i've been reading the post from you guys and i will give my 2 cents here.
if you guys notice in the Fujino reports, he said 2 events for Slusuna on saturday and another one on sunday, but he didnt said in IRL or VR right? i am assuming all the 3 events will be in vr, or in the best case scenario 1 IRL and the other 2 VR.
As we already know, FOG will be off during monday and tuesday, this will be the build up, before the rape event in the boos battle Asuna said she need to "discipline" Inoda or some bs like that, probably she will try talk to him in one of these days to make him stop or at least be more careful and discreet about having sex with her. He probably going to manipulate her with some emotional bs as usual and she will cave or he will ask for something like sex more than once a week in return and she will agree.
Fast foward to wednesday, FOG is back online with some new things like pregnancy in game now is avaiable.
Why i am saying that because some hints Fujino left here and there like Liz talking about that with Kirito and during the rape, Inoda said he wants to breed the sow, before you guys get to excited this is not for now. What do i think is going to happen, Asuna knowing that, wil not let Inoda bang her afraid of getting pregnant, because the system will show from who she got pregnant or having to wait for safe days or some stupid plot bs like that.
Inoda will not care about that and still going to try, and i think he is going to convince her to do something new Anal Sex.
if you think about it this is the last domino to fall and she will need some strong reason to do that and i cant see any other way.
That been said, i think Fujino really need to move the things along, think about it this is a NTR game with no real NTR sex, since the part 1 we had what 2 sex scenes IRL, the end of part 1 and the rape that is it. Ok i like the build up, slow burn, but the IRL story is in a limbo only HJ BoobJob and AssJob is boring after a while.
I dont know those are my 2 cents
This is more of an amusing way to make her do IRL sex as long as Inoda uses a condom. Because she refuses him in-game and the FOG game for whatever stupid reason doesn't have a way to prevent pregnancy like using a condom, then Inoda will pester her IRL. Amusing idea rofl.
This is more of an amusing way to make her do IRL sex as long as Inoda uses a condom. Because she refuses him in-game and the FOG game for whatever stupid reason doesn't have a way to prevent pregnancy like using a condom, then Inoda will pester her IRL. Amusing idea rofl.
that is a valid point... but i dont think fujino using that as a plot device.
if we look there is only 2 things yet to happen IRL BJ and Anal both IRL and VR, now what is going happen first only Fujino knows.
It is ironic but Fujino is to blame for just not utilizing her as well as he should've. People decided her story wasn't interesting so they wanted her out of the game.
That’s fair, I guess. He would’ve probably been better off not making any polls to begin with, but he underestimated the workload that comes with an additional story. There are just too many characters for a monthly development cycle, tbh.
That’s fair, I guess. He would’ve probably been better off not making any polls to begin with, but he underestimated the workload that comes with an additional story. There are just too many characters for a monthly development cycle, tbh.
I would also remove Klein, unless he sends him around to secretly take photos of those two dirty people (Asuna and Inoda) and then send them to Kirito in censored form,
that is a valid point... but i dont think fujino using that as a plot device.
if we look there is only 2 things yet to happen IRL BJ and Anal both IRL and VR, now what is going happen first only Fujino knows.
Man, I went to work and forgot today was the next report lol. Well, good to see Fujino is still hard at work, even if I have no interest in Alice's route at least it's finishing soon...
LMAO, not really, the issue is that Ronye spends 99% of her screentime wearing fully covering clothes, even in the LN it wasn't as apparent that she was bigger than Asuna and Alice except for examining one scene closely, it was later with official art from other sources (Mainly phone game arts) that made it that evident...the anime actually animated her more or less accurately, but again, between how she was wearing fully covering clothing all the time, even a chestplate for the later part of her appearances, how the only part that exclusively focuses on her will probably never be animated, and the non-canon "Boost" the anime gave to Asuna's tits, it wasn't even remotely noticeable XD For comparison, THIS illustration from the LNs shows Alice and Asuna in the bath with the Elevator Girl and Ronye and Tiese's descendants, which actually appear briefly during the end of the anime, and that for plot-reasons have the exact same body-types and 3 sizes as their ancestors, and you can see Laura (Ronye's descendants), whose body is canonically equal to Ronye's, being bustier than both main heroines XP (And as you can see, this Asuna drawn recently by the illustrator lacks the 'bust-up' that she was given in the anime because of the Ordinal Scale movie, further hammering it's not canon )
This is mainly because when the supporters voted for her and Liz to be added, they were doing so thinking of ACTUAL ALICE being added to the NTR game, not basically an OC with her face whose plot had absolutely nothing to do with anything at all and that Fujino distanced more and more from Kirito's story for 'better writing', which was...the last thing anyone who wanted her in the game wanted, really XD This is Alice Zuberg/S30, the only character to be widely shipped with Kirito aside from Asuna by a local majority of the fandom and the only one to ever cause something akin to a 'waifu war' openly amongst SAO fans. People who voted for her in this game didn't want her to be reduced to a boring hypnosis plot to have her NTR-ed from KLEIN, who nobody gives any real shit about, and would never even think of associating with Alice, they probably wanted to see her being "Not-NTR-ed" from Kirito like Suguha was in Part 2 without caring how much Fujino had to force it by introducing her character so late, so when Fujino decided to do his own thing with her for 'better writing', he indirectly just killed any interest anyone had remaining in her already forced character XP (Hell, given early on Policegirl Alice showed some hints of being attracted to Kirito, Fujino may originally have tried to do that but realized it would be too long/too forced and decided to do something else instead, which...nobody gave a shit about, yeah :3)
LMAO, not really, the issue is that Ronye spends 99% of her screentime wearing fully covering clothes, even in the LN it wasn't as apparent that she was bigger than Asuna and Alice except for examining one scene closely, it was later with official art from other sources (Mainly phone game arts) that made it that evident...the anime actually animated her more or less accurately, but again, between how she was wearing fully covering clothing all the time, even a chestplate for the later part of her appearances, how the only part that exclusively focuses on her will probably never be animated, and the non-canon "Boost" the anime gave to Asuna's tits, it wasn't even remotely noticeable XD For comparison, THIS illustration from the LNs shows Alice and Asuna in the bath with the Elevator Girl and Ronye and Tiese's
Wow the nerf was not as much as I thought. I knew she was bigger than Tiese. Being bigger than Asuna and Alice is not so surprising either. Most of the teenage girls in LN illustrations besides Suguha has fairly modest chests. I thought the animation team purposely nerfed her so she would have the same body shape as Tiese and thus be easier to animate together.
Man, I went to work and forgot today was the next report lol. Well, good to see Fujino is still hard at work, even if I have no interest in Alice's route at least it's finishing soon...
LMAO, not really, the issue is that Ronye spends 99% of her screentime wearing fully covering clothes, even in the LN it wasn't as apparent that she was bigger than Asuna and Alice except for examining one scene closely, it was later with official art from other sources (Mainly phone game arts) that made it that evident...the anime actually animated her more or less accurately, but again, between how she was wearing fully covering clothing all the time, even a chestplate for the later part of her appearances, how the only part that exclusively focuses on her will probably never be animated, and the non-canon "Boost" the anime gave to Asuna's tits, it wasn't even remotely noticeable XD For comparison, THIS illustration from the LNs shows Alice and Asuna in the bath with the Elevator Girl and Ronye and Tiese's descendants, which actually appear briefly during the end of the anime, and that for plot-reasons have the exact same body-types and 3 sizes as their ancestors, and you can see Laura (Ronye's descendants), whose body is canonically equal to Ronye's, being bustier than both main heroines XP (And as you can see, this Asuna drawn recently by the illustrator lacks the 'bust-up' that she was given in the anime because of the Ordinal Scale movie, further hammering it's not canon )
This is mainly because when the supporters voted for her and Liz to be added, they were doing so thinking of ACTUAL ALICE being added to the NTR game, not basically an OC with her face whose plot had absolutely nothing to do with anything at all and that Fujino distanced more and more from Kirito's story for 'better writing', which was...the last thing anyone who wanted her in the game wanted, really XD This is Alice Zuberg/S30, the only character to be widely shipped with Kirito aside from Asuna by a local majority of the fandom and the only one to ever cause something akin to a 'waifu war' openly amongst SAO fans. People who voted for her in this game didn't want her to be reduced to a boring hypnosis plot to have her NTR-ed from KLEIN, who nobody gives any real shit about, and would never even think of associating with Alice, they probably wanted to see her being "Not-NTR-ed" from Kirito like Suguha was in Part 2 without caring how much Fujino had to force it by introducing her character so late, so when Fujino decided to do his own thing with her for 'better writing', he indirectly just killed any interest anyone had remaining in her already forced character XP (Hell, given early on Policegirl Alice showed some hints of being attracted to Kirito, Fujino may originally have tried to do that but realized it would be too long/too forced and decided to do something else instead, which...nobody gave a shit about, yeah :3)
Yeah bro Alice could have been a better source of jealousy for asuna this game wonder why she's fallen to the hypnosis route fujino sensei seems to be eyeing the doubting asuna type sht anyways maybe he replaced Alice's role to leafa because sugu is somewhat a main side character as well
Sadly, there’s no way to farm it. You need to find hidden scenes, but you don’t know by default where to look for them. The easiest way would be to just cheat the points I guess; otherwise, you’ll need to search every corner of the town every day. There’s no other way.
OK, I didn’t know that. It’s probably a bug, or Fujino did that to help us out in case we missed the points in-game. But I think it won’t be possible once the game is finished.
OK, I didn’t know that. It’s probably a bug, or Fujino did that to help us out in case we missed the points in-game. But I think it won’t be possible once the game is finished.
Yea definitely a bug. Prurience should not be something Kirito can increase nonstop at a early point in the story but something to show his slow corruption throughout the game. Even now when start a new game you start with what Prurience Fujino thinks Kirito should have at that point in the story.
Yea definitely a bug. Prurience should not be something Kirito can increase nonstop at a early point in the story but something to show his slow corruption throughout the game. Even now when start a new game you start with what Prurience Fujino thinks Kirito should have at that point in the story.
Yea definitely a bug. Prurience should not be something Kirito can increase nonstop at a early point in the story but something to show his slow corruption throughout the game. Even now when start a new game you start with what Prurience Fujino thinks Kirito should have at that point in the story.
Yeah, it’s probably coded to give you the points right before or after the scene, so I guess he just copy-pasted it to the recollection room but forgot to remove the code for points.