Hi Callie, thanks for your continued work on this! Had to play it right away

I did encounter some bugs which I think limited my experience a bit, here are some possible bugs and general thoughts as well!
*** Bugs ***
- As mentioned by another poster above, I teleported to stage 2 upon starting the new stage. In fact it was a full stage 2 (fought the boss again), and after completing that, I could go to the new stage, but in exploration mode. If I'm reading the changelog correctly, I'm assuming this is wrong and that there is a standard progression and boss before exploration mode is supposed to be enabled for the city?
I'm guessing maybe my save game was in an unexpected state that caused this teleportation issue.
- The tourist girl starts off injured for me (180 hp). And I didn't get any tutorial on elements. I'm guessing this is related to the teleportation issue.
- From reading your changelog, there's supposed to be an old man in the market that explains how to skip. He isn't in the market for me.
*** Random thoughts ***
- I LOVE that you added addictions. That said, I don't think it's sustainable to display them as status effects, especially given the number of addictions you've got lined up. It's already cluttering the in-combat "real" status effects. It would be good to have the addictions shown somewhere else instead (even if it's a little clunkier, like using an item).
I also share similar concerns as other posters regarding how addictions are managed. That'll be an interesting area to think about.
- I also love that while the game is foot-focused (great in itself), you're still balancing with some other material. Some of my favorite scenes you've created are actually the pure seduction stuff (e.g. from the two succubi, and the secret twins). Your general creativity in these scenes is also really fun (the tourist girl camera scenes were super original!), so I hope you'll keep up the great work.
- Did I miss a tutorial on the status effects like hazed, etc. ? I have no idea what they do.
- Balance-wise, the roller girl seems VERY strong compared to the other enemies. Her evasion rate is just crazy to me. Though perhaps there is some counter-play to that that I haven't understood.
I hope to share more thoughts once I've seen all the content!
On a meta-level, I'm glad you're receptive to the feedback here. Sorry to hear some of it was not-so-friendly but glad that hasn't shaken you! Hope you know that for every jerk there are many more real fans (silent or not). And I hope you're able to account for the feedback without over-indexing on it at the expense of your vision for the game