Ren'Py Supermodel Snapshot [v2.1.0] [Belle]

3.00 star(s) 3 Votes


Well-Known Member
Feb 27, 2017
Ok, I had a couple of games. I couldn't manage to win a single time but I got pretty close once (gained 48 heat).
So, my early verdict is: this game is way too complicated IMHO and slow (you lose a lot of time thinking about how to properly spend each card), also I don't understand why there's the need for subdividing the play into 2 phases (challenge and action) when you could do everything in one go. Overall, this game is well thought and made, but not very fun to play as it is.

I hope the upcoming patch will fix the game, making it less frustrating overall, if not I really hope that the full game will at least offer the option to skip/instawin this minigame at will.
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Message Maestro
Nov 14, 2017
we'll see, as i said on lltp thread not fan of mtg.


New Member
Jan 10, 2022
Played for about an hour and got a better but I feel there are either hidden/unexplained mechanics (e.g. I was unable to play a confidence upgrade on a confidence engine, maybe because it was going from 1 to 3?) and the need to match one of the 3 types was extremely restrictive in both offense and defense. Interesting concept, looking forward to trying out the toned-down version when available.

FWIW, I'm pretty sure 99% of developers are pretty bad at judging their own difficulty.
Mar 10, 2018
So i played for about 2 hours and never had any wins, this is IMO due to some of the challenge cards be way to much, such as the -4 heat (which is punishing especially on turn one), the cards thats that copy themselves and not being able to deal with them, and the lack of turns, i feel that you need more then 10 turns as it can be very difficult to build up your heat high enough, for you to be in a good place to win (however this may change when we can build our own decks) and some of the cards are just bad e.g coffee i get an exrta hand size for a slot on the engine plane that awful, giving up 1/4 of my slots to be able to ramp heat for one more card in my hand.

However the base of the game is very enjoyable as someone who used to play a lot of MTG you have a very good base for a card game i would love to see what this is like after the tweak that you will do and with the ability to build my own deck.

one other this i would recommend is that you merge both the challge and atcion turns into one, so its rather annoying to forget what turn it is and not be able to do what i want. or maybe may it and a game setting that you can have two turns or just one.


Feb 21, 2019
So after trying 10 games, I think the issue comes from a few points:

-Having the 3 different types of attacks (Skill, Trust, Confidence) makes attacking hard as that increases the chance that RNG will fuck you over. Most of the time, I'd have enough power to kill a card of one or two types but the other type would be on the field, so there would be whole rounds where I couldn't attack the challenge cards.
-The challenge cards are too tough. At points (admittedly towards the end), I'd see cards with 10+ power and I'd have to spend my whole hand to get rid of them, but even 6-8 power cards in the beginning would require nearly my whole hand just to stop. Add on cards that increased the cost of heat and it would be a hard to get an upgrade on the field. The best game I could do was 28 Heat at the end and I only was able to get two upgrades on the field.
-The text is hard to read. And that's not because of poor vision, I got 20/10 sight. Normal basic cards aren't too bad but cards like "This is Fine" are causing me physical pain to read. My suggestion would be to fine a better font, one that's more bold, avoid italics, and maybe make the photos take up less space.

My suggestions would be:

Make the thing you need to pay for cards something separate from heat. Maybe take the Hearthstone approach with mana that increases by 1 each turn, since this is a short game.

Make it where certain challenge cards can't appear until certain rounds. Getting a -4 Heat round 1 is a death sentence for a game. Also adjust the strength of the challenge cards based on the turns.

Turn the coffee cup from an engine to an instant that gives you a bonus card on the next turn for a cost of 2.
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Oct 26, 2019
Just played 5 games and not counting the first inevitable loss I won 2/4, and one of the losses was with 50+ heat but then the last 2 challenge cards came out and they were impossible to kill, so its possible that experienced deckbuilder players might be able to win 6/10. Maybe.

I like engine-builder and card-battler games so its a nice idea to combine them, and it works pretty well. However the engine-builder bit does seem a bit simple, mainly you are just hoping the upgade cards come out in the right order, and the card-battler bit requires a fair bit of mental arithmetic to optimally allocate the attack cards.

Unlike some above I found the cards very easy to read, apart from the "attack type" in the top row of your cards. The numbers are easy to read, but the backing symbol I can barely see at all and was just relying on position to know whether it was trust, confidence or skill. Could you make the backing stand out more like it does on the challenge cards?

The problem in any game is to make it difficult in a fun way rather than difficult in an unfun way, so please be very careful about "fill your hand with crud" cards like immovable. The "deadweight" cards in Monster Train are really annoying because the game has so few draw/discard powers to get rid of them. However, one of the nice bits here was deliberately leaving alive the challenge card that forces you to discard a card, to get rid of immovable. Draw/discard powers are fun, so I hope the full game has some more.

Probably the biggest problem with the game at present is that inevitably sometimes you get a hand full of useless cards (no more room for a level 1 engine, none of the right engine upgrades, wrong attack type for these challenge cards) which is equally inevitably frustrating and unfun, so adding draw/discard powers that can be used during the challenge phase would really help with this. Maybe allow coffee to draw/discard 1 in the challenge phase to make it less annoying?

Alternatively, how about borrowing an idea from Vault of the Void, where any card can be discarded for energy? Just say that any card can be discarded for 2 temporary heat in the action phase.

The engine-builder is even more dependent than most games on the cards coming out in the right order, as you need trust 1, then 2, then 3 etc - is the order completely random or is the deck biased in any way to make them come out in a half-decent order? Similar to Monster Train (again) where the draw is rigged so that you always get at least one "core" unit every turn.

Sorry, this is far too long so I'll stop now. Its a good start and good luck with it.


Jun 14, 2018
Balance is off, especially for all mono trait cards. Way too specific, bricks too many times.

Just from my decent knowledge of all types of tcgs, for this game i would probably guess that if a card bricks 25% of the time, or more, the card is unplayably bad, which basically makes a quarter of the deck feel like a kick in the nuts (and most of those are commons, would have expected something like that for higher rarity cards)

So i would either give those cards just another 2 trait points spread out (maybe even 4), or like double/tripple the value of damage they deal for single target, to atleast make them high risk high reward instead of just a high risk. My prefered solution for commons (assuming those cards are supposed to be weaker), just give them atleast 1 point in all other traits, that way atleast they aren't just discarded most of the time


Developer of Supermodel & Long Live the Princess
Game Developer
Sep 25, 2017
Oh boy, a lot of posts to answer here...

Played for about an hour and got a better but I feel there are either hidden/unexplained mechanics (e.g. I was unable to play a confidence upgrade on a confidence engine, maybe because it was going from 1 to 3?)
The upgrade mechanics are explained on the Engine/Upgrade cards themselves if you double-click them. But to better address your (and others') concerns, I have added a notification to version 1.1 that tells you why an attempted upgrade failed so that it's easier to learn these mechanics.

Quickly summed up, however: Upgrade cards can only be played on Engines/Upgrades of the same type and exactly one level lower. In other words, you can only play a Confidence 3 on a Confidence 2 card, not on a Confidence 1 card or a Skill 2 card.

However the base of the game is very enjoyable as someone who used to play a lot of MTG you have a very good base for a card game i would love to see what this is like after the tweak that you will do and with the ability to build my own deck.
Thank you! Getting to this point in the game's design has been a highly iterative process that I'm going to talk about in detail to higher-level patrons/subscribers very soon, but it's definitely been rewarding to go from a dull, unchallenging game to something that feels like it has a certain "magic sauce" that only needs to simmer a bit more.

one other this i would recommend is that you merge both the challge and atcion turns into one, so its rather annoying to forget what turn it is and not be able to do what i want. or maybe may it and a game setting that you can have two turns or just one.
The phases are split because it will open options for later card designs and because I want Engines/Upgrades to have delayed effects in most cases. For example, if you play "Sensual Lighting," the added attack bonus is not meant to take effect on the same turn. If you could mix and match how to play cards, it would open up so many crazy card combinations that the game would get bogged down in analysis paralysis (which the game is already dangerously close to), so by keeping those phases apart, I force the player to think in simpler terms.

Having the 3 different types of attacks (Skill, Trust, Confidence) makes attacking hard as that increases the chance that RNG will fuck you over. Most of the time, I'd have enough power to kill a card of one or two types but the other type would be on the field, so there would be whole rounds where I couldn't attack the challenge cards.
The game is balanced around not all of your cards being useful each turn. In my winning games, I typically discard at least one card most turns. I find that turns where I am utterly powerless to deal with Challenge cards are rare enough not to frustrate me.

Having said that, this prototype does not show a typical match from the final game. Going up against Vanguard there would not mean that you'd face a balanced mix of Challenge card types. Instead, the majority of the cards would be of a specific type or within a specific thematic category to represent her unique personality. You will be able to prepare for this before a match.

The challenge cards are too tough. At points (admittedly towards the end), I'd see cards with 10+ power and I'd have to spend my whole hand to get rid of them, but even 6-8 power cards in the beginning would require nearly my whole hand just to stop.
Did you miss the mechanic that makes cards with multiple attack values deal damage once for each of these values that match the Challenge card? Some of the apparently more powerful Challenge cards have multiple weaknesses, so if you match your symbols with it (for example by playing a card like Deep Breath), you can often take them out with a single card. Don't waste your single-type attack cards against such big Challenge cards unless this would finish them off.

Make the thing you need to pay for cards something separate from heat. Maybe take the Hearthstone approach with mana that increases by 1 each turn, since this is a short game.
No, the current Heat mechanic will stay. It's a result of iterative testing and captures exactly the mood I want from the game. It does need more balancing though, but that's a different matter altogether. I also intend to change how I refer to some aspects of it. Currently leaning towards using the terms "Total Heat" (with "Heat" as shorthand on cards), "Usable Heat" (instead of current Heat), and "Temporary Usable Heat" (to make that type of Heat more intuitive). Expect to see something like this in 1.1.

Make it where certain challenge cards can't appear until certain rounds. Getting a -4 Heat round 1 is a death sentence for a game. Also adjust the strength of the challenge cards based on the turns.
These are both good suggestions, and I've been toying with both before reading this post. In fact, while I haven't landed on the exact results yet, the -4 Heat card will likely be changed into something that takes the current turn number into account.

Turn the coffee cup from an engine to an instant that gives you a bonus card on the next turn for a cost of 2.
From both my own testing and from what I've seen from other testers this past week, Coffee is actually perfectly fine the way it is and accomplishes exactly what I want from it. Its effect is much more powerful than it might at first appear, but it does come with a cost (the card becomes dead weight if you already have Coffee on the board or the play area is full, and it does reduce your potential Heat growth overall).

Importantly, Coffee is a Common-tier card. When I designed it, I did so in such a way that it would be incredibly tempting to play while at the same time not feel like a card you must include in your own decks. There will be somewhat more powerful versions of Coffee available as Uncommon or Rare cards later, probably even in version 2.0, so stay tuned for that.

Also, I'll add that the whole idea behind the Trust series of cards will be that focusing on such cards will let you both draw more cards and play them more easily. Currently, only the latter part of Trust exists in the game, but you'll see it get more fleshed out for 2.0 when I add deckbuilding and a bunch of new cards.

Unlike some above I found the cards very easy to read, apart from the "attack type" in the top row of your cards. The numbers are easy to read, but the backing symbol I can barely see at all and was just relying on position to know whether it was trust, confidence or skill. Could you make the backing stand out more like it does on the challenge cards?
Those symbols were never meant to be more than a faint outline for aesthetic purposes, with the placement meant to show you what number represents what. I expected this to feel intuitive, but feedback shows that I could still make some changes. I will likely go with highlighting the attack values with a colored circle that will match a color on the Challenge cards, but we'll see. I want to keep it simple so that the cards don't become too busy or garish.

The problem in any game is to make it difficult in a fun way rather than difficult in an unfun way, so please be very careful about "fill your hand with crud" cards like immovable. The "deadweight" cards in Monster Train are really annoying because the game has so few draw/discard powers to get rid of them. However, one of the nice bits here was deliberately leaving alive the challenge card that forces you to discard a card, to get rid of immovable. Draw/discard powers are fun, so I hope the full game has some more.
There's a reason that you only find one Immovable in this deck, and it's a card unique to Vanguard as well. Additionally, the idea behind Model cards is that they represent the model's experience. As you play matches with Vanguard in the full game, you'll be given opportunities to upgrade her Model cards, turning cards like Immovable into something you'd actually want to play. The idea here is that you can make yourself the most awesome deck imaginable, but the first times you photograph a new model, her inexperience will still hold you back. More importantly, giving players another thing to upgrade in a tangible way will (hopefully) make for a satisfying reward mechanic.

Probably the biggest problem with the game at present is that inevitably sometimes you get a hand full of useless cards (no more room for a level 1 engine, none of the right engine upgrades, wrong attack type for these challenge cards) which is equally inevitably frustrating and unfun, so adding draw/discard powers that can be used during the challenge phase would really help with this. Maybe allow coffee to draw/discard 1 in the challenge phase to make it less annoying?
Trust cards will help with this later. Keep in mind that the premade deck in this version is not meant to be optimized in any way. It's pretty close to a starter deck except for the few example Uncommon and Rare cards, so there's not much fancy going on here. What was important to me with this version was to focus all the testing on a shitty starter deck to make sure the difficulty feels okay even with that, but you'll quickly be able to improve this kind of deck in version 2.0 and above.

Alternatively, how about borrowing an idea from Vault of the Void, where any card can be discarded for energy? Just say that any card can be discarded for 2 temporary heat in the action phase.
You know, I really like this idea. It might solve the early game balance issue. I'll give it some consideration and maybe try it out for version 1.1.

The engine-builder is even more dependent than most games on the cards coming out in the right order, as you need trust 1, then 2, then 3 etc - is the order completely random or is the deck biased in any way to make them come out in a half-decent order? Similar to Monster Train (again) where the draw is rigged so that you always get at least one "core" unit every turn.
The first draw is rigged so that you'll always start out with at least one Engine level 1 card, but after that, it's all RNG. A customized deck in later versions will be unlikely to spread out across multiple types of cards like this. You're probably going to want to focus on just one or two out of Confidence, Trust, and Skill. This deck is just poorly optimized by design to give you a taste of all three types. It's like playing a Magic: The Gathering deck that contains all five colors.
Jul 28, 2018
My thoughts, FWIW:

I found it rather difficult, winning one of a dozen games or so, coming close once, and tanking the rest. Most of the direct complaints have been mentioned already (notably, the -4 Heat card that ends early games immediately).

I found the use of "OR" (instead of "otherwise", "else", "if not" or similar) confusing since it wasn't asking me which one I wanted to do. It's OK once you get used to it, but it's not what I'd expect from other card games.

You only gain Heat 9 times and End of Turn effects don't happen on Turn 10, making it so you can abort many games after drawing cards on Turn 8 and almost all games after drawing cards on Turn 9. I don't know if you intend to have decks based on gaining Heat through Instants, but barring that it leads to a rather anti-climactic Turn 10 where either you've already won or all you can do is hope you'll draw the right cards to get rid of however many Challenges you need to win. (The one game I almost won was lost due to not being able to attack the Challenges that came up on Turn 10.)

It'll be interesting to see what changes you're making in the next version.
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Dec 29, 2016
I practically never used that card in testing, for the record, and I win 9/10 games. Then again, I'm a poor judge of difficulty as the developer, and despite knowing this, I still messed up by not realizing the impact of small mistakes. I'm so familiar with the games that I don't really make mistakes when testing, so my impression of the difficulty was skewed by this. I tried to compensate for my familiarity by assuming that if I won 9/10 games, decent players could expect to perhaps hit 6/10 regularly, which was the magic number to me. But that turned out not to be true at all because of the effect of the aforementioned mistakes.

Version 1.1 should make things much more manageable.

In any case, a few tips from me as the dev, but feel free to ignore them and attempt to break the game balance:
  • Don't save cards across multiple turns. Use them! You get a full hand every turn anyway.
  • Until you have filled your play area with Engines, don't use the level 1 Engines to attack Challenge cards unless the alternative would be an instant loss. A level 1 Engine played on turn 1 will earn you 9 Heat by turn 10 without any further upgrades, while that same engine played on turn 4 will earn you 6 Heat. It adds up quickly. You want those cards out there fast!
  • Don't obsess over the Challenge cards early on. You can usually afford to let many of them stay on the board at the end of the turn if this allows you to get more Engines/Upgrades out. Once you hit turn 5, prioritize dealing with Challenge cards while doing the occasional Upgrade where you can.
  • Immovable isn't as bad as it looks. You can take advantage of one of the Challenge cards to get rid of it with relative ease.
  • The three categories of cards are: Confidence, Trust, and Skill. Confidence focuses on earning lots of Heat fast, and if this is what you're struggling with, try to prioritize upgrading these cards. Trust focuses on playing cards cheaply (and in later versions will allow you to draw more cards to play). Skill focuses on destroying Challenge cards.
Personally I think the game balance seems pretty fair considering this is a base deck meant to showcase the mechanic. This is considering I'm a card game player so it might be harder for ppl who don't play CCG/TCG (Ignoring the first 2 games where I was learning mechanics) I'm currently 7/11 two of those losses being at 49 Heat and another a unfortunate flip of challenges I couldn't solve turn 9 (totally not my fault I discarded my whole hand cause of habit and ended up with 7+ challenges cause I didn't have cards to discard so I just spawned more).

On a Bug/Balancing portion:
-Cards like "Time Out" that hit all challenges actually don't it seems to hit up to 5 challenges (surely someone wont have 7+ challenges on the board that be crazy) don't know if its all AoE or only "Time out" but for sure "Time Out" has some kind of limit.

-Already said the -4 Heat is being rebalanced so that seems to be the only really punishing challenge. Maybe -4 Temp Heat or something? or a lower -1 hard heat degen that scales per turn on field or something.

-I'm aware it a common card and I'm sure its intended but if it isn't maybe make "Ready When You Are" be +5 Temp Heat just to give the option of a having a turn 1 Upgrade on the field if you get the nuts starting hand (currently its possible but its +4 temp heat, the character card that gives +1 heat, matching engine and upgrade and that point your probably better of getting 3 normal engines instead of the "god start").

-Again I'm aware that its a common and maybe you have traits or special upgrade in mind but currently the "Coffee" is underwhelming considering it takes up a engine slot and heat gen is kinda important, maybe add to it +1 Temp Heat, taunt to discard engine effects, draw a card and shuffle a card from your hand into your deck(another way of getting around the can't discard mechanic that doesn't rely on rng challenges) or first time you discard in a turn draw one. Also maybe you have in the plans more ways being being able to sac engines for effects or heat then having a cards probably fine. Or maybe just lower it cost a bit to make it easier to weave in.
Edit: Also kinda sucks that it cant use to deal damage

Another thing have you considered having 3 base engine of the same base engine just giving fusing into the common upgrade like in the auto battler games, I don't even know if theres 3 copies of the engine in the deck or if when you upgrade the base engine goes to the discard (I haven't been paying attention until I just had this thought)
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Feb 21, 2019
Did you miss the mechanic that makes cards with multiple attack values deal damage once for each of these values that match the Challenge card? Some of the apparently more powerful Challenge cards have multiple weaknesses, so if you match your symbols with it (for example by playing a card like Deep Breath), you can often take them out with a single card. Don't waste your single-type attack cards against such big Challenge cards unless this would finish them off.

I have. But the issue I kept running into was that I wasn't able to get the heat needed to play them, usually because of the +2 or +4 Heat Challenges and struggling with getting the upgrades that I needed. The challenge abilities, in the end, are just too much. And then some cards, like "Pose Freely" can't deal damage to cards that have multiple types, which in one game an 11 challenge card on turn 4 took no damage because while it has the "Trust" type, it's not a Trust card as far as the game is concerned.

Another suggestion for seeing the cards better, maybe have some system where you mouse over the card and the card appears larger or right click on the card to make it larger.


Developer of Supermodel & Long Live the Princess
Game Developer
Sep 25, 2017
I found the use of "OR" (instead of "otherwise", "else", "if not" or similar) confusing since it wasn't asking me which one I wanted to do. It's OK once you get used to it, but it's not what I'd expect from other card games.
What would you suggest as an alternative, considering how little space I have for words on these cards?

You only gain Heat 9 times and End of Turn effects don't happen on Turn 10, making it so you can abort many games after drawing cards on Turn 8 and almost all games after drawing cards on Turn 9. I don't know if you intend to have decks based on gaining Heat through Instants, but barring that it leads to a rather anti-climactic Turn 10 where either you've already won or all you can do is hope you'll draw the right cards to get rid of however many Challenges you need to win. (The one game I almost won was lost due to not being able to attack the Challenges that came up on Turn 10.)
There will be the occasional turn 10 that feels anticlimactic, but in my experience, that is rare (and when it does happen, I consider it a "reward" for playing exceptionally well in earlier turns). The purpose of that final turn is to give the player a chance to go all-out against the remaining Challenge cards that might still pose a threat to victory even if you have more than 50 Heat.

The game originally didn't have the -5 Heat penalty from Challenge cards at the end of the game. I added that later precisely because turn 10 was routinely uninteresting and the game felt like it was fully resolved already on turn 9. It was one of those changes that immediately made the game much more fun.

-Cards like "Time Out" that hit all challenges actually don't it seems to hit up to 5 challenges (surely someone wont have 7+ challenges on the board that be crazy) don't know if its all AoE or only "Time out" but for sure "Time Out" has some kind of limit.
This is a known bug caused by the first card(s) getting destroyed and removing themselves from the traversed list of cards before that traversal is finished. This has (hopefully) already been fixed in version 1.1. This bug can occur on any effect that attacks multiple Challenge cards and is framerate dependent.

-I'm aware it a common card and I'm sure its intended but if it isn't maybe make "Ready When You Are" be +5 Temp Heat just to give the option of a having a turn 1 Upgrade on the field if you get the nuts starting hand (currently its possible but its +4 temp heat, the character card that gives +1 heat, matching engine and upgrade and that point your probably better of getting 3 normal engines instead of the "god start").
I specifically set that card to +4 to avoid a situation where it alone would let you upgrade an Engine to level 2 on the first turn. Having said that, I have an idea in mind for a change to it in version 1.1 that makes it more useful while avoiding the mentioned "problem."

-Again I'm aware that its a common and maybe you have traits or special upgrade in mind but currently the "Coffee" is underwhelming considering it takes up a engine slot and heat gen is kinda important, maybe add to it +1 Temp Heat, taunt to discard engine effects, draw a card and shuffle a card from your hand into your deck(another way of getting around the can't discard mechanic that doesn't rely on rng challenges) or first time you discard in a turn draw one. Also maybe you have in the plans more ways being being able to sac engines for effects or heat then having a cards probably fine. Or maybe just lower it cost a bit to make it easier to weave in.
Coffee is one of those cards that needed playtesting since I found myself not using it much due to reasons similar to those you describe. Thankfully, based on what I have seen in playtester games so far, the choice of whether or not to play Coffee seems to have little impact on win/loss ratio, which indicates to me that the card is already suitably balanced. I suspect a lot of players will want that extra card, while players like you, who feel like the card is in the way, will be able to just remove it from your deck altogether.

I have. But the issue I kept running into was that I wasn't able to get the heat needed to play them, usually because of the +2 or +4 Heat Challenges and struggling with getting the upgrades that I needed. The challenge abilities, in the end, are just too much. And then some cards, like "Pose Freely" can't deal damage to cards that have multiple types, which in one game an 11 challenge card on turn 4 took no damage because while it has the "Trust" type, it's not a Trust card as far as the game is concerned.
You don't use Heat to attack Challenge cards and none of the Challenge cards have multiple types. You know, I don't ask people to double-click the cards for no reason. That is where these rules are explained! Your frustration comes from assumptions about how the rules operate that turn out to be false.
Jul 28, 2018
What would you suggest as an alternative, considering how little space I have for words on these cards?
I gave three suggestions. "If unable" is another good one. None of them will be as short as "or". You could shorten the timing to Start:, End:, and Reveal: if you want to save space. Maybe give the Start and End of Turn phases specific names and use those, if you haven't already?

Some other options: give us the choice and not let us pick ones that aren't possible or just leave it as "OR" and we'll get used to it.

There will be the occasional turn 10 that feels anticlimactic, but in my experience, that is rare (and when it does happen, I consider it a "reward" for playing exceptionally well in earlier turns). The purpose of that final turn is to give the player a chance to go all-out against the remaining Challenge cards that might still pose a threat to victory even if you have more than 50 Heat.
Given the RNG of Challenges and your cards' Attack values, it feels like you have no control over Turn 10 unless you've crushed the game already. Maybe it's the nature of the basic deck you've given us, but it is how I've felt playing so far. You might as well play the last turn for us since there's no decisions to make.


Developer of Supermodel & Long Live the Princess
Game Developer
Sep 25, 2017
I gave three suggestions. "If unable" is another good one. None of them will be as short as "or". You could shorten the timing to Start:, End:, and Reveal: if you want to save space. Maybe give the Start and End of Turn phases specific names and use those, if you haven't already?

Some other options: give us the choice and not let us pick ones that aren't possible or just leave it as "OR" and we'll get used to it.
I think I'm going to keep it as it is for the time being and see what kind of feedback it gets. If most people find the terminology confusing, it definitely needs to be updated. If people quickly get used to it, though, then it might not be a real problem. One more thing to show how important testing is, I guess. Thanks for the suggestions.

Given the RNG of Challenges and your cards' Attack values, it feels like you have no control over Turn 10 unless you've crushed the game already. Maybe it's the nature of the basic deck you've given us, but it is how I've felt playing so far. You might as well play the last turn for us since there's no decisions to make.
This doesn't match my own experience with that turn, though obviously I'm a special case when it comes to balance. You need some seriously bad luck to end up unable to deal with any of the cards you get that turn. It's possible, of course, but some RNG is to be expected with games like these. The essential part here is that there must be an element of risk to the final turn to avoid having the final part of the game just make you go through the motions knowing ahead of time that you're going to win anyway.

But yeah, deckbuilding will definitely change how some of this is perceived. One of the trickier parts of dealing with feedback right now is that some of the feedback is deck and/or match-specific, and that feedback needs to be filtered out. The really useful feedback is the stuff that is more generic, such as issues with balance in the opening turns and overall Heat generation.

In any case, this game is going to be a long road of big and small balance adjustments. I fully expect to spend a lot of time nerfing and buffing cards and mechanics for years to come.


New Member
May 2, 2018
I really like this game and having a blast playing it.
In my opinion you have a very solid foundation for what could be a very fun cardgame.
While I agree that sometimes RNG screws you real bad, like real bad (which is to be expected of cardgames), I still feel like most of the time I am in control of the situation.
Keep your head up Belle. I know you'll figure it out.
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Developer of Supermodel & Long Live the Princess
Game Developer
Sep 25, 2017
I really like this game and having a blast playing it.
In my opinion you have a very solid foundation for what could be a very fun cardgame.
While I agree that sometimes RNG screws you real bad, like real bad (which is to be expected of cardgames), I still feel like most of the time I am in control of the situation.
Keep your head up Belle. I know you'll figure it out.
Thank you for the kind words. I really appreciate it. This has been a real passion project for me, and tossing it out there for people to break is nerve-wracking. Not to mention that I'm doing things I haven't really done with my games before, such as composing the soundtrack entirely on my own.
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3.00 star(s) 3 Votes