
Sunwave Hotel
Game Developer
Jun 5, 2017
full save game pls
Right now during this period, the Gallery is available as soon as you do the first quest. Just go back out of the first town to the beach gate and you will see it. We will have a more traditional gallery soon, but right now it's just available and all scenes are unlocked so in case something is broken, you can always check out new scenes there.



Active Member
Sep 13, 2020
Okay, so if you can, and don't worry about screenshots, just list me scenes or at least the characters who were saying the wrong name. It will help me hunt them down.
I'll try it here in a bit the new version that is not released to the public just yet for awhile and let u know and pm u my results
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Sunwave Hotel
Game Developer
Jun 5, 2017

Tengot's third scene is in progress. All of the lineart has been completed, and we are now moving to flats and shading. This scene incredible scene was a bit of a puzzle to solve in terms of how we did things like the position and her hair, but I really love how it has shaped up.

I think the Megacorp (first faction I did) will always have a special place in my heart. Time will tell just how many people can resist Tengot's sensual schemes and will join her as a agent of the Megacorp on Island 2.

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Active Member
Sep 13, 2020
I suggest if you and your coder ever have to jump ship and switch game engines to use renpy to tell your story telling. If you ever add more combat and decided to use renpy you can still implement combat just got to be creative about it compared to unity engine. Wildquill
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Arnav Dasari

Sep 14, 2020
Funny thing, but recently I was thinking about combat implementation in RenPy and came to an idea of a minigame that should work (in theory). In Milky Touch (another 2D VN Wildquill worked on) there was this lockpicking minigame:

MilkyTouch 2023-09-15 00-15-42-69.jpg

Nothing fancy, you just has to click at the right moment, when the swinging slider (the orange line) is right in the center. The catch is that the slider moves fastest when it goes through the center and slowest at the edges of that, eh, hourglass thingy. I saw a couple of very similar minigames in other projects. So I guess, a shooting minigame can be very similar to that concept. I can see three variants of its implementation:

- The simplest one is that you enter the minigame and have to click at the right moment etc etc, and your every click is a shot. The closer to the center the slider is, the more powerful your shot would be (dead center would be like headshot/critical hit), while edges would be a miss/grazing shot. But while you're taking your time aiming, your opponents shoot at MC all that time, so the longer it's taking to kill them the more health you lose, up to MC getting killed and you losing the minigame and having to load a save.

- An easier variant would be turn-based combat. Same as above, but while you're aiming to click, time is frozen for your opponent, so there's no pressure to end the fight asap. After your single shot, your opponent makes his single shot, dealing some damage to MC, after which the control is returned to you again, and so it goes until either MC or his opponent NPC is dead.

- A fancier variant of the above; dividing each player turn to two phases. In the first phase player would chose the opponent's bodypart to aim at, like in Fallout 3/4 V.A.T.S. The second phase is taking the shot itself, and it's one of the above options - either turn-based or real time. Except depending on the bodypart chosen effects from the critical hit would wary. If it's the head the opponent would be killed immediately; if it's arms, a critical hit would lead to opponent getting his weapon shot out of his hands and to his surrender or an escape attempt (so a non-lethal option); if it's legs, the opponent won't be able to escape, etc etc.

Of course, this simple base can have a multitude of mechanics to raise the gameplay depth. Multiple opponents at once, different classes of opponents (like heavily armored guys for example), different weapons including non-lethal, different ammo, full auto fire (one click gives a hard-hitting barrage), healing/shield consumables, having to reload when out of ammo, utilizing some skills (like throwing a grenade for example) instead of just shooting, etc etc. On other thought I probably went overboard here, since Sunwave Hotel isn't exactly Tarkov.


PS: Minigames aside, I strongly suspect that transferring a game of SH size from Unity to RenPy in the middle of development might be an unfeasible task.
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Active Member
Sep 13, 2020
PS: Mini games aside, I strongly suspect that transferring a game of SH size from Unity to RenPy in the middle of development might be an unfeasible task.

I agree but if unity keeps up with the promise of installation fees most devs will have to pay unity devs to use the engine and it could bankrupt some studios and small team devs for creating their content but the new fees doesn't go in to effect or affect until next year in 2024 in the beginning of the year. Arnav Dasari


Sunwave Hotel
Game Developer
Jun 5, 2017
Renpy conversion would probably be the backup plan. It would take a good chunk of time. But I believe all the moving stuff over could be done with a month of time/effort (a conservative estimate, I know, but maybe doable). Right now, Early Access will still go live on Steam at Oct 2, and we will keep our eyes open for how the Unity stuff plays out.


Active Member
Sep 13, 2020
I'll try it here in a bit the new version that is not released to the public just yet for awhile and let u know and pm u my results
Wildquill I also saw that in some scenes when you are supposed to be talking to another person besides Kuhno like Sturges that it shows his lines speaking but no his avatar in some scenes just like other characters as well. I have been click through a lot of the text to get to the scenes to try to get where I was from the begging to my last position in my old playthrough but those issues I described are there. I am providing not just a few screen shots of the bugs but my sav file as well. I also thought maybe it is a certain stage switch in the quest line not triggering correctly or maybe it is the diaglogue not setting correctly for some reason even though you can tell from the pics I did name my character.
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Sunwave Hotel
Game Developer
Jun 5, 2017
Thank you for the screenshots. That will let me track down the exact point where the issues are. Should be a quick fix.
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Sunwave Hotel
Game Developer
Jun 5, 2017
Wildquill I also saw that in some scenes when you are supposed to be talking to another person besides Kuhno like Sturges that it shows his lines speaking but no his avatar in some scenes just like other characters as well. I have been click through a lot of the text to get to the scenes to try to get where I was from the begging to my last position in my old playthrough but those issues I described are there. I am providing not just a few screen shots of the bugs but my sav file as well. I also thought maybe it is a certain stage switch in the quest line not triggering correctly or maybe it is the diaglogue not setting correctly for some reason even though you can tell from the pics I did name my character.
Also sometimes I just choose not to have characters show up like Turges because priority usually goes to the female characters if there are like 3 on screen. sometimes Turges has to wait his turn. So that's more style choice than bug.
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Engaged Member
Aug 16, 2023
Found out more over unity situation from another dev of a popular game like yours from their itch post of this:

If you are not in the loop Unity announced that they are adding a runtime fee to their license. What that means is that developers will now have to pay a small amount of money for every install of their game. Why did they do this though? Simplest explanation is of course that they need money, but that's not the full story. If that's the case they could've gone for a simple revenue share system(Like unreal engine), why didn't they though? I think I've got the answer. First let's look at this graph that shows what % of revenue developers will have to pay to Unity. It's based on the brackets from .


First of all, this fee strongly punishes games with low revenue per download(Free to play games). In some cases the fee could even exceed 100% of the revenue. Why would they do that? It's simple, a big chunk of their revenue comes from ads. In data I found from 2022 they earned about half of their revenue from ads. They clearly want to expand on that and that's the reason for the merger with IronSource. A company specializing in app monetization.


Now for the really nasty part. There are reports Unity reps are telling people they won't have to pay the fee as long as they transition to IronSource as their ad provider. This is effectively blackmail. Paying a fee of 100% of your revenue is simply not an option.

It's is not a random dumb decision as it seemed before. It's a planned, malicious and targeted attack in order to gain more ad revenue by forcing games to not use their competitors' ad services. This is why they said "90% of you won't be affected" and this is also why they didn't go for a simple revenue share. Us, indie devs provide almost no revenue for Unity. Fricking us over is just a side effect of their plan and that's why they don't care. It's honestly even worse then I initially thought. Wildquill ps. Just looking out for you all bro also still testing the new unreleased public version still.
It is worth noting that unity explicitly clarified that it is per INSTALL not per PURCHASE.
If you buy a game for 1 dollar (or pirate it for 0$) and then install / uninstall it 10 times in a row, unity charges the dev 2$ for your 10 installs. If you install/uninstall it 1000 times it will charge the dev 200$ for your 1000 installs. Even though it is 1 single copy of the game bought.

After all the backlash, all unity agreed to back off on is their initial plan to make it apply retroactively because they were threatened with lawsuits by literally every game dev and store.
But even if not retroactive they still insist it will be a thing going forwards.

Not being retroactive means the devs of this do not need to scramble to get the existing versions deleted and dehosted from everywhere. they just can't release updates anymore.
So, this game is dead and will require a reboot in a different engine. like every other unity game on this site.
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Sunwave Hotel
Game Developer
Jun 5, 2017
Firstly this game is not dead. Just to keep things nice and clear. In worst case scenario, I can change it to renpy. It will take some time, but it's definitely doable.

If we have to change to deal with Unity we will. I'm monitoring the situation closely and will make sure to announce any critical updates.

It's an ongoing situation. Latest news I'm seeing is now they are offering a revenue share option that is a lot more approachable and not as obnoxious as the per install.

I'll be figuring it out with my team as things go forward.

In the meantime, I found all the Xun name issues in those screens that Crazy_Chicken posted. Keep them coming.


Active Member
Sep 13, 2020
Found another bug I can not leave the harbor on the first island you landed at to go to the second island. Here is my save and some more bugs shown in pics. Second pic there is a typo that should say bite marks. Wildquill BTw I am on not public released version v14.9.6
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Sunwave Hotel
Game Developer
Jun 5, 2017
Found another bug I can not leave the harbor on the first island you landed at to go to the second island. Here is my save and some more bugs shown in pics. Second pic there is a typo that should say bite marks. Wildquill BTw I am on not public released version v14.9.6
Thanks. I think I already fixed the Semni stuff because it was part of an earlier conversation but I'll double check.

Do you remember what you were doing before you got stuck on the harbor? Also how old is this version? If you're playing a super old version I might have already gone in and fixed things.
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