No. NO. It's not 4.5/5, it's 3 at best.
The only thing it has going for it is animations and some sounds i liked. Traps aren't bad, and some, i think only 1, even takes you to another place. That's it, that's all it has. I suppose you don't have to die to view cool animations, so that's a plus as well.
The game plays like Dark Souls II combined with Metal Gear Survive. And by that i means everything is slow and you'll have huge stamina issues even after 1 enemy - and majority of the game you'll have to use broomstick to slowly, sloooowly poke worthless packs of enemies that present no threat, and then wait for 75% wasted stamina to recover. Enemies respawn, by the way. There's no reason to - since they drop nothing, but they respawn.
Now level design, monsters, monster stats, encounters, translation, enemy attacks, story, dialogues, mechanics, choices, bosses... Well, monsters, excluding maybe Demogorgon-likes, are as generic as possible, even if animations for them are very good. Zombies, slimes, dogs, flies, spiders, tentacles - maybe you've heard about such monsters before? Everything else is pretty bad - monsters have bloated healthpools, pathetic attacks, kinda unfair but still boring encounters. (I.e. in spider area fight nine billion identical spiders that take as much hits as a zombie). Translation might as well have been just a random combination of words. Story barely exists, dialogues(mostly monologues) are there and add nothing interesting either. You can make some choices, but it looks like less of a choice and more of a "do you want to get fucked by this thing over here?". Oh, and saving people is not an option - Sayahata seems to care only about masturbating and her own life, and feels more sympathy to a meat wall's penis than to other humans. You can choose to spare penis, but you can't save a single human.
Mechanics aren't saving the game either. Combat is very simple - shoot/hit the thing before it reaches you. No dodges, no blocking, no nothing, just walk back and hit/shoot. You can dodge flies by crouching i guess. In the latter half of the game things move faster than you, and even get teleported behind you, so you will have to switch to pistol/rifle and shoot fast - that's how deep the mechanics are. And i think if you run out of ammo you're out of luck as well. There's ONE deep mechanic - is that masturbating speeds up stamina recovery.
Bosses are just a muscle-zombie and alraune. And you just shoot them until they die.
...You absolute goons, wtf do you mean by 5 star rating??? Just because animations are good it doesn't mean that it should be 5 star! I thought it's some hidden gem. I guess some people view it as a "challenge", as an "interesting" way to lay out mechanics? Maybe YOU are one of such people. So if you're in doubt - just don't listen to me, listen to them and just download the game.
The only thing it has going for it is animations and some sounds i liked. Traps aren't bad, and some, i think only 1, even takes you to another place. That's it, that's all it has. I suppose you don't have to die to view cool animations, so that's a plus as well.
The game plays like Dark Souls II combined with Metal Gear Survive. And by that i means everything is slow and you'll have huge stamina issues even after 1 enemy - and majority of the game you'll have to use broomstick to slowly, sloooowly poke worthless packs of enemies that present no threat, and then wait for 75% wasted stamina to recover. Enemies respawn, by the way. There's no reason to - since they drop nothing, but they respawn.
Now level design, monsters, monster stats, encounters, translation, enemy attacks, story, dialogues, mechanics, choices, bosses... Well, monsters, excluding maybe Demogorgon-likes, are as generic as possible, even if animations for them are very good. Zombies, slimes, dogs, flies, spiders, tentacles - maybe you've heard about such monsters before? Everything else is pretty bad - monsters have bloated healthpools, pathetic attacks, kinda unfair but still boring encounters. (I.e. in spider area fight nine billion identical spiders that take as much hits as a zombie). Translation might as well have been just a random combination of words. Story barely exists, dialogues(mostly monologues) are there and add nothing interesting either. You can make some choices, but it looks like less of a choice and more of a "do you want to get fucked by this thing over here?". Oh, and saving people is not an option - Sayahata seems to care only about masturbating and her own life, and feels more sympathy to a meat wall's penis than to other humans. You can choose to spare penis, but you can't save a single human.
Mechanics aren't saving the game either. Combat is very simple - shoot/hit the thing before it reaches you. No dodges, no blocking, no nothing, just walk back and hit/shoot. You can dodge flies by crouching i guess. In the latter half of the game things move faster than you, and even get teleported behind you, so you will have to switch to pistol/rifle and shoot fast - that's how deep the mechanics are. And i think if you run out of ammo you're out of luck as well. There's ONE deep mechanic - is that masturbating speeds up stamina recovery.
Bosses are just a muscle-zombie and alraune. And you just shoot them until they die.
...You absolute goons, wtf do you mean by 5 star rating??? Just because animations are good it doesn't mean that it should be 5 star! I thought it's some hidden gem. I guess some people view it as a "challenge", as an "interesting" way to lay out mechanics? Maybe YOU are one of such people. So if you're in doubt - just don't listen to me, listen to them and just download the game.