Comics - Collection - Sunstone [2023-09-18] [Stjepan Sejic]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Incredibly well written, beautifully illustrated, well worth a read, though only if you are looking for an emotional story rather than pure smut.

    Seriously cannot suggest this enough!

    This is a story set with a BDSM focus, but touches on the humanity behind it rather than just the sexuality. The characters are believably human even with their exaggerated personalities. The two leads find each other through a shared hidden passion and desire, then find themselves in the new life they forge. From the nerves of their first meeting to the anxiety of "proving" their value to one another, this whole story shines a light on the true core of any relationship, BDSM or Vanilla, it all comes down to trust and communication.

    Again, not the story if you are looking for something to fill 5 minutes of stress relief, but a beautifully crafted story that is well worth the time you invest in it.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    From the illustrator and writer Stjepan Šejić, known for his work in Witchblade and Aphrodite IX and currently in Justice League Odyssey for DC, we get a personal graphic novel with a magnificent narration and some adorable characters in a story of love and leather.
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