Finally got to play the update! Gotta say, as someone playing the game mainly for Suguha I enjoyed it a lot, only sad thing was that the Suguha scenes weren't added to the gallery yet so we can't see them in full for now or replay them (I would have saved before going to the Kirigaya house if I had known XP). And Liz going complete psycho on Inoda to (Clearly temporarily) get him under her control and start basically a plan to steal Kirito for himself while she makes him take Asuna isn't something I expected despite others heavily thinking it for the past update tbh, I didn't think this Liz was THAT desperate/evil but clearly she just snapped at the chance I guess XD
Also, seeing more of Quinella/Administrator as a background character made me 'realize' what the room on the left 'small shrine' of the recollection room is for (Or what I theorize for it at least): Is probably where her own sex scene will take place either much later or at the very end of the game, I bet.
my impressions even though LIZ betrayed us, she will still end up in love with Inoda's cock, in my opinion from now on Inoda and Asuna will have sex in FOG, Liz will probably end up doing it with Cuckito, but she will be unsatisfied when she sees Asuna go crazy with pleasure while she spies on the rooms, and she will look for Inoda the complete gallery is number 12.
This is almost without a doubt what's gonna happen honestly, either that or Inoda turns the tables on Liz halfway through their 'plans', but either way that 'nightmare' of Kirito is probably gonna end up becoming reality sooner or later, lol.
Most likely to be Leafa. At the point we see this, Asuna is busy IRL. Lizbeth and Inoda are elsewhere. It dsoesn't look like Sinon. Someone in town mentionss 'the brothel has an elf girl dancer', and the figure you see in the animation seems to have hair that would match with Leafa's long ponytail.
Yeah, it's all but implied to be Leafa with Hebishima, as you said we basically get confirmation that a "big titty blonde elf girl" from some NPCs is in the Dancing Hall (The brothel is a separate thing), and then almost right after Kirito and Klein see someone with long hair getting fucked in a special room in said hall? Very likely to be Leafa indeed.
I enjoy the direction of the story for Asuna and Liz but for Suguha and Alice that is not for me. Also annoying how you know what happens to Asuna but you have to wait an update or three to actually see it.
Referencing the thing you said in the Spoiler, Hebishima MAY still leave, Fujino said so in a previous post, but if he does it won't be right away because he doesn't wanna make it feel rushed, so regardless of it things would be better with him gone or not Fujino wasn't gonna remove him in the current 'week' for plot reasons, which I understand even as a pro-getting-rid-of-Hebishima person. Also, talking with the 'bird' at the end that's Fujino's avatar basically said he's gonna rework things for the next 'Week' in the game and that he will do a Vote/Poll for things regarding the game's development and story's development again soon, so we may have another chance of seeing more of what he plans in that regard soon.