scrappy The cheat mod is not opening for me and even the previous saves won't load causing an error. Please help me
Hey you ever get this to work? I was just trying this for the first time tonight. I can get the game to load but on choices some of the text just highlights green but doesn't tell me what the changing values are.
I read through the thread and downloaded Scrappy's patch, but even with that installed it doesn't change anything.

I'm sure I've just done something wrong, but not sure what to change.
I've tried this a few different ways.
I make a copy of my game directory to another drive. I downloaded UnRen and drop it in the main directory of the duplicated game folder (so as not to affect my existing vanilla install) and open it, run option 1, it says it extracts the data successfully. I then merge the game folder from Scrappy's mod into the game folder of the installation directory and overwrite any files. I then copy Scrappy's incest patch overtop (overwrite) of the existing incest patch.
Game launches fine and loads my saves fine, but when it gets to choices, one of the choices will be highlighted green but not tell me what's actually changing with that choice.
I even tried making a new copy of the install directory and deleting the original incest patch altogether and then installing Scrappy's mod WITHOUT the incest patch just to see if it makes any difference, but no luck there, either, same results.
Would love to hear any suggestions from anyone on how to resolve. Thanks much!