RPGM - Symphony of the Serpent [v.23031] [NLT Media]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is way better than in TGO already. It almost succeeds in trying to be like Treasure of Nadia. The girls are better, the scenes are better. I don't know why TGO was bad, but this makes up for it.

    Story - 3/5 as usual for NLT game
    Scenes-5/5 is an improvement from the TGO, in my opinion
    The gameplay has a bit more clicking, but it is okay.
  2. 1.00 star(s)

    Think Tank

    The downward spiral contines.

    Profitable? Maybe

    Enjoyable? Less So

    Apparently it's not enough to express your views on the subject with using 200+ characters.

    So, based on that, I'll say more - more that I actually felt needed to be said.

    The simple way of saying this is the plot suffers seemingly at the hands of the technology. It's a comment oft stated here. There's a seemingly large number of people who can't get past various points - usually because of some obtuse requirement that haven't registered - and they can't all be stupid!

    Anything which seriously interfers which the ability to play the game, make progress andhave a sense of accomplishment will invariably lead to disapointment, disillusionment and rejection.
  3. 2.00 star(s)


    Update as of [v.21022] Having played and finished all the previous games from NLT, From LE to ToN to TGO and now SoTS, I think my favourite would actually be Treasure of Nadia. It's really unfortunate to say this, but there really hasn't been much improvements to the newer games, infact, some aspects of the game has been going downhill. One of the most important thing about these games is the characters, and the designed of the girls here are pretty ugly. ToN has some of the best girls in Clare, Jessica, Diana & Sofia, while the other girls in the game are all decent as well. Now in SoTS, the design of the girls are straight up ugly.. with the only notable ones being Cleopatra, Anya, Lola and Grace. Heck, even the side characters Lucy and Nora are better than majority of the main girls. There is also no buildup in terms of relationship development between the characters, and many of them just straight up goes to sex. In terms of scenes and animations, ToN was one of the better VNs at the time of release, you'd expect improvements to them with the newer games like TGO and SoTS, but not much improvements has been made since, which is a disappointment. Story is also a little messy, you get no background information into the virusthat is happening, and just jump into it. Can't really recommended playing this game, unfortunately.

    -One of the more likeable MC between all 4 games
    -Story has been a little better than TGO so far
    -Pretty good puzzles so far
    -VO is alright

    -Transitions in cutscenes is pretty bad
    -No improvements in terms of animations and graphics since ToN, and feels really outdated now
    -Poor design of the main cast
    -Poor character development
    -Lack of background information to the virus
    -Combat is interesting, but poorly executed
    -Side girls are not really needed, just there to waste money for mindless scenes
    -Mindless loop in circling around places for things
    -Very linear gameplay
  4. 1.00 star(s)


    If you've played previous NLT games then there nothing new for you. Matter of fact , this game is a step down in terms of quality of renders/animations. Also the characters are not really that attractive as compare to the previous games. BUT, if you haven't play NTL games then, it'll be a good idea to play this game first then play the other games.
  5. 4.00 star(s)

    Dr Secz

    One is for sure, NLT media creates amazing games with amazing graphics and animations. Looks so futuristic in comparison with many other games,but still doesn't needs strong PC requirements to play. And that is great. RPGM is on another level with this developer. It has taste,it has spark that makes every developer game want to try and play. Bad things from my side and only my opinion is the story who is a bit to much fairytale. A lot of not necessary triggering to continue progress in the main story and the game at all. That's the only thing i would change in future games NLT makes. Realistic story, a bit easier trigger assignments.
  6. 2.00 star(s)


    I have played the earlier games NLT created going all the way back to lust epidemic. I have finished all other games (even though the genesis order was a big chore to finish). So for Symphony of the serpent ( v.19021) I gave a 2/5. A meh could be improved on many fields.
    The reason i gave it a 2/5 is because of the following reasons.

    The positive part:
    • the MC is better than of the genesis order, although that isn't that difficult to achieve
    • In all aspect better than the genesis order from so far story till gameplay, etc
    • It feels more as a build-up in a sense to that of treasure of Nadia. Which I approve of.
    • it looks better than previous games
    The Bad :
    • the "cutscenes" definitely when fighting , walking to even transition to other poses are very bad.
      • walking: when walking into the temple with Lola and grace is just very mechanically done. you can see even when entering very weird movement of steps etc.
      • fighting: the whole kicking, punching randomly with the overdramatic flip to get up. Are so absurd and is added like how a 7 year thinks is cool. But for the love of god don't do it. Drop these animation or do some proper research of how people fight.
      • transitions from one to the other pose is done so quickly to what i can think of is to hide mistakes. Why even show them ? They all look very weird with bodies move in unnatural ways.
    • It currently has "28 scenes" where let's say 13 of them are anything sexual ( lapdance, sex, bj, etc so no kissing or just a person being nude). There are scenes in there that makes me wonder "who would even would want to see this again? ". Like the ad scene to name one.
    • The moving of objects is just so awkward in this game. because of the current camera position you are always pushing objects diagonally than what you expect to be linear.
    • It still jumps heavily from one to the other with out much leading to it storywise (although in other case this also the case) .
    • The let's say cast is pretty bland, there is no character that is in any sense unique or refreshing. It is very shallow and depthless. Take grace for example virgin faithful girl wanting to explore her sexuality. There is room here to make her interesting and fresh and interesting but not taken.
    The weakness:
    • Characters so far all of them go straight to sex, there is no build up nothing just bam here is sex. All of them, Nia, the mayor, Lola, etc every single one of them. There is no seduction being done and build up to it. Nia is giving you lapdance ohh well now you are having sex as an example. The girl doens't know me any shape or form, i am just a guy from the street. It would make sense if that is one character such as Lola wouldn't care much since she uses sex to get her way for example. That would make sense but here everyone is straight to sex, like why ? Why not be more like demon deals for example ?
    • The booty call thing here again is so weird in place. Grace to take as example has no experciences but as soon you have your own place she is over at yours at getting het pussy licked. Like excuse me this doesn't make sense. Let it wait until you reach a certain part in story where she and MC would have done more stuff to than call her for the booty call. Or let her just mentioned in dialogue she wants to learn more or something, this is just out of place.
    • When this takes place like how many days/months/ years after the genesis order or other, i have no idea and never explained. The world has a sex-virus present but never experienced any effects of it or see it happening. They just mentioned "oohh yeah sex-virus" but that is it. why mentioned it if there is no deal I need to remember it ?
    • The combat, the combat is interesting choose but not well done. The rules explained in the beginning have no real impact to combat in the slights. Enemies will jump to you for big distances, it will do things for again god knows which reason . And you can end up locked in place and get killed like that because an enemy can keep attacking you without you being able to do anything against it.
    • The whole amnesia is a very cliché trop, but if done well this can be very interesting and goods storytelling. Like they do with suddenly "retrieving you memory" leads to you being able to do more in combat, it works and makes you want to do know more. In the story aspect is done pretty badly. The have opportunities here but just don't take them.
    • The characters are quiet ugly to be honest. Let me explain what i mean with this. If you look at treasure of Nadia, you had quite some characters that were in S-tier of sexy to name a few: Diana, Clare, Janet, Naomi, Madalyn , Kaley. For the genesis order were there some still sexy present such as Carol, Hannah, Heather, Arianna. But here now with this game? You have Anya , Cleo that are looking good. Amira , Divya and Nora aren't too bad either. But the rest just are ugly. Where are my hot sexy babes and milfs goddammit?

    In conclussion the game itself feels it has an identity problem, it doens't know what it wants itself to be. It wants to tell a story but halfass it. It wants to be an easy gets your rock of sex game but makes no scenes for it and ugly characters. It wants to have a wide cast of variety of women to seduce but ends up that all characters that are bland, unintresting and shallow with no substance in.

    NLT needs to stop publishing such half ass things with no plan in mind. They need time to think what they want to publish, and take your time to create something that has a value in it and they themself are pleased with. And not do the current strategy they are doing. They have the skill to make a really intresting game but just in my eyes wasted it. A shame.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    NLT Media makes the best adult games in my opinion.

    Symphony of the Serpent has more beautiful graphics than the older releases. You can see inprovement of quality in their games.

    The gameplay hasn't changed. You follow a sexy story and click yourself around in a rpg maker style. The story is typical nlt, they haven't changed anything in their concept. You can really say it's their style and i love it.

    This game is full of features and sexy ladies.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    I never thought NLT Media could bring in innovation in its formula of creating similar point and click games, but it seems it happened. I have to say, I am rather impressed. The new view is a lot better than the previous one, I am in love with the now more close, detailed environments. Scenes are the usual top-notch quality, that hasn't changed and to my surprise the voice acting improved hugely compared to The Genesis Order. What I really like - which I seem to be alone with - is the combat. It is rather easy, but very entertaining and well executed. The only bit annoying part is, that it doesn't sync well with the new view, since it is based on four directions which are a bit jumbled thanks to the view. Still, I have learned to love it, I find it really great.
    Interesting is, that the game has now main characters and side ones, who are mostly hookers/nurses whom which the MC develops his relationship to get lewd scenes, which are entirely independent of the main story progress. However, I have on critique: by being able to give the girls gifts, the game has become even more grindy than before and with one exception the side girls are half-assed stock DAZ models, but it is not such a big issue to give it 4 instead of 5 stars. Well done NLT Media, I hope my review balances a bit out all those baseless rants.
  9. 4.00 star(s)


    Solid game. As the updates go I think this one is going to get better and better.

    It’s suffering a little bit from the previous games being so well done I think. The only real criticism I have is the combat is pretty bad. It’s just not a very fun mini game.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    The visuals and Voice acting is immersive and impressive, I would love to see more content for Anya and Olivia. This is the 4th game in NLT saga, and I am waiting for the story to unfold more and more.

    I will drop a complete and detailed review after the game is completed by the devs, thank you for reading

    Enjoy playing
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    I played both Treasure of Nadia and Genesis Order. While I did enjoy both, I definitely was somewhat disappointed by Genesis Order. Symphony of Serpant, so far, has a much better start.

    ++ As usual the visuals of NLT are amazing, the girls are really hot
    ++ new isometric view looks really good, the world was never more enjoyable to look at
    ++ NLT is really hard working does regular updates, actually finishes their games
    + so far the story is interesting. Its really early in development so this might change, but so far, so good
    + less time waste than previous games
    + arrows on the map means you dont have to constanty ask the oracle like in previous games
    + i like the combat, its feels like a puzzle instead of a grind

    - as usual with NLT, the story is very linear
    - the game really lacks dirty talk. especially on the booty calls/the new red light girls
    ---No incest. The game is vanilla as hell now. Previous NLT games were already far too vanilla for my taste, but at least they had incest as the one taboo fetish. Symphony of Serpant has zero spice (so far, but I doubt this will change)

    Overall I think its already doing much better than Gensis Order. The lack of incest and any other taboo fetishes is a huge bummer. But nontheless, on a technical level the game is impressive and the fact that NLT keep posting consistent updates and finishes their games, in an industry where most devs abandon their game or keep dragging them on forever, good work ethic should influence the final Rating. So i will give full 5 starts.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    No news around this dev. Nice models, good gameplay, but the combat pissed me off a bit. The story is good, but what shines is the, always, nicely done sex scenes. So hot! There's no much change among the games of this dev, and it's not a bad thing.
    5 Stars!
  13. 4.00 star(s)


    So genuinely unsure what people are complaining about for this one. I personally find it much better than The Genesis Order was at a similar point in the story.

    The MC is so far less annoying, the various ladies are much better integrated in the main story, and I know it's personal preference but I feel the designs of these girls are much better than TGO.

    The main complaint I have is with the combat, but it looks like as time passes you should improve in such a way that it could get interesting.

    Overall it seems like I'll personally like this better than TGO, but I'm saving the last star for when they stick the landing.
  14. 2.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 8277542

    Coming off of Lust Epidemic & Treasure of Nadia, Genesis Order was pretty disappointing. This is worse.

    NLT games had great, intriguing stories. The progression system felt fun, the objective based gameplay was just short and clever enough. What we get now is an uninspired orgy fest. Characters seem to randomly stumble upon each other, your objectives boil down to mindlessly circling the map, looking for a specific item in a specific location to pad the game length. Animation is still good, but lacking in variety. One sex scene is basically 3 different moves in 9 different angle.

    Idk, the consistency of updates is a good thing, but the story gets dumber and dumber.
  15. 3.00 star(s)


    Review for v0.9112

    My history with NLT games goes as follows: didn't finish Lust Epidemic though I thought it was neat as something different, played through Treasure of Nadia and enjoyed it overall despite clear flaws, and then made the mistake of waiting for The Genesis Order to be completed only to be extremely disappointed and dropping the game about halfway in.

    Now enters Symphony of the Serpent, where my expectations were so low after the previous game that I decided to play this early and see if it's even worth still keeping an eye on. Perhaps it's the extremely low bar that had been set, but I will say I've enjoyed this first few hours of the game more than I did the entirety of The Genesis Order. But while the game does feel like it's taken a step up on the technical side of things, NLT remains rather stagnant when it comes to the sex and writing.

    The narrative and dialogue have always been a bit goofy for lack of a better term, and that trend continues here. That being said I think I'm just a little more into everything this time around? The MC is leagues less annoying, I like the story with Tony so far, and some of the girls feel a little more charismatic maybe is the word. I surprisingly like the voice acting as well, and the non-sex cutscenes are fun. The story takes a pretty whacky turn in the latest update and honestly I have no idea where the game is trying to go with it, but you're more along for the ride on this than anything. Still not going to tell you anything is particularly gripping though.

    One of the biggest new changes is the side girl system, and I'm gonna be honest and say I think it was a waste of time to include this. If there's one thing their games needed less of, it was shallow girls you have sex with. Shallow is a bit of an understatement though, as these girls exist purely to give gifts to until you unlock the next heart level and sex scene. That's it. It's a money sink to see more sex scenes with strippers/prostitutes essentially. I'd rather have them scrap these six and just develop like one or two more actual love interests.

    The other big addition is combat. I may be the odd one out here, but I actually don't mind it. Their games have always had a sort of puzzle-y feel to them, and the combat fits into that well. It's a little janky sometimes, but I haven't been frustrated once by it. The new isometric perspective is neat as well, and I like the vibes of the new town the game is set in. The rest of it is pretty much the same stuff you'd expect. Plenty of items, crafting, puzzles, an apartment to buy stuff for, booty calls, etc. etc.

    Now if you exclude the side girls the sex scene pacing has been much better as you're not already having threesomes with the town, but in no way have the scenes really improved even since Treasure of Nadia. My nitpick has always been the girls looking a little too doll-like and that hasn't changed, but if you were to compare these scenes to previous ones there's like no change in quality. The animations are still better than a majority of games on the site, but with this being their fourth game now, it's a disappointing area to not really improve on.

    TLDR - While there are a couple new mechanics and changes, Symphony of the Serpent essentially remains much of the same you'd come to expect from NLT Media. Whether that's good or bad is up to you. I'll say at the least I'd come back to this as opposed to dropping it like I did the previous game, so I do think it's better in that regard. Also bring back the fishing minigame damnit.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    I have loved all the games in the series. A great start and looks like there will be a lot to do, only at V9 so far.

    Great graphics ad looks to a a girl for every one. Can't wait to fuck the mum :)
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    I'm a really big fan of this dev and his games, you can ignore the rating as he gets lots of random criticism from "porn sommeliers" because one of his game was a big hit.
    I highly recommend playing the entire saga, its hella worth it.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    great sequel to NLT

    new mechanic fight keeping the game fresh.

    i hope they make a much improvement from previous game.... like maybe new minigame... or new puzzle.... or something like that...

    like the story too.... cant wait to see whats next to unravel
  19. 1.00 star(s)


    Story and Characters: The narrative is a jumbled mess, lacking depth and creativity. Characters are forgettable, with bland dialogue that fails to engage. There’s little to no character development,

    Gameplay: The core mechanics feel outdated and poorly executed. Combat is sluggish,

    Graphics and Sound: Visually, this game falls flat to me. The graphics are uninspired, resembling a half-baked project rather than a polished game

    Technical Issues: The game is riddled with bugs and glitches, from character models clipping through the environment to frequent crashes that force you to restart progress.

    Overall, This game sucks in each and every way. didn't expected this kind of work from NLT.

    stop licking Patreon's feet, otherwise it will not take time to fall
  20. 2.00 star(s)


    This is not a bad game by any means however,
    NLT has provided us with two of the highest-quality games in recent years—Lust Epidemic and Treasure of Nadia. These two games, especially the latter, set the bar very high for games in this genre. While The Genesis Order and Symphony of the Serpent are not lacking in quality, something feels off about them.

    If they were the first games I'd played by NLT, I would likely have no complaints. But, for myself—and I'm sure for many others who have played their previous games—the new games feel redundant. I've had enough of the linear storylines and gameplay. I'm tired of asking the Oracle for help, and I'm definitely tired of collecting these statues. Change is essential at this point if NLT wants to keep their older audience.

    There’s nothing wrong with a high-quality visual novel game with meaningful choices that affect the main story and relationships with characters. Instead of just "booty calls," they could add some sandbox elements. We have several great examples of games like these, such as Shut Up and Dance, Life in Santa County, Midnight Paradise, and Photo Hunt. All of these are excellent games, and with a studio like NLT, if they were to make a game with this type of gameplay alongside their large quantity of high-quality scenes, it would undoubtedly be crowned one of the best games on this site.