I managed to progress with my 3.0 files, but at times it was heavily bugged.
Here is a small walkthrough for people who start with a 3.0 save:
1. Go into the smugglers house, enter the cave and watch the mayor scene.
2. Go to the gem merchant town (northwest).
3. You need to solve 3 question mark quests to collect rumors about the mine.
Quest 1. Deliver 5 beer
Quest 2. Deliver some fried fish
Quest 3. Just talk to the person, (iirc you dont need to do anything for them)
4. After that, talk to the gem merchant in her house.
5. Talk to the mansion lady, go to sleep.
6. Walk outside, get the goblin companions (which are invisible in fights and dont have an attack turn somehow), go to the gem merchant and start the mine expidition.
7. Talk to the goblin next to the gem merchant and proceed to go into the mine
Tipp: Dont fight the golems with physical attacks (or dont fight them at all), they dont take much damage, even with my Lvl 40 character, evading them and the other monsters is easy, same as the holes that give you a Game Over if you fall into them. Bombs that can be bought in the north west town shop also do some damage.
8. In the second layer (after your goblins falls into a hole), a cut will happen and you will be in the mansion, playing as the queen elf. Here her character sprite turned invisible for me which is a problem, considering you have to walk a bit. I guess this is one bug for old 3,0 files and configurations, but i managed to proceed with a bit of try and error.
9. In the room where you take control, run into the door (press enter), go back to the dragon and the lamp (press eneter), go back to the door, leave and go to the mansion ladie's room, where you have to activate that little glittering spot.
10. Go back to your room, in your bed. In the dialouge with the demon you get a choice of accepting (unfinished scene) or rejecting his proposal.
11. Back in the mines you have to fight a golem to enter a small cave. In the cave you have to fight another very very strong enemy, that constantly buffs against physical attacks. Normally i couldnt beat it, because of how strong it was, i had to cheat. (I think this fight needs some rebalance, considering i already grinded a lot before and now the mine enemies have another huge difficulty spike)
12. Enter the real cave and fight the mine queens minions. The queen elf and your dragon join the fight. (The queen was still invisible in the fight, same as the goblins). After your victory, decide if the mine queen can stay or kill her (If you kill her you get her loot).
As mentioned before, this is apparently the end of Beta 3.1.