


Engaged Member
Dec 5, 2020
Truthfully - there are probably only 20-25 really good VN's on this site (and this VN IMO is one of them). All the rest are mostly crap - with recycled images, a recycled story [...]
So we wait around for updates on the 20+ good VN's. Burn through the update in anywhere from a few minutes to a few hours. Then sit around and wait 4-6 months or longer for the next update to come out. Meanwhile, in between updates we burn through the hundreds of shitty VN's to pass the time while we are waiting for updates for the good VN's.
I feel exactly the same. But sadly, I totaly understand that there is no way that a single dev could increase performance significally, maybe only if they would develop some sort of AI, that could take an author's script, characters, their basic dynamics and generate renders and animations based on it. But that's just a wet dream, so there is only possible solution right now to speed up the development is the old good development team. Seriously, there is an ambition of the TV series and resources of the single person. No matter, how talented this person is, the result is a little bit obvious, it will take a months to produce a hour of the content.


Oct 19, 2021
Personally, i think the table top game dragged on a LITTLE too much however i ended up enjoying it. We'll probably get more from what it seems and it looks like we get to use the dirty cards :p

Also, i didn't think it was possible for Mila to look sexier but Ocean did it xD


Jan 23, 2022
I'm so conflicted.
On one hand I like Mila and don't wish her that, even if it would be a great plot twist. Then there would be people screaming NTR and the thought alone already pisses me off.
On the other hand though, just imagine Mila lactating :BootyTime:
Yeah these people who always scream NTR as soon as a LI is not a virgin are really annoying:FacePalm:. I hope the Dev won't listen to those voices as it's really immersion-breaking and unrealistic.


Jan 11, 2022
Fantastic game, awesome renders, bit difficult to get all the scenes but God the girls are so marvellous.
I liked the tabletop game and the interaction during those scenes, was fun and original, reminded me abit of Eternum.

Zara and Vanessa are also something else, those bodies and their characters...jeez. Didn't know such art was possible with Renpy, almost real bodies! The facial expression and crying when MC shouted "she needed to man up or he would look for another personal trainer" left me baffled.
Would really love to see more interactions with those girls.... can't wait to see my shopping scene with Vanessa :eek: in the next chapter(s).

Speaking of beautiful renders... I took a screenshot from Bella during her shower scene... amagawd what a spectacular view that was.... that bush down there was something else, at least a woman in a VN who's not completely shaven ;)
Can't wait to see Nami nude too, according to her chat with that other red (cam)girl she confessed her pubes still ain't trimmed :p

Please don't let us wait 8 months again Ocean :devilish:


Active Member
Game Developer
Dec 24, 2020
Fantastic game, awesome renders, bit difficult to get all the scenes but God the girls are so marvellous.
I liked the tabletop game and the interaction during those scenes, was fun and original, reminded me abit of Eternum.

Zara and Vanessa are also something else, those bodies and their characters...jeez. Didn't know such art was possible with Renpy, almost real bodies! The facial expression and crying when MC shouted "she needed to man up or he would look for another personal trainer" left me baffled.
Would really love to see more interactions with those girls.... can't wait to see my shopping scene with Vanessa :eek: in the next chapter(s).

Speaking of beautiful renders... I took a screenshot from Bella during her shower scene... amagawd what a spectacular view that was.... that bush down there was something else, at least a woman in a VN who's not completely shaven ;)
Can't wait to see Nami nude too, according to her chat with that other red (cam)girl she confessed her pubes still ain't trimmed :p

Please don't let us wait 8 months again Ocean :devilish:
I hope that bush stay.
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