Which balance are we talking about ? Bella is nothing more than a paper of tiger who's just as snobish and condescending than the rich assholes she despises.

While both Zara and Bella had it rough during her childhood, Zara didn't turn into a bully. On the contrary she took Victoria's defense more than once and even saved her from Melanie Cerill and stood for herself.
Bella on the other hand, just hided behind Ayua's skirt and mommy's money. Then once she started to be more confident became a bully herself, humiliating Nami for no reason, constantly mocking and poor shaming people below her social statut, making fun of Victoria situation because a paraplegic can only do the starfish haha

While Nika realized that their stupid revenge plot put Mila in trouble, he at least show some remorse, Bella was just pleased with herself than an innocent took the shot for them. Nika even called her out for it. She constantly pushes others buttons with no regard for their feelings but of course once Nika gave her a taste of her own medicine, she cried like a little bitch and we're supposed to be deeply sorry for her.
Then during the date, even tho she admitted herself than the woman she has targered didn't deserve it, she attacked her where she knew it would hurt the most, just to have a diversion. But we're supposed to not judge her so harshly because she feels bad about it but still did it anyway ?
She ain't a badass or a tough girl, just a condescending coward with no guts and a hypocrite, lucky enough to have mommy's money