Well, I down loaded this earlier this morning and didn't realize that the game is censored. I hope it is worth it.
There is plenty uncensored, but many that are censored are still worth playing. I am just on a kick to see the non-censored right now.As a rule of thumb, it's safe to assume any anime game will be censored unless it's from manga gamer or something.
Since you played it, are the hentai scenes automatic in the middle of combat with no way to avoid them? Those games I find absurd. There should at least be a struggle or resist option.Not a horrible game, but it just didn't really draw me in, kind of got bored.
Didn't really find a way to avoid except to kill quickly, but further in I got, the less that happenedSince you played it, are the hentai scenes automatic in the middle of combat with no way to avoid them? Those games I find absurd. There should at least be a struggle or resist option.
I have the same problem, anybody know a fix for this?I have this bug, all the images become black rectangles
to be fair this IS a porn site with a bestiality tag available so....well do u really need to see some zombies banging clarie..............
wrong question of course u do .. well .. go ahead
View attachment 309346
Amen brother.God I've seen like 3000 "I'm in a city filled with zombies who would rather rape than eat me" games. They get a bit old after seeing the second.
Nioh 2 alpha should be renamed Nioh 1.5. I hope it changes.AWWWWWWWW YEAHHHHHHHH, HERE WE GO BOYS!
Man, best week ever. Even if I didn't get into the Nioh 2 alpha, I at least get three horror porn games.
Not the best trade off, but I am satisfied.
No idea where you are - can you give a description of which doors you're referring to?Hi I am stuck in the hospital, there are 2 doors not translated. I do not understand Japanese. I found the green card but it does not work. Someone already finished this part?.
Huh... there's a basement. Guess the first floor door way and that staircase kinda meshed into my head as one entrance. Thanks for the help.Aright fellas imma right a rough walkthrough for this confusing game.
After the 1st area ya better head into a building right side of the 2nd area(not the church)there's a gun store with a handgun inside.
For the church
Sweep through the whole area.Just check for safe password in other rooms(there are 2 safe).The candle puzzle needs a candle to solved,a lit one,lit in the kitchen.Head back to the room and lit up left,mid,right.You'll get the ruby key.There is a little monster in the left side of the church,ya gonna search the area for a chain cutter.Grab it then head outside.Northwest there is this storehouse,and one of the room with left a paper indicates they left some kinda chemical.After that head to the left side of the church 1st floor and get to an old recorder.Interact it with the record ya got from one of em safe.This tricky monster will show up,use the chemical on it.After that its just free to roam the whole building and grab everything.Ohh and theres a piece of puzzle for the gravestone in the car park at the east side of the church.
For the hospital
Ya gotta get the green key.Grab a paper in a room about some kinda 25% thing.Melt the bodies in a room.Grab all em(3) parts.Just sweep through all the available rooms.Head to the basement.Fix the curcuit.One of em door can be unlocked using the green card.Thats the blue card in there.After you got the blue card you can just open the whole damn hospital.(But i dunno bout anything of that door beside the curcuit)Before you get the ladder ya go get a lighter and make a boom(with somekinda formula paper)Head to the north east of the hospital and do what needs to be done(be noted that the hospital is acutally the last stage of this game)
This game ain that hard,just gotta search everything and interact with stuffs and that.Those cross and pendant are side missions.Dont bother killing all em zombies,they dont even drop shits.
The ending just unlock the CG room and an eye candy of the girl semi naked body
Why is that funny? I can't exactly imagine a male protagonist with zombies....unless maybe they were female zombies and then it would be what is jokingly referred to as "reverse rape"Female protagonist![]()