Insanely frustrating UI paired with the best CGs(now animated) I've yet to see. Absolute peak for 2 hours-ish if you dont mind the jank. I'm pretty sure I got trained to the sound of the succubus showing up at this point.
Few hot scenes rest are dead average. Art is good but its very short. Since it's a VN there is no gameplay so it's a press ctrl get cg forget type of game.
Art 3.5/5
Story 2.5/5
Gameplay VN/5
Fapability 2/5
Originality 2/5
Really cool concept, had to play through it a few times to actually get an ending. It was very impressive how many of the interactions changed depending on where in the loop you opted for them.
Art is really good too.
Would be 5 stars but there seems to be a bug with saving and loading which is very frustrating given the nature of the game.
Don't know why the rating is so low, I thought it was a good game (could be just a bit longer). Art style and quality is excellent. I do wish that there was a quick save function and maybe a scroll back function but beggars cant be choosers.
The artwork for this game is amazing, the problem is, there just isn't enough of it. Then the devs insisted on putting blurry filters over everything which makes you feel like the MC is losing their eyesight. The dialog and plot is very basic, making you want to skip through most of it as it slowly types across the screen. There is no real animation and still images begin to feel lifeless as the narrator describes actions not depicted on by the characters. This game would have greatly benefited from some effort put into animating the scenes.
Overall I really love the premise and style of this game. The costumes and character design are very intriguing. Ultimately though it fails to deliver very satisfactory results due to final presentation.
Story: Great
Execution: Horrible
No Save function, the game froze multiple times, No way to speed up the dialog without skipping the set of dialog entirely (Space or clicking goes to the next set) so you will end up accidentally selecting the wrong option trying to hurry through.
Took me 40+ minutes to get the 2 positive endings even though I knew the correct path for each.
I enjoyed this game and the idea of the succubus draining the poor (read lucky) protagonist. The idea of a succubus seducing and luring someone to a pleasurable end, willingly, is what I truly enjoy in a succubus game. There are only a few games like this that I have found and enjoyed. I hope to find more games like this one.
This game is unplayable for one simple reason - no way to have the dialogue appear instantly. I don't know what kind of masochist wants to sit and wait for the text to slowly appear in a game with no voice acting, but since I read faster than a 5 year old I can't bear playing this.
Also, you can't even fucking control the sound volume, this is just ridiculous.
I'm a very huge fan of the artist Doxy and the work he does. He puts a lot of energy, effort and time into his art and his games.
This is a prime example of that with he and his team.
The art is gorgeous, the character design and her erotic outfits are sexy hawt.
Even the endings based on your actions make the game more exciting.
Time to get deep into this review. I wish it was simpler to judge.
Here we go:
> Best looking succubi ever. I can only count the amount of times i have seen brilliant succubus art on the fingers of my one hand, and this game takes 2 of them. Absolutely fantastic art. Potential for this game is sky high
okay... That's all of the praise for it..
What needs URGENT attention:
- Save option
- Fast forward dialogue/skip scenes until choice window popup
-Fix the screen freeze bug
- Make 80% of the dialogue options actually mean something, not just stay there to attempt to add complexity to the game but ending up confusing the audience. I do agree that the MC needs to be desperate and look for any source of clues, but please remove the option to check something once it has been looked over after a loop or so. Game ends up just being a Visual novel instead of an actual game with choices.
Not so urgent upgrades:
- Perhaps add :
>Voice acting
>Sound effects
>some sort of animation feel (can be just smeared joints imitating movement with a camera shake + sounds)
That's it. Good game, can be fantastic.
...especially with the budget they have on their patreon...
This is a fun little game with great art and an interesting story to go with it.
Seems that these devs have figured the only way to do a good 2D game, that's not a neverding Patreon milking machine, is make it small and contained. It still has choices and a couple different endings though.
My only gripe is the absence of save and skip features. I get that no save serves a purpose to make us replay it to get the other endings, but no skipping either makes the experience worse.
i really liked that, nicely written and beautifully drawn.
a shame that it doesn't support fullscreen, it would've been even nicer to see that succubus in full size...
it is quite short, but long enough to satisfy.
4 stars!
Basically a quick fancy shell of a game for some fine succubus art. Barebones functionality (you know that annoying thing, when text speed is slow, but if you click ahead it skips? Yeah, no options for that),simple story. But hey, at least the writing is clean(and smut is passable), and experience is complete.
You can kill an hour on this.
art is really good in this game i will be honest i really didn't gave damn about the story im like show me all the scenes so i was skipping thru dialogues and somehow got good ending but there is no gallery which is a shame but still a decent game
The only good thing I can say about it is that the art is pretty.
There are no controls other than space/click to move the text forward. You can't control the text speed, so it plods along very slowly. You also can't click early to instantly finish, either. Because that skips whatever you didn't read.
There's no scroll back or log to catch whatever you skipped whether on purpose or accident.
Gallery? Nope. No options other than 'shaders' or 'sound'. Both are only yes or no check boxes.
No saving or loading games at choice checkpoints, either. Have fun restarting every time you want to try a different route.