what the heck?! what are the odds of this.
Was in a mood for female MC getting corrupted (i especially like ones where a character starts out with 100 purity and drains it by 1 or 2 at a time and certain events are gated behindx them, an amazing subgenre), so i searchedcorruption on F95 and saw '
https://thef95zone.info/threads/rookie-k...ged-through-hypnosis-v1-0-drill-sakika.82802/', Remembering it being quite hot many months ago and searched to see if they had another game, and apparently i timed it within 5 days of their 2nd game coming out. wacky~
anyways, +1 and i hope it gets released soon, i just hope the game is harder than the last one. My biggest problem with their first game is that i want my character to lose, but i want to try to win, but game 1's character was way too overpowered for that