Ren'Py - Suspicious [v0.37] [Azteca]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    I’m truly impressed with Suspicious!
    The plot is incredibly engaging, with a narrative that grabs your attention from the very beginning. The characters are well-developed, with visual designs that perfectly match the tone of the game, and the sound effects are immersive, creating an atmosphere that truly transports you into the story’s universe. The care and dedication put into every detail are evident, and it makes a huge difference in the player’s experience. However, there’s something that bothered me a bit, and I believe it could be improved to make the game even more special. I’m a big fan of games that explore themes like pregnancy, and I think Suspicious has enormous potential to incorporate this in a way that adds depth to the narrative and player choices. Pregnancy could be an optional mechanic, with contraceptive methods available for those who prefer to avoid this content. This would allow the game to cater to a broader audience, respecting everyone’s preferences. For those who enjoy it, pregnancy could bring exciting consequences to the story, such as special dialogues, changes in relationships, and even unique quests. For those who aren’t interested in this theme, the use of contraceptives would keep the focus on other parts of the plot without compromising the experience. I believe this addition, if well implemented, could elevate the game even further, making it more customizable and memorable. Overall, Suspicious is already an amazing game, but with this suggestion, it could become truly exceptional, captivating even more players and standing out in the adult gaming market.
  2. 2.00 star(s)


    Renders are good
    There are cheats for the grind
    Sex scenes are bad it's all back view
    Some woman don't seems to able to get fully naked
    Story is not intresting
    Would not recommend it
    No bugs
    no sound
  3. 1.00 star(s)


    Proberly one of the worse sandbox game ive played to date, its an insane grind and it just takes forever to get anywhere with anyone.

    Worst part of it is all the freaking bugs, i got to a point where i talked with the woman in your house about cleaning and it started popping up with "you lost" and it pops up constantly i tried sleeping, went to school and it just got worse, not only do the "you lost" pop up but now a talk box with ?? where i can talk about news/love and so on pops up as well, plus iam seeing the homeless guy picture on the screen in class room.

    It just became unplayable due to bugs and errrors with grey screens so i had to quit it and delete it.

    Cant really review animations since i never saw any or got to the point where there might be some......
    No music dosent help the game either.

    All in all just forget this game its not fun to play and can become unplayable due to the bug issues, so it goes without saying that i cant rate this with more then 1 star which is even to much since game isent working....
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the best sandbox game I've played.
    Looking forward to the complete version.

    Great character design and rendering.
    Every girls have her own story.
    Especially it's very fun to have free interactions with girls.
    Hope it will have more funny post / activities.
  5. 3.00 star(s)


    Played version 0.29 and liked several aspects of the game. Girls are hot, have different body shapes and as you progress, you unlock nice interactions with them (touching/groping, etc). As other reviewers have written, there is a real sense of progression and of growing relationship with the girls, every time becoming more intimate with them.
    I understand why the game has such a low rating nonetheless. The grind is pretty heavy (mostly the intel-str-stealth grind) and the energy mechanic is a nuisance, hindering in-game efficiency too much. Roughest part is at the beginning, where interactions with the girls are minimal, and it takes ages to make any improvement whatsoever.
    With the cheat console, everything runs way smoother and the game is pretty enjoyable. It remains to be seen whether the developer will further address this issues or not. I think with a couple tweaks regarding pace and mechanics more people would come and enjoy the game in future updates.
  6. 4.00 star(s)


    I do not normally rate games but I think this one is really underrated. So I want to leave a comment here so people with taste like me will not miss this one because of the low rating.

    Before anything, I'd like to state that I agree with almost all 1-star reviews below. The game is very chunky. Code is messy. Some management elements are quite annoying. Grinding is on the heavy end. Punish player with try and error. Graphic kinda outdated... All of those are true to some degree.

    HOWEVER, this game does something really good and this aspect is where 90% other games fail. It's the feel of progress. If you can beat yourself through the initial discomforting learning curve, you'll probably find the game mechanism better than most games on this site.

    At the beginning of the game, you'll fail a lot. But even if you fail, the MC grows in some way. The growth is small at first, but gradually shows its impact in every possible way. You will need to find a daily routine based on who you want to conquer first (and not game over because of suspicion). Then, yes, grind. But the events are ample and well distributed. You will find some new scenes every few game days. That's not bad at all for a sandbox/management game.

    The interactions with LIs have stochastic outcomes. The success rate is based on MC's stats but unless you have a really high stat, it's still a probability. I think it's a realistic design and I personally enjoyed it. But I understand some people prefer the more common value-gated approach.

    In all, this is a game with obvious weaknesses but some hidden strengths. These strengths could make it very enjoyable for certain type of players. So I don't think the current rating (1.5 stars) is fair. My 4-star ratings is more than what this game deserves but I want to encourage the dev so they can use it in their next and hopefully better game.

    P.S. The "landlady" is such a tease. The progress of conquering her is very satisfactory;)
  7. 3.00 star(s)


    Really like this story, the charactors are real , especially Ruth, the interactions with these girls could be alittle easier though the hand motion is somewhat iffy - but all in all it is fun to play and thus I hope it follows through to completion
    not sure why this would not be higher rated - there are plenty of women etc.. and the movement around are smooth and easy to acheive
  8. 1.00 star(s)


    No, nO, NO more. I played now a few updates and tried every time to finish the update (do all, what i have to do and go as far as i can).

    The RenPy version is old, the story is lame and the grindfest just doesn´t stop. You can´t play it like you want it. Everytime you need more energy, food or time. The fucking chores, cooking, and and and are simply too much what lowers the fun a lot.

    With the last update now 0.27 i gave him a last chance from me, but like i thought i just get angry for wasting my time with this bs.

    I don´t know what else to say, just...
    The negative points are so overhelming that the bit of good content doesn´t matter anymore, really!

    Sorry dev for the harsh words, but i would advise you to start again from scratch and take the reviews and the posts from users to your heart and think about it.

    Update 04.28.2023
    The Update 0.29 goes in the right direction BUT still way too may bugs there. Like i said, start from scratch with this...
  9. 1.00 star(s)


    suffers from the ren'py grammar/spelling/punctuation syndrome...
    the game has major issues with all audio, specially music settings...
    navigation sucks donkey dick, it does not make proper sense...
    no explanation of how the HUD works or navigation, if showing time needs to have proper details that go along with it.
    game skips some images and stuff when sneaking/stealth without showing anything...

    not much explanation in setup of game missing any context with persons the "MC" meets...
  10. 1.00 star(s)


    It's pretty obvious this game was not made professionally. The code is so bad that random variables change unexpectedly.

    Super grindy and unintelligible.

    "I want to talk to you"
    Talk with her

    There is a chance this game was written by an alien who has never met a human and got all their knowledge of our species from CNN
  11. 1.00 star(s)


    Holy hell the writing in this one! Its like there is not thread, every sentence is an instance on its own. It is quite bad actually. Visuals are average and they may keep there when there is an ovious light source, in the rest of the situations, it looks washed, as if an amateur tried to setup lighting, i know it, cause i do crap like this in my free time and my lighting setups always suck, so i stopped trying, and this is exactly how this game looks like.

    I cant even judge the story cause the writing is so bad that i cant see much difference between characters whey they speak.

    DONT PLAY THIS. The grind is insane to the point of having to repeat one action 200 times, and still fail the stat check. That stat will decrease if you make a wrong move, so those 200 repetition may be 300 if you are not careful.
    Every girl has 1 SINGLE SCENE cut into x pieces, it may be 10 or 20 pieces, i got to the end of one, and its not even ablowjob, so in that particualr case repeating that action 200 times ,it didnt pay off at all, i just want to kill myself, really, cause its fucking ridiculous.
    The ones giving it 5 stars belong to a mental institution, in no way this game deserves more than 0.5 in the actual state.

    At htis point, the writing, compared to the rest of the game is Shakespeare level.

    There is some girl who is hot, maybe but if there is not even decent events with them, who cares if they are hot? A hot girl without a story or a decent event, its pointless, you better go to chaturbate, or play other games, 95% of the games you will pick, will be better than this one, im not even exagerating.
  12. 5.00 star(s)

    Mad Max: Creampie

    303 / 5000
    Kết quả dịch
    I play very well on the pc version with no problems, give 5 * for the graphics of the game, and for the richness of the female characters in the game. thank you author Hope to play the update of the game in April, the game is very promising and the author is very gifted in content writing and graphics.
  13. 2.00 star(s)


    version 0.19
    - not worst CG
    - easy lang
    - normal amount of content
    - very grindy gameplay
    - its not rly a porn game- oly kissing, groping, teasing, hj and pair bj.

    currently game looks like wasted time, but in future it can be great.
  14. 4.00 star(s)


    Based on v. 0.29
    I have to change rating. I really apreciate that the Dev didn't give up and still working on it.

    A lot of changed. Yes, there is a lot of grinding - but slow progression is good for me. I have to think and be patient.
    Now the game is playable and enjoyable. Sometimes maybe a little to hard, but i enjoy playing for many hours.

    Waiting for new versions :)

    Based on v 0.17
    First versions was promising, but every new version is even worse... I was hope, that Azteca will do some good with this game, but all is going worse, instead better:

    Added toons of griding, now it's horible and totally unplayable.
    Events with Abbie and Miah - dissapeard.
    Stupid massage cotrol - no logical guide for it.
    Illogical points weight of actions
    Illogical and no linear or to linear (to grindy) story progression.
    Terible quality of renders - all of them have 1,2Mb with 1024x768! sic! but looks like my old nokia 3110 pictures.
    Now renders looks like recompressed so many times, so now they looks like plastic, no sharpnes, no quality. In that size over 1Mb each - should be brilliant.

    I think developer lost in corrections, and now this is terrible amount of chaos, grinding and waste of time... :(
  15. 1.00 star(s)


    review based on v0.16

    short: HO-LY-CRAP !

    start with 1 star. Give additional star for great renders (total 2 stars).
    ... but thats all....
    More than that: remove 1 star for the absolute unlogical plot, also because you start all of sudden and don't know what to do at all nor what's the goal of this game. (total 1 star again)
    remove 1 more star for the HORRIBLE writing - nearly impossible to read sometimes. (total 0 stars right now)
    remove 1 more star for the horrible grind (i still don't get why developers have to include such a grind or a grind at all into their games. Maybe just to say: "Hey, my game has 10 hours of gameplay - of course it's just 5 minutes and 9 hours 55 minutes senseless grind?) -(total -1 star at this point).
    Unfortunately no more positive facts about this "game"
    I also don't want to write more negative points, even there are some, but compared to the mentioned ones they are minor.
    Each way in total sum there are LOTS of negative points compared to one positive point (renders)

    so overall this game deserves a -1 star rating so far, but DAMNED, the lowest rating is +1 star - well, i have to deal with it :rolleyes:

    BTW: this is by far the lowest rating i ever have given to a game, because i don't see ANYTHING that could turn this game into a good one once it will be finished.
  16. 2.00 star(s)



    Azteca set out to create a game, but what exactly that game is isn't clear. There is certainly no shortage of women — each of whom is decently attractive in her own right. The game seems to be part science fiction, part conspiracy, part high school drama. It feels like there could be a lot of potential here, but it's unclear whether the game will ever deliver. This information is current as of version 0.15.

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    Many characters in this game are attractive, but they are also hollow. There is a somewhat progressive development of intimacy with various characters, which tends to be more realistic than in many games, but this is severely hampered by the unnecessary use of grind as a core mechanic in the game. Finally, with a plot that is both all over the place and nearly forgotten after the first ten minutes of starting a new game, I've become highly Suspicious that this game's developer Azteca flies by the seat of the pants, rather than planning the game and story in any effective way.
  17. 3.00 star(s)


    What this game make good based on my opinion
    1st:The models are good and "Ahhh that's hot meme"
    2nd:Render is great
    3rd:My kind of game the make you challenged just like the game called TimeLoopHunter

    What does this game lacks
    1st:The Ingame Menu the most important thing on Every game is Ingame Menu
    2nd:the 3rd Pros why? This is SandBox genre you need Grind to Gain. How? Simple Walkthrough it will be impossible to pass the quest without Walkthrough as this game Progress.
    Lastly 3rd:The Grammar of the English i just check his patreon which will hire a translator
    Which is good thing
    Bonus Not Pros nor Cons:There are some Bugs which is useful in gameplay im not gonna say it since it's you need to find it but i will give you a hint. Stats of the girls (Specific character does not affect this bug)
    What does Dev focus on?
    The Ingame Menu where you can save and load both PC Mac Linux and Android Port to the people who port this game would you kindly add ingame menu if the dev can't add please?
    Next is the Grammar which is currently need to reach 100$ of his patreon.

    Overall:I rate this game to B- he can positivly improved since once this game achieved all the lackings maybe it will increase the people want to play this game
    PS:Add some Short Backstory of the girls to understand us player and how we can progress to the girls into the heaven stuff. If you know what k mean.
  18. 1.00 star(s)


    Holy crap, I've never seen a bigger waste of amazing art talent than this game.

    The renders and environments are really well done. However that's where the praise ends.

    Writing: Normally with games that have clearly gone through a translator, there is that twinge of "God, do I really have to read this for the entire game?" But sometimes there is a good reason to push through it because the story is well thought out, the background of the game is expressed completely and the characters are soulful and actually seem like real people who you could care about.

    Then there are games like this. I could not give one single crap about any of these characters. The story is poorly conceived hogwash (I've never thought to even use that word.) The Engrish aside, there is no emotional response to the monologue-ing style of the main character. I kinda wish he had died in the experiment and we just had Richard as the main character because I have a feeling he'd be 3x as interesting as this geriatric moron.

    We have no background on the main character, we're just dropped into the middle of a nothing story that makes no sense. "Horrible science project goes wrong, project is top secret enough that there should be security, somehow asshole walks out of the building holding experimental equipment without anyone batting an eye." Yeah, no, Also what was this experiment? Because it's not until far later that you explain it was a "Rejuvination" experiment without any basis as to what that means and no further comment on it later.

    Now lets go over the scenario: I have just been put into the body of a teenager. I have no idea what this kid's life is like. I guess I'll pretend to be him even though everyone around me will know I'm not since THEY KNOW WHAT HE'S LIKE AND I DON'T. Or... Don't hide your symptoms, blame your condition on the crazy scientist man who has gone missing (btw, apparently she's never going to look in that closet, is she?) get sent to the hospital and blame your amnesia on your condition. Then no one can complain how you seem different. Or we can write a contrived piece of garbage that doesn't make sense all so you can call your game "Suspicious".

    *rolls eyes*

    This game has a poorly thought out plot, no character development, bland writing and a pitiful excuse for "Old man fucks teenagers".

    Just no. Stop making this, go work as an artist for someone else. Or hire a writer who knows how to craft a story.
  19. 1.00 star(s)



    1- Renders are decent enough. They're mostly stock DAZ models with some minor modifications, so there's that.


    1- English level present here can be barely considered a step above Engrish.
    2- Suffers from typical "Sandbox" Syndrome.
    3- Most people need to Grind through their daily lives to put bread on the table, here you need to do it again to bang virtual girls.
    4- Premise is okay, but at the moment it really doesn't go anywhere with it and its development will be a very slow burn due to forced slow progression player will need to go through outside of cheating.
    5- UI needs a revamp or at least massive improvements.
    6- Buggy.
  20. 2.00 star(s)


    It's a grinding game, and a poorly implemented one. The renders aren't bad (though not amazing either) but in order to get to even some nudity it takes quite a bit of grinding.

    I spent about an hour playing this game and I feel like the main character's relationships haven't changed very much at all. A few knew characters to grind relationships with opened up every now and then, but it takes so long to get anywhere with them that nothing interesting has happened.

    The writing is borderline on what I'd consider readable. It's most notable in the beginning when there's more exposition. It's coherent enough to follow, but at times you'll wonder whether the writer is a native speaker or not. Though I've certainly read worse.

    Story - 2.5/5 The premise might be interesting if it ever goes anywhere. I don't have the patience to find out if there's more to it than I got to or if this release is just light on content.

    renders - 3/5 decent. Certainly fappable.

    Characters - 2/5 there's at least an attempt to make the characters different from each other. But there's so little dialogue between the grinding that it's hard to get anything but the most basic outline of who a character is.

    UI - 2.3/5 Not good. The map needs work. It took me a while to even figure out there was a map instead of just having to click through each area sequentially. And even still there's only 3 locations on the map. For some reason your work location wasn't included... probably because it's a street instead of a building, but honestly that's just makes that part of grinding inconvenient.

    Gameplay - 2/5 it's a grinding game. I've played worse... but I've definitely played better. The pace at which you improve and unlock things is glacial. And to make matters worse, your suspicion is constantly trickling down as you wait for your stats to increase. So in the very begning it feels like you're gaining almost nothing and actually losing progress. Eventually if you focus on the right things you'll start to feel like you're getting somewhere (stat-wise. not plot-wise). So that's something at least.

    Overall fun: 2/5 - I spent an hour on it hoping it would improve... so I guess I must have seen the potential in it. Maybe I would have even kept going if I knew for certain there was promising content, but the monotony of the game made me lose faith.