Unity Abandoned Taste of Seduction [v0.3.2 Early Access] [Global Games Network]

4.00 star(s) 34 Votes


Jun 15, 2020
Really need help with concacting Charlott,maybe there is a sequence when to call her? Cause this game has a bug,if you clean office and MC says "Maybe i should call her,no im just gonna wait" and the game says to contact Charlott,all she does is transfer money to MC and the game ends no contacts are listed on the phone....playing the game for the 5th time in a row ....

Alright,nevermind....such a dumbass...didnt realise that the safe was a puzzle i thought the code was hidden somewhere and will be opened later in the game....

Jonah Arkon

Active Member
Sep 22, 2017
First off great art work, however you might what to use a different color font in most of your scenes. As white on white makes it hard to read. Thus, it makes the story seem choppy and incomplete as key dialog is missing however pressing V for voice activation helps but still one losses the text. Hope this does not cause you to much rework, just thought I would point out a darker text would help on those kind of scenes. I.e. white text on white back ground or a dark back ground with dark text.


Jun 9, 2017
don't know if it's know, but when i do the pool again, later in the days, all the old quest are set again, like cleaning the office or having to do the neighbor swimming pool

Global Games Network

Game Developer
Jun 13, 2021
Taste of Seduction to close due to lack of funds


As the title suggests, the Taste of Seduction project is over. Unfortunately lack of money and support has led us to take the decision to close this project.

We raised the alarm last month on Patreon that we needed support and nothing happened. As I said last month, we are simply spinning in a circle. If at the end of the month we have 280 patreons, at the beginning of the next month 150 patreons withdraw and we always start again. At the beginning of each month, we are left with 130-150 patreons and $1.300 and at the end of the month we end up with $2.000, which doesn't even come close to covering the company's expenses. To give you an idea of what we are talking about, the co-founders of this game have not even made $1 profit from this game, to buy a coffee.

And this happens month after month. We get to $2000 profit at the end of the month, the next month we start again at $1300 and so on, and we go around in circles with absolutely no progress.

Our team invested a lot of financial resources, time, passion, seriousness and we really wanted to bring something revolutionary to the market, but unfortunately we didn't get the support we needed. We made a commitment that month after month we would release an update and that's what we did, there wasn't a month that we didn't come up with a new version even though sometimes the update was with less content, but we took it seriously and delivered what we promised.

The proof that we have always been honest and transparent is now. We could have not announced anything officially, and for a month or two, some people would still pay the subscription on Patreon, but we are not like that and we would not be happy with $1000 when the total investment of the project is over $80,000. We, the co-founders, came out at a total loss without making any profit. All the money taken out of Patreon was invested in the project and employees, but it covered a very small part and we still had to take money out of our pocket to support the project.

As for the fact that we promised the game would be on Steam, we haven't forgotten. From January to the beginning of May we did all the legal steps to launch the game on Steam. That's almost 5 months of dozens of filled out forms, legislation and feedback to be able to publish the build on Steam. When we had one last step to release the game on Steam, one last person who checked our game didn't agree to let it go on the grounds that there was a character that would look like a minor. A made up reason, without justification and written in two sentences. Not to mention the fact that the first time the game was checked by another person, who didn't notice this problem and said that everything was fine, we just needed to make small changes to some aspects. I mean remove the Patreon link from the game and details like that, no way such a serious accusation. But the last person probably has a sick mind or played another game. Otherwise, our team can't imagine how you could think one of our models looks like a person under 18. I sent the ticket to Steam again, and after almost 10 days I haven't received a reply. They effectively mocked us and made up a reason to ban our game.

A last chance to continue the project would be a sponsorship or an investor to help us continue the project. If someone reading this message is willing to help this project with the amount of $2.000-$2.500 monthly, then we have a chance to continue, if not we will make the decision to close this project for good. The total costs per month of this project amount in total to $4.500, depending on the month, outsourcing, assets and other details. If there are interesting people to collaborate on the sponsorship side, you can write us privately. We don't want to be misunderstood, but actually we have been coming for a year and a half with money from our own pocket to support this project. We can't do this indefinitely without support or help.

However, it seems that in this adult games industry, gamers prefer 2005 visual novels to supporting innovative projects worthy of 2022. In that case, don't expect serious projects in this field to revolutionize the industry or come up with something new. Not to mention serious companies investing in this field. I myself realized after this unpleasant experience why there are no serious projects or games worthy of the year 2022 in the field of adult games.

There would be a lot to say, but I will limit myself to this. Thank you very much to the people who supported us and who had faith in this project, but it seems that we were very few compared to the complexity of the project.

Have a nice day!
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Well-Known Member
Jul 24, 2021
However, it seems that in this adult games industry, gamers prefer 2005 visual novels to supporting innovative projects worthy of 2022.
I mean i have a pretty decent PC and i barely ran your game on max settings so myeah i, (we) do prefer '05 visuals to the detriment of a very poorly optimized game which if you play it on low settings looks like a '05 game...
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Active Member
Dec 11, 2020
Taste of Seduction to close due to lack of funds


As the title suggests, the Taste of Seduction project is over. Unfortunately lack of money and support has led us to take the decision to close this project.

We raised the alarm last month on Patreon that we needed support and nothing happened. As I said last month, we are simply spinning in a circle. If at the end of the month we have 280 patreons, at the beginning of the next month 150 patreons withdraw and we always start again. At the beginning of each month, we are left with 130-150 patreons and $1.300 and at the end of the month we end up with $2.000, which doesn't even come close to covering the company's expenses. To give you an idea of what we are talking about, the co-founders of this game have not even made $1 profit from this game, to buy a coffee.

And this happens month after month. We get to $2000 profit at the end of the month, the next month we start again at $1300 and so on, and we go around in circles with absolutely no progress.

Our team invested a lot of financial resources, time, passion, seriousness and we really wanted to bring something revolutionary to the market, but unfortunately we didn't get the support we needed. We made a commitment that month after month we would release an update and that's what we did, there wasn't a month that we didn't come up with a new version even though sometimes the update was with less content, but we took it seriously and delivered what we promised.

The proof that we have always been honest and transparent is now. We could have not announced anything officially, and for a month or two, some people would still pay the subscription on Patreon, but we are not like that and we would not be happy with $1000 when the total investment of the project is over $80,000. We, the co-founders, came out at a total loss without making any profit. All the money taken out of Patreon was invested in the project and employees, but it covered a very small part and we still had to take money out of our pocket to support the project.

As for the fact that we promised the game would be on Steam, we haven't forgotten. From January to the beginning of May we did all the legal steps to launch the game on Steam. That's almost 5 months of dozens of filled out forms, legislation and feedback to be able to publish the build on Steam. When we had one last step to release the game on Steam, one last person who checked our game didn't agree to let it go on the grounds that there was a character that would look like a minor. A made up reason, without justification and written in two sentences. Not to mention the fact that the first time the game was checked by another person, who didn't notice this problem and said that everything was fine, we just needed to make small changes to some aspects. I mean remove the Patreon link from the game and details like that, no way such a serious accusation. But the last person probably has a sick mind or played another game. Otherwise, our team can't imagine how you could think one of our models looks like a person under 18. I sent the ticket to Steam again, and after almost 10 days I haven't received a reply. They effectively mocked us and made up a reason to ban our game.

A last chance to continue the project would be a sponsorship or an investor to help us continue the project. If someone reading this message is willing to help this project with the amount of $2.000-$2.500 monthly, then we have a chance to continue, if not we will make the decision to close this project for good. The total costs per month of this project amount in total to $4.500, depending on the month, outsourcing, assets and other details. If there are interesting people to collaborate on the sponsorship side, you can write us privately. We don't want to be misunderstood, but actually we have been coming for a year and a half with money from our own pocket to support this project. We can't do this indefinitely without support or help.

However, it seems that in this adult games industry, gamers prefer 2005 visual novels to supporting innovative projects worthy of 2022. In that case, don't expect serious projects in this field to revolutionize the industry or come up with something new. Not to mention serious companies investing in this field. I myself realized after this unpleasant experience why there are no serious projects or games worthy of the year 2022 in the field of adult games.

There would be a lot to say, but I will limit myself to this. Thank you very much to the people who supported us and who had faith in this project, but it seems that we were very few compared to the complexity of the project.

Have a nice day!
There are lots of factors. For me personally I prefer a vn experience so your game didn't entice me to support it. I'm not sure what you consider innovative about this project and I have hardware that can run it at highest settings, but the reason most of us here don't like games overall is because we are here to relax and enjoy a story and some nice lewds. I found walking around in your game to be tedious and not fun. AVN's are what most people prefer with a few choices along the way in varying degrees, not to mention this crowd is hard to please because x amount of people want this, and y amount of people want something totally different. Then add in 10 different letters of the alphabet as variables and you've got maybe 10% of the niche fetishes and story elements that people are looking for. I admit this was different but not in a good way. You could have easily made an rpgm and managed your expenses vs. expectations much easier. I understand you were going for something different, and I'm sorry it didn't work out, but you can't blame people for not liking something that looked like a wannabe VR game. VR is new tech and it's not mainstream yet mostly because the titles available to players are not up to current gaming standards at least imo. That being said I'm sorry it didn't work out for you and good luck in your future endeavors.
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Active Member
Apr 1, 2019
they came inn hard to begin with, they wanted everyone to support them hard, but the last 3 or 4 updates hasent been that good. i liked the first 2 and supported but when i saw that the 3 one was no progress, then i stopped. not waisting money when there was no progress. I even sended 2 messages about changing the View of sex, because u dont see pussy at all on any fuck scene, never got answers, so i stoped mine Patron. But they cant request people to support when they dont make the game like it was "promised" to begin with. GL HF


Jun 27, 2017
Taste of Seduction to close due to lack of funds


As the title suggests, the Taste of Seduction project is over. Unfortunately lack of money and support has led us to take the decision to close this project.

We raised the alarm last month on Patreon that we needed support and nothing happened. As I said last month, we are simply spinning in a circle. If at the end of the month we have 280 patreons, at the beginning of the next month 150 patreons withdraw and we always start again. At the beginning of each month, we are left with 130-150 patreons and $1.300 and at the end of the month we end up with $2.000, which doesn't even come close to covering the company's expenses. To give you an idea of what we are talking about, the co-founders of this game have not even made $1 profit from this game, to buy a coffee.

And this happens month after month. We get to $2000 profit at the end of the month, the next month we start again at $1300 and so on, and we go around in circles with absolutely no progress.

Our team invested a lot of financial resources, time, passion, seriousness and we really wanted to bring something revolutionary to the market, but unfortunately we didn't get the support we needed. We made a commitment that month after month we would release an update and that's what we did, there wasn't a month that we didn't come up with a new version even though sometimes the update was with less content, but we took it seriously and delivered what we promised.

The proof that we have always been honest and transparent is now. We could have not announced anything officially, and for a month or two, some people would still pay the subscription on Patreon, but we are not like that and we would not be happy with $1000 when the total investment of the project is over $80,000. We, the co-founders, came out at a total loss without making any profit. All the money taken out of Patreon was invested in the project and employees, but it covered a very small part and we still had to take money out of our pocket to support the project.

As for the fact that we promised the game would be on Steam, we haven't forgotten. From January to the beginning of May we did all the legal steps to launch the game on Steam. That's almost 5 months of dozens of filled out forms, legislation and feedback to be able to publish the build on Steam. When we had one last step to release the game on Steam, one last person who checked our game didn't agree to let it go on the grounds that there was a character that would look like a minor. A made up reason, without justification and written in two sentences. Not to mention the fact that the first time the game was checked by another person, who didn't notice this problem and said that everything was fine, we just needed to make small changes to some aspects. I mean remove the Patreon link from the game and details like that, no way such a serious accusation. But the last person probably has a sick mind or played another game. Otherwise, our team can't imagine how you could think one of our models looks like a person under 18. I sent the ticket to Steam again, and after almost 10 days I haven't received a reply. They effectively mocked us and made up a reason to ban our game.

A last chance to continue the project would be a sponsorship or an investor to help us continue the project. If someone reading this message is willing to help this project with the amount of $2.000-$2.500 monthly, then we have a chance to continue, if not we will make the decision to close this project for good. The total costs per month of this project amount in total to $4.500, depending on the month, outsourcing, assets and other details. If there are interesting people to collaborate on the sponsorship side, you can write us privately. We don't want to be misunderstood, but actually we have been coming for a year and a half with money from our own pocket to support this project. We can't do this indefinitely without support or help.

However, it seems that in this adult games industry, gamers prefer 2005 visual novels to supporting innovative projects worthy of 2022. In that case, don't expect serious projects in this field to revolutionize the industry or come up with something new. Not to mention serious companies investing in this field. I myself realized after this unpleasant experience why there are no serious projects or games worthy of the year 2022 in the field of adult games.

There would be a lot to say, but I will limit myself to this. Thank you very much to the people who supported us and who had faith in this project, but it seems that we were very few compared to the complexity of the project.

Have a nice day!
Sry but what did you guys expect?
That people rush to support you guys without you having much to show for it?
Every big western erotic game developer started small and it took them years to get to where they are now.
It took AdeptusSteve around 4-5 years to get to where they are now.
Project Helius 4-5 years.
NLT 5-6 years.
DrPinkCake 3-4 years.
MeshedVR 4-5 years.
summertimesaga 5-6 years.
The gold rush on Patreon when it comes to western erotic games has been a thing 5-6 years ago but nowadays people have become more careful (Thanks to many abandoned games and shitty developers) with who they support and when they do that.
And looking at your stats through Graphtreon we can see a pretty normal increase of support for your project with each new update.
You guys were on a steady course to get to where you need to be to cover your expenses but that would have probably taken regular updates to at least the end of this year.
Oh and the drop of supporters at the beginning of each month is normal and happens to everyone just check Graphtreon to see for yourself.
You can of course abandon the game or you just slow down development to maybe an update every 2-3 months until you get to where you need to be financially.
I mean many people do develop their game as a side project to their main job until they earn enough money to quit.


Engaged Member
Jun 25, 2017
Another dev who thought they would be instantly successful and failed, now they are probably gonna abandon it..


New Member
Mar 23, 2019
I supported this game for several months, and I was a little put off by the quality of the last couple of updates. The announcement comes off as a little tone-deaf, blaming patrons for not supporting the game enough, when really, I'm sure there could have been better planning and decision making on the businesses part.

This bit, though, sealed the deal for me:

"To give you an idea of what we are talking about, the co-founders of this game have not even made $1 profit from this game, to buy a coffee."

In any case, I hope that the business owners learn from this and don't waste their energy blaming users for their failure. Good luck on your next projects.


Well-Known Member
Apr 28, 2021
However, it seems that in this adult games industry, gamers prefer 2005 visual novels to supporting innovative projects worthy of 2022. In that case, don't expect serious projects in this field to revolutionize the industry or come up with something new. Not to mention serious companies investing in this field.

I understand some stupid visual novels get much more money than they deserve and I share the feeling, but there is money to be made in this industry and the bar is very low. Many games have a total budget over 1 milion dollars and I wouldn't call them 'good'.

But it isn't enough to create a good game. People need to hear about it. And they need to hear the best parts about the project. It took a year before I noticed this game and, when I did, I thought it would be just another VN trash because of the screenshots.

Global Games Network

Game Developer
Jun 13, 2021
Taste of Seduction continues its development ( the project is not closing )

Hello, seducers!

After long meetings with team members and your feedback, we have taken the decision not to close the project and to see it through to completion. There is too much work, time and money behind this game to simply give up on it. There is too much work, time and money behind this game to simply give up on it.

An important factor was also the fact that after we made the announcement that we were closing the project, a few days later Steam sent us a reply informing us that only the demo version was banned, and that if the final version of the game was ok they would agree to approve it on Steam. That's why we will be extremely attentive to the smallest details in order not to encounter problems or interpretations of the dialogue that could affect the publication of the game on Steam.

So, let's present our vision and plan. It's not a fixed estimate, but we want to have the final version on Steam in 4 months, maybe more. On Patreon we will try to come up with updates, but they will no longer be monthly, but every 2 months, because some administrative changes have been made. In order to keep the project going the programmer has chosen to work on the project until the end, without any money, because we don't have the funds to pay for it, but it will have a percentage of sales on Steam. This means that the developer will work as long as he can and we can no longer guarantee monthly updates. The conclusion is simple, updates every 2 months on Patreon and the final version will be on Steam. If all goes well, we will continue with the 2nd part of the game. In the first part of the final game, there will be sex scenes with absolutely all models, plus the story will be taken to a very interesting area.

Two people wrote to us that they would like to help us with a larger amount of money, but when we contacted them we didn't get any response, so these people who said they wanted to help the project, just stated publicly and that's it, when we wrote to them, we remained in the seen.

We are sorry for the situation created and the fact that many of our supporters were disappointed, but you have to understand that we can not work for free and only invest money from our own pocket, and not exactly a small monthly amount, it is on average 4000$.

If there are serious people who want to help us with larger amounts to develop the project please contact us, but please be serious, not like the people who left us with our eyes in the sun a few days ago. And we are not talking about very large amounts, even 100$ can make a difference. So far we have received absolutely no financial support from anyone after we announced that we are closing the project. Simply the decision to continue the game is taken by our team and that's it. Also, we ask all our patreon who have deleted their subscription if they want to see the game in a final phase, to subscribe to us again. Even if the programmer will not be paid anymore, we still need funds to be able to buy voice over, assets, 3D elements, music, UI plus the people who still work for money for us. The more financial support we have, the faster we can deliver the final game and in better shape. I think most players would love to be throughout the voice over story.

A lot of work is being done by the entire Global Games Network team to bring the project to a successful conclusion. We hope you appreciate all the work, stress and time we put into this project and continue to support us. We have always offered you transparency and honesty!

Thank you once again to our supporters and we are sorry for the inconvenience! So, we'll see you with a new Patreon update in the next period, and at the end you'll be able to buy the game on Steam in its final form.

Have a nice day!
Last edited:
May 25, 2019
This game has a lot of potential and I'm happy that it exists, even in it's current early form.

However... Y'all need to learn some PR. You flip flop and are sometimes outright rude to the community. You make rash decisions without thinking it through properly (The project is dead, may as well cancel your patreons... oh wait, nevermind!).

Sometimes people are dicks about the product. That happens. But you take it personally. Every. Single. Time. Some people will just not like you or the product. Some people are just dicks. That's just how it goes.

If you want to see good PR in action. See House Party, and it's developer, Eek. They've "made it", judging by the Steam sales alone. I doubt they were turning a profit in the early days. Go look at the thread on F95Zone. Plenty of dickheads being unfair to the product; that's just how it goes, but the developers didn't raise to the bait. It's unfortunate that's just how human society is right now. You can either wait for people to grow up (lol) or you can roll with the punches and focus on what is important.

I hope this project goes well. Really, I do. But please, relax a little. Make somethingawesome, and the rest will fall into place, somehow, eventually.
4.00 star(s) 34 Votes