
Jul 7, 2019
I love the game. But outside of magic succeding in combat in the beginning is hell. Story mode even more so...


Oct 22, 2017
just missing last warlock ( i think it has something to do with tentacles based on assets) ghost (dunno) and the third arachne now ( i think four egg image instead of two egg) if anyone knows how to get these please reply. did find warlock combat animation when your lying on your front she will press you into the bed. does not unlock a pervert scene however sadly.
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Jul 18, 2017
aww a new one . welp heres the profile for the previous version ( ). 99.9% scenes (scenes go above 100% so backup and delete if you want to keep getting hints) is missing form pervert gallery Final warlock,final ghost, third arachne and final dark knight. all believed to be exclusive to story version feel free to attach to OP if ya want.
where is the save location?
edit : nevermind found it
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Oct 22, 2017
so upon checking the encounters.json and searching around in the warlock ghost and spider areas. ghost has a cg that is not shown in pervert. (hero erect and cumming no cage) and cannot add to pervert with adding foreground name. spiders 4 egg cg is not available and does not even appear in the encounters as a foreground and is used to mainly show the internal pics (which lack an x-ray toggle) though this one i was able to manually add into profile via Spider_Oviposition2 tag. warlock i'm certain is the animated scene where you are pushed flat onto the bed. unfortunately i cannot figure out that ones tag and it does not appear in encounters.json as a foreground as its combat only. imma keep working on it


Oct 22, 2017
Good news i was able to add the ghosts cum image (permutations such as caged/flaccid/both not in PERVERT so go play out the fight.) Bad News i cannot find the warlocks tag for pounding hiro flat onto the bed so ill have to go with random guesses. in meantime enjoy a 100.2% save file with every Pervert scene but Warlock Final (for search help purposes Warlock 9 , Warlock Nine , Warlock Pound Flat) EDIT: for those that want to see the warlock scene get into combat with warlock. get hiro to be face down ass up then play it out and eventually you will see the warlock press hiro into the bed. EDIT 2: sorry guys ive tried all the permutations i can think of and nothing worked. so unless someone can dig into the warlocks combat data and find the animated image tag that plays upon Prone Bone we will never have a full pervert gallery. this is the most filled we got. enjoy it. EDIT : outdated see further in thread for one with warlock scene.
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New Member
Nov 6, 2019
I really enjoy the combat system just really wish their was more scenes for the player being dominant and maybe not just futas though still really fun too play! I appreciate the frequency of updates!


Oct 22, 2017
I really enjoy the combat system just really wish their was more scenes for the player being dominant and maybe not just futas though still really fun too play! I appreciate the frequency of updates!
make your character elf blood. then visit healing pond lady. dont drink. visit again. also the brothel madam
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