RPGM - Sunny: Love to Cheat [v0.4.0] [Satanica Hime]

  1. 4.00 star(s)


    4/5 stars as of version 0.4.0
    The premise is good and delivered well enough to get the point across, even if the concept itself is not at all original. That said, the game in its current state does suffer from some lack of TLC or QoL. Some more attention given to certain areas will go a long way, such as transition tiles, being able to talk to characters over counters, etc. Also, not all text is translated to english. Not a huge deal, being an RPGM game, finding the text and finishing the translation is fairly easy. The game is also simple enough to beg the question as to why this is made in RPGM and not Renpy, given that all we are doing so far is simply moving from point to point with a linear story. This would be simple to do as a kinetic Renpy title rather than making players move around in a RPGM map (which also could use some minor touchups, but nothing major).

    Good for what it is so far, but there is still much more to come. Good luck to the dev. Looking forward to seeing how filthy Sunny becomes!
  2. 4.00 star(s)


    (review as of 0.3.1) I think this game has really good potential, its very similar to bawdy traditions and I can see why people enjoy that game more, but honestly this is a really nice game too. While nothing mind blowing, the art is nice, especially if you love women with big areola, and while the male models arent the most flattering, I've certainly seen worse.
    My main complaints are the extreme linearity, (tho its really not all that different from following a guide for other games), if the scenes could be opened up a little more, and allow for the player to achieve them in their own order that could be nice. My other complaint is the lack of a gallery, tho I think that could be fixed fairly quickly.
  3. 1.00 star(s)


    I wasn't going to bother reviewing this as it didn't feel fair to the dev to criticise the game so early into development but if 30 minutes of content is enough for some people to overinflate the rating of this game then I guess someone needs to try and balance things.

    The art is fairly standard KK, nothing I'd describe as good or special just basic. The models for all the other males are horrendous, and not in an ugly bastard kind of way, they just look terrible. The FC has big titties and every guy in town comments on them, but for some reason the dev choose to dress her in the baggiest top he could which doesn't compliment the character models figure or accentuate her main assets. Also I hate giant areola's but that's just personal preference.

    I could see I didn't like or rate the art going in but I came for the NTR and the hope there would be some good writing. There are a dime a dozen NTR games now where the husband is an unaware moron and the wife is a naïve closet slut that will almost instantly cheat on her husband. I'm not inherently against this type of story, it's just when that story has been done to death your game needs to have something that sets it apart from the rest to make it worth folks time... and this doesn't.

    Clearly English is not this devs first language and it shows. I think good NTR lives or dies by it's writing and for it to be good it usually has to be well paced and nuanced. I don't think this dev has that talent or ability and I found myself skipping large portions of the dialogue as once again, it was nothing new.

    Overall a boring game, with boring art and a boring plot that I don't think is worth your time.
  4. 4.00 star(s)


    Very good game, good quality, writting is okay the story is serviceble. Don't know how long the history is gonna be but chosing RPGM will greatly afect replayability and gameplay the longer the history goes. RPGM gets really repetitive and makes the pace feel off.
  5. 4.00 star(s)


    Pretty good game, very much like Bawdy Traditions or Naughtyville Town Revelations.

    The art is very good, and the scenes are hot too. The translation is a little wonky but it never gets confusing.

    The only reason I dont give 5 stars is because it relies very heavily on both partners to be very naive and just let very innapropriate stuff to happen like its no big deal. So in a few words, its more smut than story.

    Not much content for now but if dev doesnt disappear on us I believe this game has a good chance of being not S tier but definitely A tier.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    NTR game with great art. Female characters' areolae are super hot BTW:p
    Although it could be better on RenPy :ROFLMAO:
    No more than 30 mins gameplay, without any choice nor real sex so far. Looking forward to more content.