it's a mystery yet to be revealed. My money is on scientologistWhat’s the backstory with the religious chick. Lost my save and likely not playing through again. What’s her religion and what’s up with her parents.
Not sure if I understand you completely, at the moment there is only one instance of NTR in the game, at to get that you need to make two specifc choices, both clearly state that it will lead to NTR,Hi everyone,i don't play this game since the news of ntr out so now i want to come back. I read comment about this version update seem to be fine.Can anyone tell me that in this version update have any neterore? It kind of sad if this game just become full of neterore content . I mean all the build for the main character like red or full of luck event happen. It would be waste. Sorry if i have mistake word in my comment,english is not my mother language
So that mean the author of this game make main character become some retard boy who get ntr. Then say to us that if we don't want the ntr just look away. Wow great solution?? I think the one who write this story get cuck himself so that why he want other to feel the same. Look like i have accept this kind of bullshit
Not sure if I understand you completely, at the moment there is only one instance of NTR in the game, at to get that you need to make two specifc choices, both clearly state that it will lead to NTR,
To start you play the Female, and you are asked (the warnings about NTR are next to the answers in the game)
"do you want to resist"then playing the male MC who on entering the scene will be asked something like
- No (this may lead to NTR)
- Yes
"Do you want to stop this"Ntr won't happen in this version if you don't specifically TRY to see it and even then it isn't a complete scene, the MC leaves before he sees anything too graphic, which personally was somewhat annoying
- No (this will lead to NTR)
- Yes
No, if you select resist, Mary would stop acting and tells guy off.So that mean the author of this game make main character become some retard boy who get ntr. Then say to us that if we don't want the ntr just look away. Wow great solution?? I think the one who write this story get cuck himself so that why he want other to feel the same. Look like i have accept this kind of bullshit
No, thats not what I'm saying, sure the main character is a bit retarded, (Blue is very retarded)So that mean the author of this game make main character become some retard boy who get ntr. Then say to us that if we don't want the ntr just look away. Wow great solution?? I think the one who write this story get cuck himself so that why he want other to feel the same. Look like i have accept this kind of bullshit
I know blue is retard.But the way i look at this whole situation that you just describe and after try to put myself play alot of ntr game (both neterore and neterori) to understand:"Does it really bad that people hate the neterore so much?" . After experience what i see is at the end if we don't see the main character is the main character and he just some camera men then things are just too sad to look. Main character don't strength to fight back,don't to do it. He just stand there like he take it even that there are alot of way to angry. I think about the end of this story is blue will meet red in real body and some how blue will get real neterore which supper heavy make him to be more retard than now and he will regret about what happens but maybe there will be happy end but it still neterore exit.No, thats not what I'm saying, sure the main character is a bit retarded, (Blue is very retarded)
but currently the only NTR comes when the Bully character Darnel tries to use a mindcontrol device on your mum,
AFAIK the only way anything like NTR happens is if you choose both "Don't resist" and "Don't attack" options in the scenes I noted above, and even then the MC watches as Darnell poses your mom preparing to force her into a blowjob (possibly more), but the MC runs away like a little bitch before the deed actually happens so any NTR in this version is implied rather than explicit.
- first you play your mum and you are given the chance to resist the control if you pick resist, then nothing happens Darnell doesn't get control, so no NTR
- Second you play the main character, who walks in on the scene where Darnell is trying to control you mum, (same scene as above). and you are given the option to attack Darnell, stopping him from controling your mum, if you choose attack nothing happens with Darnell and your mum, So No Ntr.
I just watch the ntr side and i think the ntr will happen anyway so thankI know blue is retard.But the way i look at this whole situation that you just describe and after try to put myself play alot of ntr game (both neterore and neterori) to understand:"Does it really bad that people hate the neterore so much?" . After experience what i see is at the end if we don't see the main character is the main character and he just some camera men then things are just too sad to look. Main character don't strength to fight back,don't to do it. He just stand there like he take it even that there are alot of way to angry. I think about the end of this story is blue will meet red in real body and some how blue will get real neterore which supper heavy make him to be more retard than now and he will regret about what happens but maybe there will be happy end but it still neterore exit.
No I think NTR or No NTR depends on the decision you make at the beginning,I know blue is retard.But the way i look at this whole situation that you just describe and after try to put myself play alot of ntr game (both neterore and neterori) to understand:"Does it really bad that people hate the neterore so much?" . After experience what i see is at the end if we don't see the main character is the main character and he just some camera men then things are just too sad to look. Main character don't strength to fight back,don't to do it. He just stand there like he take it even that there are alot of way to angry. I think about the end of this story is blue will meet red in real body and some how blue will get real neterore which supper heavy make him to be more retard than now and he will regret about what happens but maybe there will be happy end but it still neterore exit.
Places to find Tiffany, the kitchen, the school corridor, the sports track behind the school. I think for that quest she is in the corridor of the school.cant find tiffany where can i ask her about stacy?? plus where the heck is clara after the park
last question where is stacy ??? start hanging with stacy quest cant find her?Places to find Tiffany, the kitchen, the school corridor, the sports track behind the school. I think for that quest she is in the corridor of the school.
For Clara you probably need to buy the camera in the store first
I dont think so. I have begin play back.At the point where i play now which is the first talk with tiffany when mary is under the table . You know what tiffany say about danniel :"i know that you (main) and danniel dont like each other but if you know about him more. You will see this good side".And you know what this mean. It mean that tiffany and danniel have something even before the game and if you remember about the first scene where tiffany show her ass to main character guess who is that. It the bitch danniel.Which mean maybe you see Uber is giving we choice to not get ntr but what he said about ntr OPTIONAL definitely lied.And if you think that look away the ntr or choice not to do ntr is mean that no ntr then why the fck the only thing they fix when the anger about the ntr come out the first time is giving more choicebut not change the story for it.But it ok the art of this game have save it. If it wasn't for the art,i don't think that i can continueNo I think NTR or No NTR depends on the decision you make at the beginning,
Right now only path 1 is available, if i understand correctly Path 2 will come in the near future.
- If you Claim everything is OK, you don't take the medicine that kills Red, Red will become dominant and Blue will slowly fade and die, leaving Red unchallenged (I imagine UberPie has chosen to focus on the Dom route first because of how much Hate NTR in general gets)
- if you admit you hear voices you will receive medication that suppresses/kills Red, and as submissive Blue most of your choices, if not all, will lead to NTR.
I have some difficulty understanding you, I think you asked why people hate NTR so much? I think for most there is already a feeling of weakness in almost everyones real life, in our fantasies we like to imagine ourselves as the powerful heroes, aleast for most of the european cultures. I'm curious about the underlying psychology of cultures who embrace NTR. Is it a social duty kind of deal? it's better to be a worker drone and let the elite alpha's have the breeding rights?
Personally I hate NTR that happens because of biased writing, I don't mind it so much if it is a result of your choices, ie if are you unfaithful, or constantly make stupid choices. That's what I hate about the limited NTR that is in the game right now, I deliberately made the choices that led to the NTR, then the game chickened out from showing the consequences of those choices. (perhaps because it might outrage anti-rape activists)