Unity - Taffy Tales [S1 Redux] [UberPie]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    I like dark theme of this game. Many hypocrites complained about how rude and shallow of MC but I think all people who play adult game want to unleash that part of them. So if you want an in-depth story that consist of many fucking and even fcking your own mother so do not play this game.
    1 star for graphic,
    1 star for story,
    1 star for dev who could listen to his audience,
    1 star for fast progress,
    1 last star because I want it.
  2. 4.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 1769437

    Review of v0.17.0b. Overall 3.5 stars, rounded up to 4. Art is good although currently focused on the ridiculously boobed characters. Writing is decent.
    The game is set up like a sandbox but plays like a VN which is where most problems come up. You can't pursue particular characters, you just trigger events and work your way through everyone for the most part. There are some other characters teased but those plots aren't fully implemented yet.
    There are a few weird sequence breaks such as not being able to follow your friend outside at the start of the game when asked to or being able to retrieve a treasured possession from a tree before it's ever given to you.
    The hint system is pretty bad. It'll say things like "study" which can mean three different things and will often mean the same thing several times in a row before suddenly deciding to mean something different.

    So overall a good game but would have liked more freedom.
  3. 5.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 2492533

    I've been playing almost since the first release. The picture quality is top class, well-chosen music. Great characters.
    The plot is actually interesting and unusual. We play as a character who has lost his memory, and we are not just fucking the whole city. There is a certain plot that is in the background and does not interfere with additional plots for each girl. I hope the author will not add NTR.
    I think It's one of the best +18 game right now :love:
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is as far I have played the best of it's kind. You play a highschooler with alot of pervy fantasies.

    So what this game does so well where other games fail is that when let's say you hang around with one girl the others will notice it. It's always a buzzkill for me when I see a girl is in love with you but other characters are oblivious to that fact.

    So chapeau for the storytelling.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    Very unique and wonderful artstyle.
    The story is quite interesting.
    And i really loved the BDSM in this since it is my fetish.

    Would have loved that the scenes had more frames for a smoother animation. I will patiently wait for updates.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    Overall liked the game a lot. Tons of content, lots of scenes, the writing is hilarious with the split personality thing.
    Unfortunately, the scenes aren't animated, but I get that this is a tough thing to ask. Also MC being hung like a horse isn't something I care much about. Doesn't take away from the fun though. Can only recommend this.
  7. 4.00 star(s)


    Uniquely designed and believable characters.
    Plotline is coherent, erotic scenes are well-paced.
    Fantastic artwork.

    Needs more improvement on the hinting on the where abouts of the next item-mcguffin is.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    Damn excellent game, levels above most of the stuff here. Don't know why it gets such low ratings, probably just insecure people hating on a black dude being in a bully role. Just try it yourself and form your own opinion.
  9. 4.00 star(s)


    I love this game for it's Unique art. Story is also interesting, and I did not find any game breaking bugs either
    I know it is in early stages but I would like to see more animated Sex scenes most of the scenes are filled with Dialogs with picture slideshow ( yeah its a VN but still I think it's such a waste to neglect the possiblities) once this game is finalised I would like to see all the scenes animated smoothly or atleast like animation of sara in the main menu
  10. G
    5.00 star(s)


    Pretty good. Some of the motions of the characters and their sex scenes could be worked on but Its still a good experience. There were a couple bugs I first encountered but im sure they ended up getting fixed in the later version.
  11. 4.00 star(s)


    This review is for Taffy Tales {v0.17.0b]. Possible Spoilers, be warned!
    Based on my overall opinions, Taffy Tales art style is quite phenomenal in comparison to contemporaries. Its colorful and vibrant colors, shading, and aesthetic is beautiful and its characters' appearances vary significantly across the board.
    While their characters' appearances are fantastic; however, personalities wise is lacking in originality. On the other hand, while UberPie's characters are unoriginal character tropes, they at least fit together in the story's overall plot.
    While the characters are believable under the plot's premise, there is too much focus on certain characters like Carla. If you want to progress with Becca you must do so with Carla regardless of preferences (I enjoyed Carla story even with the cuckolding.
    There is a lot of unresolved questions, such as who is the mysterious women, what is sinister powers mentioned through out. Understanding that Taffy Tales is still in progress and not complete, it is unavoidable that Carla is shown more love than others.
    Unfortunately, the game has a variety of bugs and errors that can adversely affect the game play's progression, Unless you follow the walk through step-by-step, you might experience a dead ends. To the creators' credit, they have fixed a variety of the aforementioned problems.
    My other issue is lack of animations, angles, positions, and being able to repeat scenes. I have been spoiled by other adult games that employ animations during scenes with variable views and positions, that makes Taffy Tales seems lacking. Nonetheless, I thoroughly enjoyed the scenes with the various women.
    If you don't like the classic adult games' story line of the protagonist fucking the females by hook or crook, then Taffy Tales is not for you. If you want a artistic and visually appealing characters with solid game play and coherent story, then Taffy Tales is just for you.
    UberPie and his team has created something special with Taffy Tales and this is something you should at least experience. I look forward to their complete version of the game.
    I will re-review with new patches, updates, and versions.
    This review update is for Taffy Tales [v0.22.0b]. Possible Spoilers, be warned!
    So far, Taffy Tales has been slowly progressing in its story. We are gaining more information on what is truly going on under this idyllic town's facade. Some members of the sex trafficking cabal are revealed and we are unfortunately left with even further questions.
    Who are the others members? What are their end goal? When will they make their moves? Where else have they placed their nefarious claws? Why are they doing this? Lastly, who is the 'Toy' in Walter's office? Maybe we'll have all the answers at Taffy Tales final completion.
    Taffy Tales is going they way its peers. While introducing more characters livens the game, it also delays others' development. With an already full cast of sexy women, they are still left untouched in their story. I fear Tiffany will be left on the wayside for awhile. Too much of anything is as bad as too little. A bigger cast of characters means little time for everyone. UberPie and his team should focus on it core characters, they who captured the fans' (myself included) interests.
    The underlying game still has the same problems as before in terms of game play. Without carefully following walk-through will you find yourself stuck or not triggering certain events. On the other hand, the team has been quick to rectify any bugs and errors in the game.
    In the end, we can only watch and play with bated breaths to see whether Taffy Tales will become an apex legend in adult games. I wish UberPie and his team best wishes!
    As always, I will re-review with new patches, updates, and versions.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    Amazing game. It has a lot of content and if you follow the walkthrough it will take a long time to get through it all. I got to give it to the devs, the writing is spot on and the art is really good. It does have a few warts, like the bugs that plauge the game, but I can overlook them because the world and writing is that good. Two minor criticisms from the story perspective. The first is Darrell, he is a big overwhelming as an antagonist at first. As someone who is not into NTR, it felt like it was getting pretty close multiple times at the beginning when he was around multiple women you are interested in, especially what he does in the bathroom. Luckily, there was no NTR as far as I can tell and supposedly if it is implemented it will be optional, so that is good. With that said, I really hope the DEV gives us some good ways at revenge on Darrell, more than simply banging his sister which I am pretty confident we can do in a future update. Something that will ruin his life, maybe turn him into a submissive cuck you have power over.

    The second issue is how you treat Danny. I actually like cucking people in games, but those are usually assholes that deserve it, or random people I have no real connection with. Cucking a friend in the game who did nothing to my character just rubs me the wrong way. Taking his mom and the girl he loves, and with the hint, probably a sister that was hinted out in a future update. (What the hell dev? What do you have against Danny? I think this path has the most content in the game). I hope we can get an option to HELP danny out that does not involve cucking him more. Maybe find him a nice girl that we can optionally NOT go after so he can find real happiness.

    With all that said, it is a fantastic game and will only get better with future updates.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    I have only played since 0.11.X and it's only seen vast (albeit arguably slow) improvement both content, animation, and art wise. But at least this developer isn't milking this game dry for years and years with very little content. There is clear improvement and actually new content. Not taking extra time to "redo art" or anything. Just content and improvements all around.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    I thought the game was great. The only negatives I can think of are the mild grammatical errors and spikes in puzzle difficulty. In my honest opinion the positives far outweigh the negatives. For instance the character interaction was engaging, the humor was spot on when attempted, the artwork was good at some points and impressive at others, it also didn't fuck with my music and turn mine off even though I muted that games sound/music (I didn't give the ost a chance , like most games, since I prefer to listen to my playlist.), finally ,and I cannot stress this enough, they have bowling. Boom! 10/10 in my book!
  15. 1.00 star(s)

    Wicked Garden

    The art is pretty good, the gameplay/mechanics is just okay. The story is iffy to me, I'll put it in the category of decent games you fap to. But back to the story. The MC is an average, easy going guy that happens to be blessed with a massive schlong(Shocker). He comes off as the typical pushover who gets walked all over by a lot of people including the typical "Black Bully". The Black bully who easily somehow seduces and gropes girls with little to no effort or consequences. That same Black bully causes the MC to get hit by a car, which is when the story takes off.

    The MC develops an alter ego or voice in his head that's pretty much a perverted psychopath... which is touch and go for me. Yeah sure, that no nonsense alter ego helps to deal with pricks like the Black bully or Priscilla but instead he focuses on the wrong people. I don't like the fact that there was no sort of love path and that the game is purely submission. Clara, the woman who's always been nice and sweet to the MC becomes it first "Slave". The fact that she was already down on her luck and in despair and MC still targeted her seemed kinda sour to me. There at least should've been an option to take the corruption path or love path like most Devs use. Don't get me wrong the sex scenes are hot but too much of the same thing gets boring and old. Same thing with Becca she's the typical sweet, shy, timid girl who wants to be loved but is also turned into a fuck slave eventually. I just would rather have options when seducing women but that's me.

    Update v0.47.5a Edit: So Mary, the woman every has been dying to bed and fuck for over 2 years now, gets a NTR scene with Darnell that's out of nowhere. And you can't avoid it, whether done deliberately or not if the Dev wanted NTR all long he should've been honest enough with his base to say that, it makes him look really bad here.
  16. 2.00 star(s)

    R Voss

    Never has good art been so let down by awful gameplay.

    Taffy Tales is a point and click "game" coded in Unity, which would be infinitely better as a linear story coded in Ren'py. Why? Well:

    1. You have no choices. Despite the fact that the mission log seems to imply that you can choose to do things in the order you wish, almost all content relies on previous content being completed before it'll even unlock. So you get the non-choice of doing one mission, then still having to do the other anyway. It would be functionally unchanged as a linear story, and the pacing would be improved.

    2. Pretending to be a game. This is one of the most common problems in adult games, and it's in Taffy Tales in spades. As is usual in sandboxes, you're forced to grind money to buy items to move the story forward. But there's never any jeopardy: no time limits, no risk, no objective expiring or loss of reputation with a character. You're forced to grind just to add a couple hundred clicks of the mouse to the game. And don't forget exploration! Go places, look at things! Explore, like the adventure games of old! Except you can't. You can only discover things as the mission log updates to allow you to, so it's all just useless locations you can waste time clicking to.

    3. The interface. You have a map (a dozen clicks to get anywhere), a mission log (meaningless, as you're forced to do it all no matter what, and it doesn't track missions properly, see below), an inventory that you literally never need to see, and an MC stat page that you literally never need to see. The game also tracks the day and time, which is completely irrelevant 99% of the time. All of this represents an enormous amount of unnecessary work on behalf of the dev.

    4. The interface part 2: everything is slow. Everything you can interact with can be examined for no reason. You get the exact same repeated message when you look at something every time you look at it. "Ah!" you might think, "but then I'll know when something changes and I'll know to check again!" Wrong. Whenever you actually need to interact with something, you get a brand-new prompt. So it's all useless clutter. But let me give you a better example: sleeping. If you want the day to cycle, you click a dozen times to get into your house. You click your bed. You click sleep. You now see some useless dialogue about the MC sleeping. Then you see him strip. Then lay in bed. Then fade to black. Then the game title, Taffy Tales, pops up, along with the number of days you've spent in-game. On day 1, this is slow. Then, as days go by, this becomes frustrating. Then annoying. Then infuriating. By the time I was on Day 80, I hated that I had to spend 20 seconds just watching the MC sleep in what should be an instant process. And this is just one area; this sort of design is pervasive throughout.

    5. Bugs. The game is full of them, some game-breaking, some not. The dev seems to patch relatively quickly, but certain things remain. The most obvious is that the mission log informs you of "NEW MISSION!!" seemingly randomly. Sometimes, nothing is there at all; sometimes you've completed a mission, so the new mission is actually a mission leaving your log; sometimes you get a new mission with spoilers for something you haven't even come across yet. It's a mess.

    But that's enough game design talk. Now onto the mediocre: the story.

    You play a young man with a split personality. You might expect this to mean that there is some interplay between the sweeter, lighter side and the darker, more aggressive side of his mind. Nope! The dev wants to have their cake and eat it too. So your sweet side goes, "noooo, don't be mean!" while the dark side takes complete control and is a sadist to every woman in the entire game. Only in the very most recent updates does the MCs dialogue with a character determine how lovingly/sadistically he treats them. The entire split personality system is clearly designed not for having internal conflict, but for having a sadist path and an NTR path through the game. This is, to my mind, a lost opportunity for some interesting storytelling.

    And now the only good part of the game: the art. The art has an interesting and exaggerated style (that I think of as 'off-brand Incase', because the influence is obvious) that is generally consistent throughout. I say generally because, while the portrait images of characters are well-crafted, when characters are in sexual situations that involve different positions their designs can be somewhat inconsistent. There are also occasional inconsistencies between the art and the text. One character is described as having a very small penis (thumb-sized) and is then drawn with an at least 8 inch cock. Strange. But the art is definitely the main draw of the game, and if the style appeals you'll enjoy it throughout.

    All in all, I would say that Taffy Tales is a sloppy effort. There are a number of missed opportunities and outright infuriating design choices that subtract substantially from decent writing and good art . I wouldn't consign it to the garbage heap, but I won't be waiting with baited breath for the next release.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the best porn games ever made, worth your time and money!
    -A beautiful game with unique artstyle wich is enjoyable in sex scenes and dialogue situations.
    -A funny and interesting story with a dark touch in a school setting. The conversations and the humor in game are just perfect. Diferent characters to interact and have sex with. I always want more of the game update after update it makes me enjoy so much, i dont want to spoil anything just play it!
    -Simple ost but well selected.
    -Good and simple minigames
    -Task Guide for dummies like me
    -No bugs at all
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    A unique artsyle with a flair for the macabre, I am glad to say Taffy Tales is one of my favorites when looking forward to future updates/the release of a full game.
    There is an fair amount of choice on your treatment of other characters throughout the game with your own development as a MC. It is also a delight to see there is a choice to see certain fetishes/scenes that one possibly would not want to participate in.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    Its a solid game, pretty damn good art, average funny writting,the story its getting interesting so thats a good thing , but what i think its the most important thing its an active dev/writter on the forum answering questions and updating with info.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    Love the art style, characters, gameplay and fetish, the story is not the best but not bad at all, it's fine for me.
    My favorite girl is Priscilla, keep up the excellent work UberPie, I'm waiting for the next 2 update eith Mary and Tiffany content ( sorry, my English suck )