so I got my Handy today. I tested it with this game. first impression is not very good. not bad either, but I expected more. It works, but the strokes are kinda slow and also kinda small. What do I mean by that? The length of the stroke isn't going all the way up or down. Actually its not even 50%. More like 30% of the total length possible. furthermore its kind of slow. Even at the end, when the girl strokes very fast, its still not as fast as if I use the toy in manual mode.
Though its probably realistic. no normal human can jerk you off as fast as the manual mode of The Handy. I believe it does 600 strokes per minute at max speed. For comparisson: an MP5 submachine gun is 800 rounds per minute. So yeah, 600 is pretty fast lol.
But yeah, I was expecting a little more. with that being said: this is my first time using it. My first impression. I need to get used to it first. I will test this out a little more over the next couple days before I write my review.
edit: also, if anyone knows similar games like this ( games that support The Handy / stroke/piston sex toys), let me know. I wanna test this as well