I just gave the story mode a chance and damn is it good. The scenes may be even better than the playground mode, but I can't seem to go pass the ghost bride, how do you deal with her? No ammount of attacking lowers her health and seducing doesn't work either. I've even beaten Urka and all, but the ghost bride is impossible, I'm sure there's something I'm missing.
I never thought I'd say this about any game, but ToA is updating way too fast for me to keep up.
Reason im saying this is finding myself with much less time to squander these days, which means i cant keep up with the new content being released.
Im currently ~5 updates behind and when Im finally able to get around to it, ill have to open a changelog spreadsheet on the second monitor with the new stuff to check out, like filling out a to-do list, because of completionist OCD.
This time around we've got the Generic Missionary animation (only one more to go before we implement generic animations in battle!) as well as some updated Cottage Trainer music. We've also reduced the filesize of the game, along with its memory requirements and load times, by optimizing the assets in a number of ways - lossless compression on the pngs (including for animations), slightly lossy compression for the music and jpegs, and a new, more efficient format for the animations. This should increase performance and lead to fewer issues, particularly on Android, but also just for downloading the game off Dropbox.
As always, changelog is below, and convenience downloadlinks below that. Support Majalis on
Question is, why did you even play java version in the first place instead of doing the unthinkable and reading the OP, where you can find out how to play without ever needing to even install java?
But to answer your question, i honestly do not know, but tbh the game isn't that long and if you want you can edit the save file rather easily, since it's just a .json file, even with my level of coding (which it would be extremely generous to call it potato-tier, i cannot see the brunette, the blonde or the redhead).
There is no windows or java build - it's the same game, and everything works the same. It's not like Minecraft, where the Java edition is written in Java and has a completely different codebase and features from Bedrock edition, which was rewritten in C++ from the ground up.
The only difference is whether the java runtime you're using is the one that comes packaged with the game (if you run the .exe, the "windows build", which runs the .jar with the packaged runtime) or if you're running it with your own java runtime (if you run the .jar directly with a specified java runtime, often defaulted to your system-installed java). If you try to do the latter it has to be with a compatible java runtime, which at present is java11+. Eventually we'll update it to java16/17+, most likely, as java11 was just a stable stepping stone.
[QUOTE = "wizard_of_oz ، نشر: 8249249 ، عضو: 2904026"]
هل هناك طريقة لمقابلة امرأة الأفعى مرة أخرى؟
لقد صادفتها مرة واحدة ، وفشلت في الشيكات وانتهت اللعبة ، ولكن بعد ذلك قمت بتحميل الحفظ من قبل وتجنبتها وهي لا تزال لا تظهر؟ لقد رأيت هنا أنه من المفترض أن تكون لقاء لمرة واحدة ، لكنني قمت بتحميل الحفظ بعد أن قتلتني وتجنب هذا الموقع حتى وصلت إلى المستوى الكافي لاجتياز الشيكات ...
أعتقد أن ما أسأله هو ما إذا كانت امرأة الأفعى تواجه مسارات عبر تصديات أم لا. كان لديه نفس المشكلة مع النجا. Your save
So far I found a scene with werewolf and a tail plug and enchanments on a plug give additional dialogue lines with slime lovedart, brigand, goblin, and there's something with orc and trudy companions, but i can't get it
i used that key to open up that cock cage or whatever its called. But apparently options that say "free cock" are still greyed out even tho im not caged anymore, is that a bug ?
i used that key to open up that cock cage or whatever its called. But apparently options that say "free cock" are still greyed out even tho im not caged anymore, is that a bug ?
i cant remember of the top of my head havent touched this game for a while, will prolly give it another shot in a month or 2 probably one of my favourite adult games but only so many hours in a day.
i think the 3 things that do this are the cage (which you said you unlock and i assume unequipped), the cursed armour you get from the outpost and the warlock feminisation.
Again im not 100% on this but i think the fire elemental can weld your cage shut but i might be imagining that
so apparently it was some curse i did with alma, its in first stage tho and i never did more than that in the castle where she tells you to totally make your pepe unusable, can i revert that somehow ?
i cant remember of the top of my head havent touched this game for a while, will prolly give it another shot in a month or 2 probably one of my favourite adult games but only so many hours in a day.
i think the 3 things that do this are the cage (which you said you unlock and i assume unequipped), the cursed armour you get from the outpost and the warlock feminisation.
Again im not 100% on this but i think the fire elemental can weld your cage shut but i might be imagining that
so apparently it was some curse i did with alma, its in first stage tho and i never did more than that in the castle where she tells you to totally make your pepe unusable, can i revert that somehow ?