Do you guys need a fix for that? Probably the warp to outside that got turned off because of variable or switch or he forgot.
Unlike part 1, on part 2 each day as is own set of map
I'm almost done with the last breaking event for Part 1
By the Oozaru2023 did you not made some animation change on part2? Do you understand how this script/Formula work
>图片动画序列 : 图片[99] : 设置动画序列 : 动画序列[16]
>图片动画序列 : 图片[99] : 修改状态元集合(立即切换) : 集合[教会]
Trying to mess with but can't fix it for the Church blowwjob animation cause the name of the Pic sequence is 修女1 not 教会 but changing it does nothing
Big thanks for this, sadly I just went ahead and restarted the game and avoided this area to avoid the softlock. Hopefully other people will see your reply to avoid dealing with the same problem. By any chance do you have a solution to the random crashing? It has been a constant problem on this game even on part 1.
Learned that the hard way when I just relied on auto save that saved the spot the moment I entered the guard post. No biggies as I had the time and just restarted the whole game. There is another member that posted a fix below my post so I hope this won't become a recurring problem in future updates (also crossing my fingers that the random crashing issue will be solved one of this days).
Hello guys,is the game really slow?, playing on my laptop but the fps stuck only at 1-5 fps,it happen when exploring the map, xan anyone help? got a decent laptop can play some games fine.
Hello guys,is the game really slow?, playing on my laptop but the fps stuck only at 1-5 fps,it happen when exploring the map, xan anyone help? got a decent laptop can play some games fine.
ye the engine is getting pushed to the limit. even with my sata ssd it was flopping hard with this game in loading times. no more problem when i upgraded it to nvme. as for fps problems, must be hardware issue. Check your task manager performance tab to see which is bottlenecking, it may be the ram or ur gpu is doing something else in the background
Hello guys,is the game really slow?, playing on my laptop but the fps stuck only at 1-5 fps,it happen when exploring the map, xan anyone help? got a decent laptop can play some games fine.
-Added Lustfull Night 7Scenes broken apart choose what you like
-Added in the Rec. room the ability to change the Name for:
Kirito/Asuna/Suguha (Saikey Only) & Hebishima (3Modded scene only)
Tested it with Asuna to Bitch it was perfect for Inoda
All previous mod update are included too
As always replace .json file in www -> data folder
Savefile 20 updated with the Rec. Room Mod v5
The change name don't work much for the Original version since it was not implented in, you will get some scene in the modded part of the Rec. room that will work with it though since the script i copy/past/edited is from Saikey ver.
And the Hebishima name change work for both since i rewritten the those 3 Animation with it [Hebishima MOD]
It's on Part 1, when Inoda is in Asuna's room (One of the ones you have to have the PoV Change activated to see), you see him groping her tits shortly before that. It was broken in the original AI-translated version but got fixed with a file somewhere around, and I THINK it should be fixed by default in Saikey's translation.
-Added Lustfull Night 7Scenes broken apart choose what you like
-Added in the Rec. room the ability to change the Name for:
Kirito/Asuna/Suguha (Saikey Only) & Hebishima (3Modded scene only)
Tested it with Asuna to Bitch it was perfect for Inoda
All previous mod update are included too
As always replace .json file in www -> data folder
Savefile 20 updated with the Rec. Room Mod v5
The change name don't work much for the Original version since it was not implented in, you will get some scene in the modded part of the Rec. room that will work with it though since the script i copy/past/edited is from Saikey ver.
And the Hebishima name change work for both since i rewritten the those 3 Animation with it [Hebishima MOD]
Both version just the Change name that does not work for the non-saikey version also the Saikey version is full decrypted which make the game run more easily
It's on Part 1, when Inoda is in Asuna's room (One of the ones you have to have the PoV Change activated to see), you see him groping her tits shortly before that. It was broken in the original AI-translated version but got fixed with a file somewhere around, and I THINK it should be fixed by default in Saikey's translation.