I don't know some dialogue in the game made me think so, or at least that they ahven't been dropped (or hadn't) and he would meet them in RL too.
I guess it depends on if he still wants to do the 2 routes or not, also Yui is a void argument since he was avoiding her for different reasons, her inclusion wouldn't matter to CI-EN but patreon is stupid about it.
The Patreon thing still confuses me nowadays because I have seen countless people still publishing "loli" content on Patreon by just putting the "all characters are +18" warning acting like the issue never happened, so yeah, not 100% sure about that, as mentioned I wish we could still see the Poll where Alice and Rika/Liz won to see if Silica or Yuuki were also among the characters of it, then we would know for sure XP (I still stand that Yui's exclusion is more because of how much of a plot-device she is rather than her looks, that seems a bigger issue for the game ironically XD).
Also, he clearly still will do the 2 routes, otherwise he wouldn't have added the bar system and everything, that's literally its only purpose for the game, but what I meant to say is that I don't think those NPCs will make a comeback for it after he got rid of literally all other NPCs' storylines, during v0.1 we already saw a few moments were Kirito suddenly got hard after imagining Asuna being fucked by someone else amidst his despair without need of talking to the guy again (It may feel a bit forced, but then again I'm personally of the opinion that the "2 routes" is probably the most forced thing, as we went from Kirito being the most oblivious fuck of the universe to him suddenly swinging from that to being ultra-mega-suspicious and then once again back to being an oblivious dumbass a lot thanks to the need to force a 'Cuck-lover' route).