I dont know if it is this mod or just the game but in combat with the girl in school and when i win i get booter back to the main menu and i dont get any error message.
You are not winning, the battle is just crashing the game. Does not matter what action is taken. Even rolling back and letting her taunt play out again crashes.
I don't think this is being caused by Radioactive, but I cannot rule it out because I cannot tell why it is crashing. I suspect it is a call stack issue (SuperPowered has had issues with the stack in the past).
If, by chance, you loaded up a base game save in the middle of the fight... don't do that.

Complete the fight and go save in Billy's room or something before you switch over to Radioactive.
If I call in the fight from a brand new game, I am able to complete it without issue.
Radioactive barely touches combat. (Only the options presented after losing a fight, if memory serves.) I do not really have a suggestion here, beyond avoiding her fight (or maybe all fights) until the next version is released. Maybe the issue will be resolved.