@loqex, what version? That sounds like the .18 from ~36 hours ago; I uploaded a new version around ~11 am PST (let's see, 22 hours ish ago) to my website and mega. Links are in the patreon post for ease of reference, here:
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Though that won't guarantee of course all bugs are gone

Just the ones that I squished which resulted in the "Ren'py Crash," screen, which is a pretty crap experience. Now that I know better, I can avoid that issue in the future.
@Stiffler I've shipped three versions (all this most recent week, I've been busy), then the bug fix this morning.
@UncleVT yes, the patreon will always be the most up to date version of what is where, why & how. The vast majority of posts there are public; rarely do I make posts private, unless they are rewards and or supporter POV requests. They're the only customers I'm trying to please, really - myself first, them a close second (as I have to do all the work, if I hate doing it, well, it's just going to end in tears all around).
@Twistty nah, I just was lucky enough to get his help with my list - issue in Ren'py. It's not like I haven't read a few books on python, it's more that I never regularly code so one forgets easily what one never uses

He's a super nice person, chatted with him on Discord and now, I'll *definitely* start a code review when I have time.
@Prokopije btw, regarding this:
>he's not going to finish
If you must, use my gender:
>she's not going to finish
Given my most recent week I finished ~100 renders, near enough, along with 3 different animations, 3 versions of a new game and shipped - well, I work hard when I'm interested in a project. This, so far, is very interesting *and* bonus, makes my existing game infinitely better. In December, I had a death in the family that derailed a fair bit of life and shipped late, but, still the biggest life to date monthly update for Romancing the Kingdom that I've done in 14 months of development (though some months were more off than on, I'll be honest).
In front of me is my Titan X (I know, not the best) 12 gigs of course, with a spinning platter HD, system memory about 32 gigs on top of that. On my left, is a computer with a better i7, dual Nvidia Pascal 1080's (or 1070's? whatever was top when it launched, def not 1060 which came later), an SSD instead of HD, even more ram and at newer generation ... with incredibly fast boot times, render times & the works.
Though you're right; could be, this will all end in tears. We'll see.
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- did you download from *here* or the link from my Patreon? If you downloaded from here, it could be the mega link isn't mine, but, somebody who copied & pasted the broken file from my site. LMK.