
Well-Known Member
Jul 24, 2017
Man - looked interesting and got into it a ways and found I can't save on the Mac version? Bummer...will have to pass on this until I can...


Jun 14, 2017
Gave it a try, looks interesting, but the instant exit from the menu is problematic, especially with the apparent lack of functioning save feature. You also HAVE to click to advance dialouges, rather than being able to use space or enter to spam past stuff you've already seen. Also, no rollback or option to see what was most recently said.

Again, concept and what content is in is pretty interesting, if a bit unoriginal in general presentation, but there are mechanical issues present that make me not willing to put anything toward it.

Also, don't see why it's in unity. Everything present so far is stuff that would be more sensible to have the game made in renpy, where the general VN backend is already setup.


Jul 5, 2017
Like the content so far and the game play too. Many ways for this to progress. Pity you can't save your progress and have to restart the game every time. Hope that changes soon or it won't be worth the time.
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Sep 21, 2017
Also, don't see why it's in unity. Everything present so far is stuff that would be more sensible to have the game made in renpy, where the general VN backend is already setup.
Agree. The way i see it, as long as the game is going to be only a point and click adventure, it should just been renpy. Unity seems to be a bit hard to work with from some of the games I've been playing lately and most of them are buggy or require you to have a pretty good pc to run them smoothly or else your game will stutter or in my case, crash alot.


May 28, 2017
Whooooooole lotta nothing thus far, though. Art's great. Writing's decent. The MC is believable. But holy shit, I've never seen so many "Under construction" prompts. I get that it's only v0.3 but why even have some of the buttons available if only like one out of every 10 options actually does something? Why put out a demo if you can't save?

I'll never understand why devs rush WOEFULLY anemic games to the public that have so much promise if you'd just WAIT and add some legit content first. Put more time into it before dumping a 30-second cocktease on the internet and show us something substantial. There's a point in the game where all you can do is sleep because there's nothing at school that works that even passes the time. That seems like a step two or step three kind of thing to address before you call something an update.

Man In Moon

Sep 27, 2017
Total summery as of most recent update. Art (10/10) Writing (5/10) Playability (2/10) Activities (1/10) Total Score (4/10) Final verdict. This game has the potential to be one of the best games on this site. It's got it all. TV/TG (hinted), Yaoi/Het, Incest, and kickass art. But unless the next update has a crazy amount of content, it's got an incredibly long way to go till then. I'd say download for a peek, but not to keep just yet.
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Nov 24, 2017
Whooooooole lotta nothing thus far, though. Art's great. Writing's decent. The MC is believable. But holy shit, I've never seen so many "Under construction" prompts. I get that it's only v0.3 but why even have some of the buttons available if only like one out of every 10 options actually does something? Why put out a demo if you can't save?

I'll never understand why devs rush WOEFULLY anemic games to the public that have so much promise if you'd just WAIT and add some legit content first. Put more time into it before dumping a 30-second cocktease on the internet and show us something substantial. There's a point in the game where all you can do is sleep because there's nothing at school that works that even passes the time. That seems like a step two or step three kind of thing to address before you call something an update.
In some ways it's good to have the entry points already in existence ready to be implemented when it is time. This serves multiple purposes.
  1. It lets the player know there's going to be quite a bit of stuff, eventually.
  2. The developer doesn't have to worry as much about breaking something when adding in something if you already have the code in from the start for what will be added in the future.
  3. It can also serve as a reminder to the developer that things still need to be done in X location.
  4. Much like when writing a novel or a paper, it's good to start with an outline and then fill things in as you go. The outline also allows you to jump around from point to point (a non-linear story, for example).
    • It wouldn't surprise me if there was commented code at each of those under construction points within the game code where the developer has laid out his plans for each section of the game.
    • In other words think of them as points in an outline for a paper or novel.
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Apr 29, 2017
Second time I play it, didn't notice the detail in textures that the artist gives to each drawing... It is amazing, still I guess it will make the game delay its progress a lot more. If only the author could hire someone to code and do the technical stuff so he could focus on art and story, or the way it fits him better, since for what I read the story is to be a complex one, also the amount of characters makes the process a lot more dense.
Again, awesome work!


Aug 18, 2017
Such a shame. Art style had me almost clicking "pledge" instantly. Playing the game though had me running in horror from the seemingly forced cuckold plot. I'll keep my eye on this I hope the author avoids making that stuff part of the main story.


Feb 20, 2018
Is there like a walkthrough around? I feel like I can't find some scenes. The last bit I got was Mom,MC and Darnell talking outside the house, but now I can't find any characters to talk to.


Aug 19, 2016
Is there like a walkthrough around? I feel like I can't find some scenes. The last bit I got was Mom,MC and Darnell talking outside the house, but now I can't find any characters to talk to.
It's a demo there is not that much content at all. More a proof of concept than anything else.
3.40 star(s) 387 Votes