The game is nice and all the girls are very good made.
The only thing that bothers me is that the MC is the most stupid and annoying thing i have ever seen in a game.
For me he is not funny most of the time and every time he talk or he thinks he is more ridiculous and on top of his stupidity he is the greatest coward i have ever see he just pisses me off unimaginably but except of the stupid,annoying and coward MC the game is good and i like to see all these anime girls in one place (game) very good idea.
Another thing is that as the overview say when the MC make love to all the girls then the curse will be over.
So i assume with logic all the girls will let him and return to their own worlds and he will return to his own and continue his useless life like a fool with the only difference that this time he is no longer a virgin hahaha so more or less we know from the beginning what the ending will be......
I only hope as the game keep going the MC will change for the better at least in physical condition because now he looks like a child.
Of course this is my opinion and nobody needs to agree with me

I hope the dev will not be annoyed about my comments for the MC he certainly has his reasons for make him like that
and i just do not see that reason yet.
I am sorry for my bad english and keep up the good work dev.