
New Member
Feb 16, 2019
Thief's invisible is too OP! I just keep making potions and stack poison while staying invisible, then clear all stages.


Aug 13, 2021
I've been playing so many female protag rogue-like lately, I wish there's more love for male protag in these genres


May 19, 2017
Well, it was somewhat fun at first, but figuring out the best way to cheese it is just way too obvious.
And then you do exactly the same every single fight.

Warrior was a nothingburger - just buff your attack and spam AOE.
Priestess, I actually died first - until I found out about the Bee Spirit card and had it do 40+ AOE damage every turn, while I just tanked all hits with free heals.
Rogue was just staying hidden all game, never being hit by anything, while playing Potion Brewing Simulator. Later on Poison Cloud (buy as many as you can) killed all small enemies and, after brewing 20 potions every single fight, Leftovers Poison Dart killed all big enemies. I even destroyed all my physical attack cards, because they're useless, due to their reliance on multiple Strength Potions.

The game is basically a proof-of-concept demo, that needs extensive balance changes, more content and an actual story.
You're not wrong, and those are definitely the easiest ways to clear the game.

But there's other builds that players can try...clunkily. Warrior has several cards that focus on the shield stat, and there are shields that stack pretty big numbers--that build could potentially nuke battlefields in a few turns, if I'm reading the descriptions right. Priestess has several locked cards that look interesting--the grind isn't worth it, so the devs may want to swap some things around. I don't actually know how they work. Providence and the fatigue cards are amazingly OP once you get enough of them (seriously, with the rite of cleansing, overcharge, and maxed out providence cards you can shuffle your whole fucking deck in a single turn without drowning in fatigue cards).

And Rogue's weapons are pathetically weak because strength potions are free to drink. Throw some weakness bombs on top of that and she can do as much damage as the Warrior...for two turns. Her whole "prepare and buy time" thing is really annoying, but that's what the alchemy card is for--doubling the output of your brewing. Her design is the most problematic, I think everyone here agrees on that.

And all of this made me realize that the game doesn't allow players to really explore these options. You kind of have to stumble your way into different builds while playing the same maps and battling the same enemies over and over as you unlock new cards...having the ability to pick and choose which cards your character starts off with would change that.

I don't disagree with anything you're saying. Maybe I got too excited by the things I liked and didn't pay enough attention to what I didn't. Thanks for the insight, man.


Jul 26, 2017
Good game but as others pointed out it's super obvious very quickly which build is completely broken for which character. Otherwise enjoyable but it misses content and customizability. Definitely needs a lot more lewd content to be a real porn game, for example actual lewd decks that defeat the enemies by exhausting them. Lewd attacks from the enemies, etc. deckbuilding to start off the game, some progress that carrries over meaningful between runs etc. lots of potential
Jan 22, 2023
My first game and I got a practical infinite lol. 1 energy +4 strength draw 2? 0 energy love 5 health and get 3 energy? Use 1 health potion per fight and 0 energy +6 strength to make each cycle more impactful and first turn kill every fight. Except for undead, they need two turns I guess.

Ok in gameplay department but utterly severely lacking in porn department. Gallery is miserably small, no battle fuck.


Dec 9, 2017
A very exciting game. 1 time even played after the opening of all the art. It took only a very long time to play for the robber, it took 3 hours to pass for her.


Jul 11, 2018
Not a whole lot of content, but man the quality is there.

The plot reminds me of a doujin I've seen a few years ago, with an elf huntress "taming" some monster, but I can't remember its name.


Nov 19, 2020
Fun game, spend the whole day playing it.
Warrior is the worst of the bunch, weak, died 5 times before completing a run, potions and set back help me through the final run, potion preparation is god like, giving you healing and recovering energy for just the cost of 1 point.

Priestess: Better than the Warrior, took me 2 runs to finish a successful run, there is a spirit that has wings that basically do pierce damage, and since so late in the run most enemies have a ton of shield this is the perfect spirit to invest in, I don't know the guy with the bees did to buff up bees up to 40 since they are so weak the only do 2 damage, and they cannot pierce through shields, at first you struggle to gain faith, but they are some pretty neat cards after the first stage to maintain your spirits in the field and then straight forward after that just make sure your main spirit is buff, and you are healed.

Rouge: absurdly broken, just took me 1 attend to complete the run, (although it took me the most time, stalling isn't fun)
hide is straightforward invincibility and since anxiety only takes 2 points for every attack against you the maximum damage you can take times 4 enemies is 8, there is also a pendant called the priestess's gist that heals you 5 points if you don't use it and some maps only have 2 enemies you basically don't lose health, after that is just knowing when to poison and when to hide.

I wish it have more characters, the tentacle porn is boring, never have like tentacle porn, wish there was male to female sex, and also some lore and narrative to the game, that would be a 10/10, besto geemu.
Last edited:


Jan 22, 2019
I built a priestess deck that drew the entire deck turn one and then i used the 0 cost spell that grants 2 ap at the cost of 2 fatigue cards + the 1 cost draw 4 card to generate infinite mana and loop through the spells i wanted to cast over and over so basically turn one I would have 4 summons with full faith and every enemy had enough of the enfeebling debuff to one shot them, and the giant handful of fatigue cards i generated doing this i would just remove with the 1 cost consumable spell that removes them all xD
  • Haha
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New Member
Dec 7, 2016
Is it finished? Very cool but not long game :(
Devs on the steam forum said they plan to add more content, but that it's a 2 person team so they have to prioritize, who knows if they'll actually do anything substantial though.

Fun game, spend the whole day playing it.
Warrior is the worst of the bunch, weak, died 5 times before completing a run, potions and set back help me through the final run, potion preparation is god like, giving you healing and recovering energy for just the cost of 1 point.

Priestess: Better than the Warrior, took me 2 runs to finish a successful run, there is a spirit that has wings that basically do pierce damage, and since so late in the run most enemies have a ton of shield this is the perfect spirit to invest in, I don't know the guy with the bees did to buff up bees up to 40 since they are so weak the only do 2 damage, and they cannot pierce through shields, at first you struggle to gain faith, but they are some pretty neat cards after the first stage to maintain your spirits in the field and then straight forward after that just make sure your main spirit is buff, and you are healed.

Rouge: absurdly broken, just took me 1 attend to complete the run, (although it took me the most time, stalling isn't fun)
hide is straightforward invincibility and since anxiety only takes 2 points for every attack against you the maximum damage you can take times 4 enemies is 8, there is also a pendant called the priestess's gist that heals you 5 points if you don't use it and some maps only have 2 enemies you basically don't lose health, after that is just knowing when to poison and when to hide.

I wish it have more characters, the tentacle porn is boring, never have like tentacle porn, wish there was male to female sex, and also some lore and narrative to the game, that would be a 10/10, besto geemu.
Funny, I had the exact opposite experience, though I did one shot every character.

Warrior was both the fastest and the easiest, just spamming strength + card draw, energy regen, and aoe attacks.
Priestess was slow but steady spamming buffs on bees with lots of card draw and energy restoration, and the 0 cost heal + aoe attack debuff for defense.
Rogue was just painful until I got a bunch of the draw 3 restore 2 energy cards, then I just drew my entire deck turn 1 spamming a ton of free clouds until I thinned my deck enough to basically go infinite with the energy hero power and pocket watches from secret pocket. I actually ended up removing all my hide cards because I had basically infinite healing and armor from secret pocket.
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May 20, 2022
You know you play too many porn games when you recognize that this game has a copy of Lily from Subverse's moans, you can tell its a recording from the game quite easily.


Apr 19, 2018
Just finished my first 2 runs as Shryke. I'm a little disappointed with how easily an early exponential or even infinite turn 1 damage loop can be achieved.
The game seems to fall into the same trap as other indie deck-builder roguelikes, 0 cost cards and card draw are too powerful. With 1 health potion, 2-3 mana potions or potion packs, a jab and 2 warden's resolves you are immediately set for turn two kills once you have a couple of them upgraded and enough trips to the shopowner to get rid of your other cards, which is usually early in the second map.
These are common cards
And if you pull tight maneuver you have a loop that your potion packs/health potion let you loop to kill everything on the screen well before you are actually running out of healing from the potions.


New Member
Jul 8, 2023
Why's the priestess' breast nerfed in battle than in the images shown...
They destroyed the design of the hottest character in the game. Very disappointing. It's a fake ad. I bet Steam forced them to change that design.


Copy paste of steam post:

Priest clothes
I was wondering what happened to the priest character's clothes? She used to wear such a revealing outfit and was so... boobalicious. Now she's completely covered. Here are the old and new screenshots from the Steam page itself:

Character selection screen:

Before -

After -

Battle screen:

Before -

After -

I love the art in this game but her old design was so much better imo. Would love to see it back if possible.



Dec 6, 2018
i too thirst for the old priestess look, and would love it if there was a way to have use it somehow.
3.80 star(s) 110 Votes