VN - Ren'Py - Abandoned - Tainted Heritage - a.k.a Weird Shit Is Going to Happen [v0.7.1] [recreation]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    This AVN is a schizophrenic Monty Python. The similarities with Hotel Harem are huge in terms of gameplay, animations, 3DGI, and the harem genre, but unlike HH, the lore is broken here. What is going on in the plot is probably what happens if you manage to enter a black hole. The comedy is great and the inexplicable story is truly inexplicable.
  2. 4.00 star(s)

    Revolving Mania

    Mildly entertaining, but I'm giving it bonus points for originality. However, you really have to suspend your disbelief if you want to enjoy this one. The entire plot is held together by cheap glue. If you're not willing to overlook the fact that much of the mystery wouldn't last three seconds if the characters were actual people, then you won't enjoy this one.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    A guarded two thumbs up for this one. I actually thought it'd be your usual harem power fantasy, but it turns out this is actually a well told mystery story.

    While it is STILL a harem power fantasy, the story seems to come first and isn't afraid to stray into darker, harsher topics without fetishizing them. Let's see if this continues. So far it does set it apart from its more... single-minded peers that are all about the manly MC and little else.

    If you want a whacky, entertaining story, this might be for you.
  4. 5.00 star(s)

    Captain Nyx Enjoyer

    I've been following this game since its first release, and what an incredible work it has become over time, complex but very interesting story, cool, beautiful characters with distinct personalities 10/10
    (little edit: it would give a lot of immersion if the girls could make sounds, they don't need to talk but just make sounds like: moan in sex scenes (very important!), laugh, maybe some "hmmmf" and "grrrr" here and there, you know, things that will make the girls more "expressive" than they already are.
  5. 1.00 star(s)


    Story is started pretty good, but for me it just gets ruined by the lack of choices and i had to go back to look at tags a few times to be sure kinetic tag wasent there, and alot of the story feels stupid, like how MC hides whats going on even to hes daughter and to hes sister, why they dont just explain the stuff is idiotic since it would make things alot easyere then hiding and lieing constantly which there is absolutly no reason for.

    If game is supposed to have meaningfull choices it should atleast let the player pick who they want a relationship with and who you want to fuck, if there is something i just cant stand its having LIs forced on you by a kinetic gameplay, and also why i never play kinetic games.

    First i got put off by watching two LIs in a lesbian relationship without MC, so dont want anything to do with them now, but by the looks of it i expect both of those will be forced on you as well at some point, since its more kinetic then choice driven as you can read below.

    Next Iggdra got forced on me in the worst way possible, you just met her and 1 min later your freely fucking her, 0 relationship build-up and 0 feelings, which makes me think its just yet anoter pointless fuckfest game, since it sure dident make any sense what so ever to just fuck her a minute after meeting her, you know nothing about her, nothing about the world your in and a monster right outside the door, and MC dosent even wonder why the fuck shes green????? to me its just really bad writing.

    There are also dream scenes where your forced to watch mother/son sex scenes, just another way of forcing kinks onto the player its just such a bad way of doing it.

    So i guess MC also just fucked the first virgin with Iggdra and cant say scene felt like a deflower/virgin scene what so ever so thats another fail, just like all the other virgin scenes, one even rapes mc while hes sleeping losing her virginity that way, there really is 0 feelings with LIs in this game.

    I dont like how MC acts either he has 0 balls or willpower to figure out anything, he meets hes mom which arent hes mom and she rips off hes amulet and yells at him like crazy and he just ignores it...why he dosent get pissed and try to figure out wtf is going is just stupid, hes extreemly submissiv.

    Not a fan of all the kinks being forced on you as well, this game seriously needs a kinetic tag.
    And also a Rape tag as well since the mother gets raped by tentacles, and Iggdra rapes MC in hes sleep which he never gave concent for, and yet no tag for it.

    Animations arent that great either just the standad honny select stuff.

    Music is more like elevator stuff then it is mood setting so a bit above a silent game but thats about it.

    Sandbox part is boring and pretty pointless as well should just have been made with a text instend having to click around on doors, it just waste more of your time.

    Short review:
    To me this game is just a really weird and poorly written story, where everything is forced onto the player as MC and you have no say in relationships, and having Rape scenes that your not warned about, and missing a kinetic tag on top of it, i would never play a kinetic game so its a big of a disapointment and only a waste of time.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    always love a good story, and this has that

    Rec seems to have a nack for good stories

    renders are decent, mystery is a plus and the lewds are good

    would recommend this to anyone, and looking forward to more!
  7. 4.00 star(s)

    Your step dad

    nice games, the renderings are good, the story is gripping but be patient, the developer is working on 2 games at the same time, the updates are therefore long, but if you play it you will not be disappointed
  8. 4.00 star(s)


    Enjoyed this. The story is pretty interesting. Dialogue isn't bad. Girls are somewhat diverse and not bad for an HS game. Decent amount of scenes and the pacing is pretty good. Hope the dev continues it.
  9. 3.00 star(s)


    Version played V0.6:

    Story wise it started out interesting but playing the last version it starts to become somewhat stale, this could just be because I forgot, after all the time between updates is rather large. Length wise it's pretty decent I guess.

    Typical Honey Select, not the best renders, at least the girls are somewhat interesting / varied. at least

    Decent number of scenes without feeling like going from one fuck into the other, so I would say it is well paced here, the scenes are animated well enough so no complains here.

    Overall I would say it turns out to be pretty average so far, which is fine but nothing too special
  10. 4.00 star(s)


    I liked this game. I'm not entirely sure why.

    Clearly the graphics are honey select, which is fine, but not really a perk.

    The story looks like it is going somewhere good - but it's a bit disjointed.

    I do like the models, which is really the only plus I can positively identify.

    I don't know. I enjoyed it and...well, it is what it is.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    Wake up to another glorious morning of my little-sister-who's-not-my-little-sister cuddling me. Hot damn, she's so cute. Push her aside, as the gremlin fairy creature thing starts mocking us for our high levels of sexual kinship(Skinship?) , then punch fairy thing in the face -- metaphorically of course because it wasn't an actual option-- then go about my day.

    Time to go for some real shit. I go looking for my Mom-but-she's-not-mom. Anyways, I go looking for her, and of course, the first thing I check tis he bathroom(bathhouse) because that's where all good Moms go to bathe with their sons first thing in the morning.

    But of course, just my luck that it's just some random girl masturbating in there instead. Suffice to say, I blow a quick kiss to masturbation girl before leaving her to do her own business -- because I'm a swell guy like that. Hot damn, I'm so sexy and cool.

    Kitchen time. I'm hungry, and Mom should be in there too, right? Wrong, it's just the maid, but who cares! She's hot, and she's horny, and she's ready to go. I fuck her then pay myself for all the trouble with some delicious cream bagels. Mm, fresh cream too! Wonder where it came from.

    Welp, after a quick talk with clinically depressed mom(yeahhhh, tentacles and the death of your son can do that to yah), I go back to my room to find my short, muscley orc waifu attacking my also short, not-so-muscley fairy waifu... thing. My little sister just kind of stands there watching happily. Gosh, she's cute. But wait, she's not my actual little sister, right? She's my not-actual-little-sister-but-still-little-sister. Gosh, that's confusing, so I decide to stop thinking about it all and just tell orc waifu to kill fairy waifu already. Unfortunately, little sister waifu tells them to stop, and welp, you can't say no to little sister waifu. So I get orc waifu to stop by promise promising to let her bathe in the blood my enemies some another day.

    Mannn, I'm so attractive, smart, handsome, and intelligent.

    At this point in the story, I'm getting a little weirded out(I know, it's in the title, right?!), and I decide to take a break against this nice, solid white pillar thing made purposely for vegging out after a hard day lewding. Unfortunately, some random girl walks up to me and has the audacity to ask "If I work here". Bitch, I'm gonna own the place soon, what do you want?
    ...She then proceeds to ask if I'm her Dad -- but not her Daddy because that would've made me actually happy -- and so I'm forced to promptly log off the game and write a review saying... THIS GAME IS WEIRD AS FUCK.

    10/10, couldn't be better.

    This review may or may not have been brought to you from the perspective of an unreliable narrator. You have been warned.
  12. 2.00 star(s)


    Good Points
    + Our game has a good/funny sense of humor. Especially the ''Are we there yet?'' scene and what happens if you choose that over and over again was pretty funny lol.
    + Your choices matter, which is good if you are looking for a more RPG-like experience.
    + Sex scenes have animations and their physics are good.

    Bad Points
    - Texture style looks very old and most girls have unattractive faces because of their texture/art style being old/bad.
    - Animation physics is good but they don't look attractive enough. Thanks to texture style and badly chosen sex positions most of them look nothing more than meh and only a couple of them are good.
    - Color palette looks bad.

    For The End
    Honestly, it feels like this game can be far far better, it has a weird but interesting story, mattered choices, and a funny sense of humor but it's not good at all for lewd parts, which is literally the most important part any adult game should be good. Texture style needs to change ASAP from this old bad looking style or this game is not going to get the attention it could get and can't reach that great potential ever.
  13. 4.00 star(s)

    Duke Leo

    This is a really good game with great animations and a fun story. I actually didn't try this one for a long time because I thought it would be too "out there" but it hooked me quickly and I thoroughly enjoyed it. I also enjoy that the game has a sense of humor, funny but not campy.

    I don't normally like Honey Select games but the dev does a great job making the characters unique and the animations hot.

    There is a lot of D/s in this game and it is done well. It's also one of the few harem games that didn't make me cringe too much. I like a good harem, but sometimes the reasoning the LIs make to join the harem are so...unreal as to be immersion breaking. This game is handling that aspect quite well. I look forward to the next update!

    I've played up to version 0.5
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    Excellent game with enjoyable characters. The plot is a little "weird" but engaging. I have not held down the ctrl key yet and have actually been reading everything. I'm looking forward to the continuation and hope it keeps up with the quality.
  15. 4.00 star(s)


    "Weird Shit... " is titled appropriately. This story drivem VN is indeed very weird. The story can feel like a weird fever dream or hallucination at times and early in the story you may feel very confused and overwhelmed because nothing seems to make any sense whatsoever when you suddenly jump to alternate dimensions or worlds without any apparent rhyme or reason.

    However, as you continue the plot gradually thickens and things begin to make more and more sense. The central mystery surrounding the hotel and the other dimensions is actually quite interesting and chances are you will enjoy this VN for the plot.

    Now this also being an adult VN it of course features adult scenes. However, I find them to be one of the weaker aspects of the VN as most of the scenes happen pretty randomly and have little emotional impact. They are fully animated but nothing you haven't seen elsewhere. But the scenes themselves are ok.
    The one really negative thing about those scenes that they just "happen", there often is little build-up and no real tension between the MC and the woman of choice. One early scene also features a sex scene between the female hotel manager and the maid that the MC walks in on, this scene happens for no apparent reason (other than to give the reader a steamy scene early in the game perhaps) and does nothing at all for the story or the characters even and nothing really ever comes of it (yet).

    I wish there was a little more actual romance between the MC and most of the females in this game. I am also not a huge fan of the sleep sex aspect when the MC wakes up in the morning only to find one of the girls having sex with him. This feels odd and further emphasizes the somewhat random nature of the sex scenes, since these things happen out of the blue with little actual build-up and more or less without actual consent, not that the MC really minds it of course, but these things should really have a more intimate and romantic setting perhaps to establish at least some connection to the various LIs. In short: this game lacks a bit of love and tenderness between the MC and the females.

    This being a Honey Select game you cannot expect photorealism, but the HS models are all very pretty and each girl (and the MC) are unique. Body proportions are normal, which is always positive.

    There are some sandbox elements here I am not a great fan of, but it's also nothing that is too distracting, however, it's recommended to always quick save because if you happen to meet the character you are supposed to meet too early you can miss out on some scenes with other characters. And there is no hint system really where to find people. You do usually know however where the person is you are supposed to find. Still, I feel the sandbox could have been removed entirely, since you only get to explore the hotel anyway and most rooms are usually empty and offer no content. But there are only a couple of sandbox sequences and if you quick save or roll back you can easily find all the content without missing out on something.

    I would recommend you give this VN a try if you like a good mystery and a story driven VN that doesn't put the emphasis on the sex scenes or romance. If you look for more actual romance and maybe even love between the characters then this VN - so far - is a bit underwhelming, but of course there is always a good chance future updates may introduce more actual romance and meaningful relationships that are not just about more or less random sex.

    So, to sum it all up, if you like a good mystery, an interesting story and can live with the fact that the actual harem and romance aspect of the game feels a bit underwhelming (so far, always subject to change in future updates!) then "Weird Shit...." is absolutely worth checking out!
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the absolute best erotic VNs I've played in a LONG time. The story is really intriguing without overly explaining itself, which can be weakness even in amazing VNs. I never felt the need to fast forward through events and dialogues, which doesn't happen often. I really can't wait to see how it ends, I'm here for the ride!
  17. 3.00 star(s)


    Played until V 0.5, it was a really good game i enjoyed it a lot and its clear the dev has talent. I seriously debated myself for a higher rating but the game has a series of small issues that i dislike and in the end they add up.

    Lets start with the good things, as i said clearly the dev is talented, story is engaging and well written, character design and dialogues are on point as well. Renders and animations are good (played 4k version) and the ladies look quite beautiful except for a couple (Nara, Liv and Noir).

    Now for the stuff i dislike, main issue for me is the poorly implemented sandbox, right now its just mindless clicking on empty locations and crossing fingers that you are not losing content. I don't like sandbox but i wouldn't complain if it was properly implemented, maybe adding a marker of who is where.
    Second big issue is the lack of meaningful choices, this is particularly bad since the game has a lot of molestation and a rape scene (which we cant skip, we can only chose to keep watching). Most choices are for flavor and we cant pick which LIs we don't want to pursue (Nara in my case) i could overlook for a couple characters if they are integral for story but i would still like a little choice for the rest, this also makes me feel like sandbox is a little more useless than usual.

    TL;DR: I would rate this game a 6/10 but it could be a 8 or a 9 if sandbox is removed or improved, it had more meaningful choices, also as a minor thing i wold like to see a slider for auto-forward and music.
    Overall i highly recommend the game since its a WIP but i can recognize its not for everyone.
  18. 5.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 2368932

    This was a really pleasant surprise. I'm usually not a fan of Honey Select harem games and only gave this a go because Recreation's name is on it. Happy to say it's really good. It's well written with some genuinely funny moments and an intriguing and mysterious story. Also family love is cool. It looks decent by Honey Select standards, but don't play this expecting top tier visuals. There's a decent amount of sexual content, just don't come here looking for some kind of fapfest, there's a lot of story in between the bumping of uglies. It being Honey Select the lewd scenes and animations obviously aren't anything mindblowing, but I nontheless found them surprsingly arousing. All in all, good job Rec!
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    Came in , no expectation , thinking the name is quite funny and the quality looks good , stumbles on a hidden gem and i'm so happy that i did .
    First off the story , its honestly the best part , i skipped through the first 2 minutes thinking its gonna be some generic bullshit until we get to the porn , but from the hilarious "are we there yet "Easter egg to the hints about the very shady hotel the MC is going to , i was intrigued , and then BAM ! weird shit happens XD .
    I don't wanna spoil it to anyone that might read this , as of 0.5 its a really good game , the story is top tier and a lot of fun , renders are great , girls are all distinct and actually full of life not just random chicks to get banged , ( still a porn game but love the ones that make the characters stand out and let them be remembered ) and good sex scenes overall .
    Love to see the final product !
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    Review for v0.5

    I love both games developed by this dev , I enjoy this more because of the uniqueness of this story compared to other games in this forum and weird things that happens in this game than the other game . The female models look amazing and H scenes are great . The only negative in this game is Free roam could use some help with hints or an option to proceed further story only when we finish exploring all rooms with content so we don't miss them . Anyway it is a great game , looking forward to future more weird updates .