So I think I fucked up with Kylira's questline regarding the Goblin.
What do I need to edit in the save file in order to undo getting egged by Selkie? Or is that not possible?
A guide for windows users (dunno about other systems, i mainly use windows).
Do a quicksave or just a normal save, windows + r and type %appdata%, open up folder "Roaming" and find the TalesOfAndrogyny folder, do a backup of the savefile before you edit it incase you goof something up, the game will delete the savefile if that happens.
Now open up the Quicksave.json (or Save1.json or whatever the number of your save it), ctrl+f and search for "questFlags" (can be with quote marks or without, doesn't matter since it's actually "questFlags" inside the file) and look for all of the mentions about goblin and turn them either into 0 which will make the game unlist it when you load it, or just delete the entire line, but do not leave an empty space, that will fuck up the savefile.
ctrl+s when you're done, go back to the game, load the save and that should do it, it will however reset the Selkie encounter completely so you need to find her for the first time.