3.70 star(s) 3 Votes


Developer of Tail Saga : The Princess Apprentice
Game Developer
May 8, 2018
v4.0 Build is out now on Early Access!

Early Access downloads are available now to Standard Tier or higher supporters of our Patreon or SubscribeStar pages!

The game will be publicly released on the 31st of December! So please look forward to it!
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Reactions: DeepDarkRed


Developer of Tail Saga : The Princess Apprentice
Game Developer
May 8, 2018
Announcing Tail Saga : The Princess Apprentice v4.0 Public Release!

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Thanks for waiting!

What's new in v4.0?
+ Changes and improvements to the UI
+ Key bindings fix and redone controller support
+ This update adds Chapter 2's story to the game!

- Overclock Studios

Find the latest news and announcements on our Patreon ! Consider supporting too! Our survey is still up, . Let us know what you think!


Developer of Tail Saga : The Princess Apprentice
Game Developer
May 8, 2018
Im guessing the mode were you are allowed to fuck everyone is not implemented yet?
You're referring to the side optional choices/stories where you can go fuck the other characters?
Not yet, but I would like to do it soon!


Developer of Tail Saga : The Princess Apprentice
Game Developer
May 8, 2018
Update News #36 - What's coming next!

The 1st update news of 2022! Let's get right into it!

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New gameplay systems and mechanics
Use the mouse to take/inspect/interact with objects in the areas you go to.
Click on NPCs to strike up a conversation with them!
An inventory system, find items and use them to solve puzzles.
Travel around different locations with the Map!

Reasons for making the switch/conversion
We can flesh out the world this way, adding new optional locations to explore and NPCs to talk to. It's honestly a better way to experience the content and the world/setting we spent so much time on building but never really utilized.

Rearranged content
The current plan is to convert the entirety of Chapter 1 and Chapter 2 to the new point and click adventure game system, while adding in new side content as we go. Nothing will be removed, just rearranged, and new things are added in between.

When can I play this?
Pretty soon, probably! The current goal is to get a test version done sometime by week 3 of February.

The test versions will be available for our supporters (any and all tiers). Help us improve the game by providing feedback!

A public test will be done sometime in the future, but only after most of the work is finished.

Ideas and Suggestions!
If you have any ideas or suggestions, feel free to let us know!

That's it for now! Let me know what you think, would you play it?

- Overclock Studios

Find the latest news and announcements on our Patreon ! Consider supporting too! Our survey is still up, . Let us know what you think!
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Developer of Tail Saga : The Princess Apprentice
Game Developer
May 8, 2018
Update News #37 - Test Version Soon!

It's been awhile and I'm been hard at work finishing up on the new features! Check it out!

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New Stats System!
Picking dialogue choices, performing certain actions in the game will now affect/progress Alexandra's character stats! There's 5 stats in total: Charm, Fortune, Impulsivity, Awareness and Lust!

These stats will affect/add/change some dialogue and scenes, as well as making new dialogue/scenes available if the conditions are met!

I'm still experimenting with ways to integrate/utilize the system, but I'm feeling pretty excited about it!

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Map / Travel Menu!
The previous version of the Travel menu is replaced, and now the new one has a preview window showing you where you're headed!

How it works has not been changed, you are free to explore the game world at your own pace!

When can I play this?
I'll probably refrain from setting dates on when stuff is gonna come out (I always overestimate how much/fast I'm able to work) but I'll definitely announce it when it's ready!

The test versions will be available for our supporters (any and all tiers). Help us improve the game by providing feedback!

A public test will be done sometime in the future, but only after most of the work is finished.

Ideas and Suggestions!
If you have any ideas or suggestions, feel free to let us know!

That's it for now! Let me know what you think, would you play it?

- Overclock Studios

Find the latest news and announcements on our or pages! Consider supporting!

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Developer of Tail Saga : The Princess Apprentice
Game Developer
May 8, 2018
Update News #38 - Test Version Release Date

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It's finally time for the test build!

When can I play this?
17th of April, which is very soon!

The test versions will be available for our supporters (any and all tiers). It will also be up indefinitely for all tiers of supporters, until it is replaced by the next version.

A public test will be done sometime in the future, but only after most of the work is finished.

What to expect from this version of the game.
If you played the previous versions, most of the content here will be the same. As it was just rearranged to fit this new game framework. There are some new additions, but they are relatively minor.

We're still figuring out what to do/add, so if you have any cool suggestions let us know!

I'm not sure if we need a roadmap, but I can come up with one to show what/where we're doing and where the game is headed in future posts!

- Overclock Studios

Find the latest news and announcements on our or pages! Consider supporting!


Developer of Tail Saga : The Princess Apprentice
Game Developer
May 8, 2018
Update News #39 - New Art and Assets!

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It's been a while since the last update news, we have been busy with various other things in the background, but here's what we have coming up!

Character Art Revisiting I've mentioned this previously in the dev logs as well. We're going through the character art and sprites for another pass. Mostly minor lighting improvements overall.

New Castle Guards Character Art! We're designed a set of art for the castle guards! Hope you like what you see so far! The plan is to have art for all the minor NPCs in the game!

Bunny Nun Character Art Remake! We're redrawing her, giving her a brand new pose, but keeping the character design the same. It's still WIP.

Adding NPCs to maps! With the new point and click system, we're adding a bunch of NPCs to the maps so you can interact and talk to them!

When's the next test version coming? I'm looking to have these art changes and updates done before putting that out, but it'll have all of the content up till Chapter 2. I'll announce a release date when it's almost ready.

That's all I have to show for now, see ya next time!
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Developer of Tail Saga : The Princess Apprentice
Game Developer
May 8, 2018
Update News #39.5 - Stuff Getting Done.
The v5.0 Update is coming along well, I think. However, there's still a bunch of things need doing before I'm able to put it out there.

Here's a basic checklist of the things need to be done before the next test version is ready, check it out!

1. New Game Features

Time System and Dynamic Backgrounds - DONE!

Quest Tracking System - DONE!

2. Quest Tracking Implementation

Up till Chapter 1 - Working On Currently

Up till Chapter 2 -

3. Dynamic Backgrounds Implementation

Alexandra's Bedroom - DONE

Bazaar Street - DONE

Castle Gate -

Castle Courtyard -

Castle Hallway -

Castle Hallway 2 -

Castle Throne -

Castle Lex's Bedroom -

Castle Caroline's Bedroom -

Castle Stairwell -

Castle Library -

4. New Dialogue and content

New NPCs at the Bazaar Street -

Side quest no.1 (?) -

Various minor dialogue changes and typo fixes -

I'll make a proper post about the v5.0 update in Update News #40. Hopefully by then I'm able to set a release date for it as well!

That's all I have for now, see ya next time!


Developer of Tail Saga : The Princess Apprentice
Game Developer
May 8, 2018
Update News #40 - What's Coming Up

Heya! It's time for a proper update post, after all this time. There are a few things I would like to go into, and let's get started.

1. State of the Game Progress has been made on the game, and it's going somewhat well. It won't be finished yet, but I'll talk about why it's not that big of a deal in the next point.

2. Test Version Releases Instead of waiting for a version to be completed and released. I will be releasing Test Versions of the game for Supporters to try out. You can become Supporters and !

For the time being though, these are the older test versions released months ago, supporters only. or .

I need the feedback on the changes I'm making to the game anyways, so this works out.

That's all I have for now, see ya next time!

- Overclock Studios


Developer of Tail Saga : The Princess Apprentice
Game Developer
May 8, 2018
Update News #41 - Stuff! Lots of Stuff!

Woah! It's been a while but here's what I've been up to. ENOUGH TALK, let's get on with it.

1. The large background is almost done, just some finishing touches left. So yay!

2. I've added some quality of life things like a quick access to the codex by clicking on keywords in the dialogue. There should also be an option to skip most of the splash screen to get to the game menu faster from startup.

3. As for game features, you can find a Quest Log in the game, and that should help you keep track of objectives and remind you what needs to be done to progress the game story.

4. Dynamic backgrounds depending on time of day! The day is split into 4 large time groups: Morning, Noon, Evening and Night. So, depending on the time of day in-game, the environment changes!

Now for the main dish, when is the next update, and what does it have?

The entire game from Chapter 0 to Chapter 2, has been updated with the new point and click game mechanics. Some of the dialogue and scenes are revised, but should be more or less the same.

The entire Chapter 0 is redone, with new visuals and text. So there is that.

No Chapter 3 yet, but if there are no problems with this version, I'll move on back to creating content as normal, so more frequent updates should be expected!

The next release of the game will be v5.0, sometime before March is over! I'll probably announce it on the Discord channel ahead of time when I have the exact date.

But yea, see ya next time!

- DeadPotato, Overclock Studios


Developer of Tail Saga : The Princess Apprentice
Game Developer
May 8, 2018

Introducing the latest update to our game!
Get ready to spend all your gems and cross your fingers! Who needs a savings account anyway? Get a loan!

That 10-star Gwendolyn is waiting for you! But she won't be waiting for long!



Developer of Tail Saga : The Princess Apprentice
Game Developer
May 8, 2018
Announcing Tail Saga : The Princess Apprentice v5.0 Release!

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Early Access downloads are available now to ALL supporters (usually it's Standard tier and higher) of our Patreon or SubscribeStar pages!

The game will be publicly released in a few weeks! So please look forward to it!
Of course, if you want access now, just become a supporter!


Developer of Tail Saga : The Princess Apprentice
Game Developer
May 8, 2018
Announcing Tail Saga : The Princess Apprentice v5.1 Public Release!

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What's new (fixed) in v5.1!
+ Quality of Life features added
+ Some minor dialogue and script changes
+ Inventory bug at the Castle Gate scene fixed (?)

What's new in v5.0!
+ Point and Click Adventure game mechanics added!
+ Top to bottom overhaul to the game.
+ This update rearranges, and edits Chapter 1 and Chapter 2's story scenes to fit the new game mechanics.
+ Redone prologue scene
+ Rewritten some dialogue, added some dialogue
+ Replaced and improved some in-game character artwork
+ Finalized the game UI, finally replacing the placeholders.
+ Added a patch notes screen to the in-game menus.
+ Other minor changes not worth noting here.

Download it now and lemme know what you think!


Developer of Tail Saga : The Princess Apprentice
Game Developer
May 8, 2018
It's time for a poll! April 2023

Click for the poll!

It's been a long time since we've had a poll, so let's do it!
Your feedback will help us make the game better!


Aug 10, 2017
I remember playing this a good ways back, and only semi-recently found it again. I was sad to see that it had been marked as abandoned, but as I was browsing old bookmarks, it popped up again, so I checked on it...glad to see it's being worked on still. It was a very interesting game, I look forward to playing the new content.
  • Heart
Reactions: DeadPotato


Developer of Tail Saga : The Princess Apprentice
Game Developer
May 8, 2018
Update News #42 - Expanding and Adding

Alright, it's about time to talk about what's coming in future content updates!
So, first of all, thanks for submitting your feedback to our survey! It's still up, and will remain up for the foreseeable future. I'll make a post talking about the survey results sometime.

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New Locations
Let's talk about some new locations that will be added to the game. We're adding a bunch of new locations to the game, and expanding the amount of places you're able to explore. So please look forward to them!
We will be using WIP or incomplete background sketches in the game, from now on. Those backgrounds will be switched out as they get finished, of course.

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An often talked about topic in the survey results (about 60-70%). Adding NPCs to the different locations in the game world. To be honest it's something I've been working on since the previous version, but were not able to complete in time.
The NPCs will probably be added in batches, a few new ones with each update. Each of them will be a named character and can be talked to/interacted with.

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New Characters
I've talked about new characters in the last (supporters only) Dev Log but here they are for those are not a supporter yet.
Snuv the Kobold, she's smol and spunky. It took me forever to get her look right (as with a lot of characters in the game) but I think I'm satisfied with how she looks in the final version.
Ly'Sa the Secretary Bird. Her outfit looks quite different from the usual clothing we've seen so far. All I can say about her right now is that she's not from around here. Her look, design and colors are still WIP (about 65-70% done). I'm still fine tuning her look, she's not quite there yet.

Both of these characters will appear in the next update as well.

Story Content
The last update only brought changes to the game, but not much new content. The next update will have brand new scenes and story bits, progressing the overall main story of the game, as well as some side interactions with existing NPCs.
That's all for now. There are still some more bits I would like to talk about, but they're not yet ready/I'm still working on them. Maybe in the next (supporters only) Dev Log, I'll talk about the side stories/quests and interacting with NPCs.

- DeadPotato, Overclock Studios
3.70 star(s) 3 Votes